Killer Concept - Raven

Neutralizer Member Posts: 25

This is my first personal creation. All ideas, images, quotes etc are based from my idea. The name may be similar to The Ravenman Ritual or any other Raven, but this one I create by myself with my own lore idea. Although this is inspired from Ravenman reference :). Please, enjoy :)

Sorry if any names that I input is the same with your name. That is a completely accidental.

Killer's name : Rudolph Reagan

Known as : The Raven / The Scarecrow

DLC Chapter : Wheatfield Nightmare

Possible Survivor DLC : -

Possible Map :

Apocalypse Bunker - Cloverfield

Lore Idea :

Rudolph Reagan is a child from John Reagan and Marie Reagan. Both of his parents love him so much. They worked at a farm, peace and quiet. His neighborhood was all kind and peaceful. A place where you want to be.

Well, that peace only lasted for 5 years. An attack came from group of bandits and punks. They raided the village, pillaged anything they could find. They ravaged the buildings for no reason, destroyed all crops and the worse thing, killed almost all villager. John Reagan, Rudolph's father was killed when he tried to defend his field. Rudolph saw it with his naked eyes, the cruelty of the pillagers. Swayed by his rage, he then pick a shovel and hit the bandits, manage to kill 3 of them. But alas, Rudolph was just a mere child and easily beaten by other bandits. They disassemble his body and craft him into a scarecrow. He then placed at the middle of his father's field with rotting body.

The Entity knew that he still had a spirit of revenge, bestowed Rudolph with a power as the "Wheatfield Nightmare". Along with crows as his allies, he seek for those bandits and any other people who dares to disrespect him.


Passive : Spies of Nightmare

With the help of the crows, you will be able to see all crows aura within 56 meters. Once every 40 seconds, a crow will detach to a survivor, bugging them so they can't work on anything and having their perks disabled for as long as the crow remains attached. Passively, the bugging crow will last 20 seconds. Survivor can cast them away for 6 seconds. The aura of bugging crow will be highlighted white to you.

Active : Corpse Guard (M2)

You love to preserve survivors to hang as they become a scarecrow, grants you the ability to cover hooked survivors with crows, making the survivor unavailable to be rescued for 15 seconds. Corpse Guard can only be applied if the survivor is not in struggle phase yet.

Active : Raven (LCtrl)

You unleash the power of the crows. When a survivor is in your terror radius, you can activate Raven and send a force of crows to cover the survivor's eyesight for 5 seconds and all they can see are dark feathers. Crows will flee whenever the survivor is out from your terror radius, perform a struggle or you hit them. Raven can be applied to all survivors which are inside your terror radius. Raven can only be activated when there are crows around 20 meters radius. Raven can't be activated while you are carrying a survivor.

"The crows like you and so is death" - Rudolph Reagan


Corpse Hunt

You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Whenever you hook your obsession, Corpse Hunt activates. As long as the obsession stays on the hook, the crows will bleed them more, speed up the hook timer by 3/4/5%. When your obsession is unhooked, your obsession gains Haste status effect and gain 8/7/6% of movement speed. After your obsession is unhooked and you let them escape (Safe Hook Rescue), you will see your obsession aura for 3/4/5 seconds. Once your obsession is sacrificed/killed, the obsession will bestowed to other alive survivors. Corpse Hunt has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"Like it or not, death will come sooner or later" - Rudolph Reagan

Death Guardian

Death after death, your lust for corpses grows.

For each sacrificed/killed/dead survivor, hook timer will be sped by 2/3/4% when entering struggle phase. The hook timer is paused if you are around 12/16/20 meters of the hooked survivor. Because you are the master of deaths, after the hooked survivor is sacrificed, there is 50/60/70% chance the hook will not be broken.

"I admit he is weird. He loves dead things and perpetuate it" - John Reagan

Hex : Foul Play

A Hex which cause the Death lingers around which tricks survivors.

Survivors who takes Protection Hit will gain you a token (maxed at 3 tokens). How many tokens you have will apply these effects.

1 token : All hooks can't be sabotaged.

2 tokens : All pallets are blocked by The Entity

3 tokens : All windows are blocked by The Entity

Whenever you hit a survivor, you lose 1 token.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

"You fool! You don't play with him!" - The Bandits


  • Gods_Lil_Reject
    Gods_Lil_Reject Member Posts: 10

    I appreciate the custom Perk icons, but overall, this is just a very poorly thought out chapter. I won't spend much time on the backstory, but it's very generic and dull. A Killer becoming the way they are due to the loss of a loved one is a very tired trope. The short length doesn't help it either.

    The Power is needlessly complicated and does WAY too much. It's essentially a mix of Twins, Clown, PH, and Spies From The Shadows. It encroaches on too many killers' niches and comes with too many mechanics to keep track of. I can only imagine how obnoxious some of these mechanics would be playing as this Killer, let alone playing against them.

    Corpse Hunt is also needlessly complicated and seems to encourage tunneling the Obsession. Having a perk solely effect a single survivor is just bad design. It's either poorly worded or poorly thought out.

    Death Guardian is essentially Corpse Hunt but effects every survivor in struggle phase. I appreciate the anti-camping mechanic, but this just seems like a rather mediocre perk. It would only take any meaningful effect with 1-2 survivors dead, since 3 survivors dead means the 4th is automatically dead on hook. I could see this maybe being useful in niche scenarios near late and endgame, but I could easily see it backfiring when survivors are Hook Bombing.

    Lastly, Foul Play seems completely useless. It all relies on if survivors are willing to take protection hits, which is a huge gamble. Survivors are essentially in control of your perk. Unless you're playing against an altruistic SWF, you'll rarely, if ever, get any protection hits in early-mid. There's a reason Forced Penance is universally agreed as mediocre. Against a normal team, this would only take any real effect near endgame, in which most of the time, survivors aren't really using pallets or windows. This is a VERY niche perk that I don't see getting much value.

  • Neutralizer
    Neutralizer Member Posts: 25

    Thankyou for your comments! Yeah for my first idea it may be too similar and yeah i didnt think too much about how it will affects in future use. Thanks anyway, i'll keep improving it!