A Question About Blight Build


Hello everyone, it has been awhile.

Recently I managed to get a PS5 so I’ve been thinking about finally returning to dbd since I’ve heard it runs a lot smoother on this console. I have opened the game a few times, shifting through all of my killers to check out my builds and see how I can change them up a bit, and I was wondering: is infectious fright a decent perk for Blight? My other three perks are trail of torment, dragon’s grip, and whispers but i’m not sure if infectious is worth running in a build like that. I do have undying & ruin but that combination is a bit boring and gets a lot of hate so I wanted to avoid it.

TL;DR Would Infectious Fright work with Trail of Torment, Dragon’s Grip, and Whispers on Blight?


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Dragons Grip is decent, Trail of Torment less so (you scream constantly, so you're easy to track), and Whispers is just absolutely amazing. Plus, Infectious Fright for snowballs.

    Personally, I would run MYC over Trail of Torment if you have it, or PGTW if you want slowdown.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Infectious Fright, Corrupt Intervention, Coulraphobia, Nurse's Calling.

    I haven't tried it out, but here's my thinking about it. Corrupt Intervention is early game pressure as you start working on injuring survivors and breaking early pallets. It keeps the survivors fairly close together early game to allow you to get value from infectious fright, if someone tries to pick up, coulraphobia and nurse's should help you to protect the downed survivor. While Sloppy would generally be considered a better choice than Coulraphobia, it's not consistent enough on Blight due to roughly half of your hits being lethal hits.

    I will say this, this is a high risk build. You are going to lose generators and the best strategy to counter is to split up and work generators. If they force you to 12 hook, you've lost.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Level Freddy for Fire Up. It’s the only perk you need

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    While the build doesn't sound bad at all, keep in mind Infectious Fright does not work when you down a survivor with no terror radius or just having a TR small enough that the survivor isn't within it to scream. IF and ToT aren't a good pair, but you can still use them individually.