Whats a good solo build?

I'm thinking about playing solo (pray for me) and I'm trying to figure out what is a good build for solo?


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    Kindred, Iron Will, Alert and Bond if you want the ultimate Solo build, you always know where your teammates are and where the Killer is, you could also run an Exhaustion perk like Dead Hard or Sprint Burst.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    No mither, iron will, resilience + one free choice, dead hard is an obviously strong choice

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    That's actually really good, I might try that. Although I'm not sure of iron will since I can't play injured for the life of me.

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    I like to Run Inner&Hunch to counter the ever popular Ruin&Undying Combo, as an added bonus it keeps me Healed so that's one less issue.

    For the 3rd perk I run Kindred, so much information it's too good to pass up, plus it helps your team plan saves when you're hooked.

    My last perk varies from how my games have been going up untill a certain point. So I'll play afew games with a Random perk and if I keep seeing Freddy's I'll run technician, if I keep seeing Wraiths I'll run spine chill to prevent him getting the drop on me. Or even if I'm being tunneled alot I'll run DS.

    Good luck, I'm a 100% solo que player and it can be difficult at times

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    All you need is Kindred and DS for information and at least a way to fight back tunneling. Anything else is fine.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,449

    I would take ds. Just to be sure their is a obsession. Kindred is always good. Windows of oppurtunity shows you which pallets are not used.

  • km66
    km66 Member Posts: 111

    Kindred, DS, UB, DH

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Thats good but I usually only take 1 meta perk which is Dead Hard.

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    Kindred is almost a must perk for soloQ, tbh.

    Perhaps DS too, an obsession is always nice so no one gets tunneled into the ground, but not necessary.

    Things like bond I like to switch with kindred too.

    But for an actual build, I call this "SoloQ Gen Rush":

    Prove Thyself: Not bad of a perk, encourages teaming on gens which is usually not good, but if you ever get 3 genned this can potentially push that last gen very fast.

    -Better Together: Let people know "HEY I'm here, don't ######### chase that killer into me" or "Yo I got some prove thyself, c'mere"

    Or instead of Better T: Kindred, so you know where you need to go, Bond also is a very good perk, but I don't like using both kindred and bond, because the power of bond is useless when kindred is up, so I'd rather have one of the two up.

    -Deja Vu: A very decent perk, let's you know for potential tri gens, it helps you and teammates (because Better T) avoid tri gens, and just in general gens too, really good on maps like the game or lery's.

    -Borrowed Time/Dead Hard/Iron Will: All good perks to help you or your team for general situations, Borrowed has good synergy with kindred, and dead hard/iron will is if they have discordance or any gen tracking perk, you can loop them easier.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Kindred, Self Care, Botany Knowledge, Bond.

  • Nullclines
    Nullclines Member Posts: 232

    Like others have said, Kindred is invaluable in helping your team coordinate when you're solo. I'd also recommend thinking about Detective's Hunch: it will inevitably trigger, and lets you easily take out Hexes even if your teammates aren't looking for them. Conversely, if they have cleansed a few dull totems already, the perk will save you from running around large parts of the map only to discover the totem you're looking for has been broken already.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    Kindred is really good in solo queue. I tend to run that and Borrowed Time because I don’t like people getting camped.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    This is the sweatiest you can get, personally it creates bad looping habits but if you get hit through windows a lot or like to run killers regardless of how skilled you are, dead hard, spine chill and resilience and iron will. Or even DS. It was my old build and when I stopped I stopped relying on greed. Plus rank 1 as solo is almost impossible. At least for me because I never get goid luck with teammates and when I do I somehow never do enough to pip or I run the killer too long. But honestly just do what you want experiement with so called meta builds see if you have fun or just random things thats what I do now. I literally played a game peerless and itemless just because

  • SaggyBallzTV
    SaggyBallzTV Member Posts: 4


    I pretty much always stay at Rank 1 when using these as my solo build since they both offer you rectification of a mistake during chase (Dead Hard), information about killer and teammate locations (Kindred), Stealth when needed (Iron Will) and either an extra safe hook rescue (Borrowed) or information on where the next strongest loop is (Windows). Try it out!

    Only reason this does not include DS, by the way, is that at high level play, Killers will mostly respect DS and slug you

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    My goto used to be Resilience + Spine Chill + Iron Will + Unbreakable. But lately I've been running Quick and Quiet + DS + Head On + Borrowed Time. Not sure if these builds are any good, though, lol.

    Although, next update, I think Iron Will + Fixated is going to be really annoying to go against as killer. Mainly because locating survivors is hard enough as it is, Fixated will allow people to get further away faster than the killer will be used to perceiving since people don't use Fixated much.

  • km66
    km66 Member Posts: 111

    Yeah but in solo you need every tool you can get to survive. For me, secondary perks to my main build Kindred, DS, UB, DH are:

    Iron Will, Hope, Adrenaline, Spine Chill, Prove Thyself, and Tenacity.

    I never run self care. Bring a med kit instead.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Kindred with just about anything really. Kindred is definitely a must in solo queue.

    Off the record is an underrated one that can help if your teammates farm you off hook. It also pairs nicely with Object of obsession.

    Sprint burst in case a person farms you off-hook you can at least run away faster.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    No mither to speed up the match.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Kindred to try to help with face campers. I say "try" because randoms might still stand around waiting for a face camper to leave.

    BT for making safe saves.

    WGLF to cut down on the grind. Pairs nicely with BT

    An exhaustion perk for chases.

    A medkit for self healing. I like to switch out something for Pharmacy to farm medkits. If I can't farm medkits I bring Inner Strength or SC because I don't trust randoms to heal me.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    If you're in green ranks or lower rank, I'd recommend Self-Care. But you should also get used to not relying on that, esp if you're in purple/red.

    Adrenaline, Balanced Landing, Borrowed Time, Windows of Opportunity are all solid.

    Perk for endgame, 2 perks that help with chases, BT to help the team in general and provide safe unhooks.

    Can swap Adrenaline or WoO out for the SWF type perk; Kindred. Having your team know everyone else's location is a big advantage.

    Prove Thyself can work against slower kills, esp at early game vs late game. A good killer will likely keep people from teaming up on gens esp towards end game.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 360

    I like this idea, however I feel like both Alert and Bond are not needed. While information is key when playing both survivor and killer, three information perks as a survivor tends to become excessive and one of the slots could be used for something more beneficial, like an exhaustion perk. I'd say that Kindred and Iron Will should definitely be ran but maybe only one of the two other information perks should be used.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    All you need is Left Behind and a purple/pink key 😉

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    For me, since I play permenant solo mode, I always use Kindred in my builds. Let's me see the killer at hooked survivors, and lets them see the killer when I'm hooked. My other perks are usually Inner Strength to get quick heals since there are times either the survivors just run away and don't heal me, or the killer may come darting back and I can go heal myself. Quick and Quiet for leaping into a locker to heal and a 4th perk I usually use for fun. Right now it's Deception which has helped me so many times in a chase.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Ds(you'll be farmed a lot), dead hard(you need to last as long as you can in chase in solo), self care(relying on teammates is pointless), windows of opportunity(there will be a Meghead who will waste half the pallets on the map before first gen pops)

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I have only actually used it once; got pretty good value out of it, but I like using other perks more. It feels weird to look the opposite way where the killer isn't to use a perk.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    My go to build is Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Inner Strength, and Detectives Hunch. I tend to put more focus on totems, so I like Detectives. Works with Inner strength. If I want to focus gens more, I'll swap Detectives out for Dance With Me. It's fun losing a killer like that.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Spine Chill is a must have for me since it helps me avoid getting caught by most killers. It is amazing in solo, you position yourself facing the direction that the killer must come from, wait for it to light up and sneak towards them using cover to hide yourself. I have caused many Spirits who use their power to come to the gen I was working on to waste their time looking behind trees, rocks and in lockers wondering where I went, not expecting that I was walking towards them and not away.

    Plunderers is also another less used perk that I take with me all the time. The tool boxes you get really help in Solo since no one seems to pay attention to gen location and always get us 3-genned. It is also really nice to have since you get green med kits, keys and maps very often from it. I have been having lots of console teammates leave me behind even after busting my butt to rescue and heal them or lead the killer to the other side of the map to help them reset and heal. So now when I get a key from Plunderers, I am out as soon as I see the hatch.

    If you're good at looping, Sprint Burst is a solid perk. Just be aware of where pallets are and get a head start to them when someone like bubba or billy comes with their insta-down.

    Unbreakable is another solid perk since killers are slugging more frequently.

    If you are really good at looping and are also really good at being aware of your surroundings, Iron Will is a good alternative to Spine Chill. It will help you lose killers more often.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    For me I use tec sc iw and a swap out for challenges but I use hope a lot of the time fir the speed boost escapes

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I love love LOVE Open Handed, Bond, Visionary, Windows of Opportunity