Calling all nurse mains

I wish to get better at one of both the strongest killers in the game and to me the most interesting gameplay wise I hope some of you guys can give me some useful tips and until then I'll be working to get better at nurse and hag.


  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542
    edited January 2021

    Don't main her, it's not worth it. That are a whole lot of killers that are so much fun and less frustrating to play.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    If you’re on console it’s gonna be a bit rough, ngl

    Instead of typing out a page of tips n tricks, I’ll jus direct you to the master😉

    SupaAlf is top tier of Nurse players

    this video will help you

    ...I also recommend watching his matches while he’s playing her, you’ll learn a lot

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    As I've recently posted and still getting bashed for doing so... Nurse is really riddled with bugs (either hers, server related or maps with dead zones where you can't blink or can't blink properly).

    BUT you can still main her, just be prepared to a sweat fest every match.

    Watch Marth playing her (either go to his youtube or twitch). Oh Tofu has a pretty simple yet good guide to do the basic stuff with her too, it's a good video to watch.

    What I can say is: almost never blink where the survivor pretend to go when they turn a corner, since most of the time they'll double back. Blink to that corner/place where you lost the sight (is almost always a good strat using the 1st blink to positioning and the second to attack).

    Learn survivors move pattern, PC survivors are more "accostumed" to playing against Nurse, so most of them know what to do to avoid her.

    You don't need ANY chase perks, since her chase is the strongest in the game, but infectious can help with snowball if you fancy slugging (it's always a good strat as nurse).

    If you're learning her, don't feel bad for using a lot of gen defense since you'll take a while to get downs.

    Her best add-ons are recharge time and distance (don't mess with distance add-ons untill you've gained the muscle memory of her blink timings and distance.

    After a blink you have a 2s (ish) window to make a decision (go for a m1, a lunge, another blink or just fatigue) learn how to use it and react accordingly since every blink or m1 that you miss is more time fatiguing.

    Other than that, you'll really need to play her to truly learn her, and be prepare to take a lot of L untill you get the grip.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Ppl will tell you not to play her because of bugs and such but lets be honest what killer doesn't have bugs. She's still one of the funnest killers in the game to play and very rewarding once you learn her. If i had to give you some tips, i would reccomend using i'm all ears/bbq at least when you first start out and be patient with your blinks. Often it is wiser to hold ur second blink and save it rather than hastily using it.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    If you're trying to practice don't do it at high ranks. Only play nurse at high ranks once you think you're good enough. Also while practicing i recommend bringing map offerings for good maps with lots of open space, kinda hard to practice nurse on indoor maps and haddonfield etc.

    I'm no pro with her, but the best piece of advice a can give for actual gameplay is that you need to study how survivors play against you. The key to nurse is to predict what the survivors are gonna do. Are they gonna run back to dodge you? Will they keep running? That's up to the individual survivor and it's your job to figure out which survivor will and won't do that.

    Also don't listen to the people saying to not bother. Yes, it's true nurse is very hard and difficult to learn, but if you're truly willing to get good with her then go for it!

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Play Spirit or Pyramid Head instead.

    Less effort more reward.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    People mostly covered what you need to know and I personally didn’t find her too difficult to learn, but there are some very annoying bugs with her that have been there for a long time and likely won’t get fixed

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    These two are really not easy at all and I’m not sure why you mentioned them over Freddy.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I don’t play Nurse at all, but I do have one piece of advice for you. If a survivor is trying to throw you off by breaking line of sight, use your first blink to close the gap by blinking to the location where LOS was broken rather than where you think they’re gonna go and then use your second blink to react accordingly.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I'm no Nurse main, I did spend a few months learning her to get her achievements and adept though, and in that time I found a lot of survivors will mindgame themselves. I'll get to a loop, be fatigued, and the survivor will vault a window or run the loop right back into me giving me the free hit. A big part of playing her is knowing when to blink. I do second the people who said earlier to watch the guides from Marth, OhTofu, and Supa, I've seen most of them and they helped immensely.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Nurse is best played on console where survivors might have a chance. On PC if you play her a lot you will 4k almost every game and get bored.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Not saying easy. Saying more rewarding for the effort put in.