Who Is The Least Add On Dependent Killer?

Title, I prefer to play a killer that's well rounded and good without Addons, Does anyone fit the bill? If not then who is the most addon dependent killer?
I dont use add ons ever and its fine,.
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Huntress, blight, billy, nurse, freddy, spirit, pig from the top of my head.
For the most addon dependant, most likely wraith and trapper.
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Interesting, which killers do you play?
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I almost never run addons on Myers and Oni, I think they work just fine without them. Of course they´re limited in what they can do this way, but not as much as Trapper, for example, who´s barely playable without a bag.
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I'd say there's quite a few killers that aren't really depending on add ons. Hag, Spirit and Freddy are a few that come to mind. They should make it so there are no addon dependent killers really, but I guess we're slowly getting there with each mid patch when they're reworking a killer.
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Bubba isn't add-on dependent. I'd also that Freddy isn't either.
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Nurse. Some detection/locating perks are all you need.
You don't even need gen slow down perks really since you apply so much pressure there is no need for any.
I would say Freddy actually after that, before even Spirit. Spirit may be a stronger killer but addons help her a lot, Freddy literally has no need his abilities are so spammy already and pallets are not needed at all really when you can puddle spam 24/7.
Hag doesn't need them that much, but they are helpful.
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all of them apart from Nurse (never bothered to learn her yet) and Freddy (I loved old freddy, I hate new freddy).
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I should add Demogorgon is dependent on only brown addons as they are his strongest ones and it's super easy to just have a pile of them. So I don't know if that counts or not.
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Nurse, phead, freddy, blight, spirit, billy
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Probably pyramid head, they barely do anything in the first place.
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Huntress, nurse and hag 100%
Some people say spirit, but if they do they probably don't know the torture of playing addonless spirit.
Huntress doesn't need add-ons if you're good at her, her add-ons just spice things up.
Same with nurse, she's probably the only killer that when you start maining her you don't run any add-ons.
Hag not only isn't addon reliant, but also perk reliant. Otz actually made a really good video about this (killer tier list I believe, but correct me if I'm wrong) and if you watch michi, then you know the power of addonless hag.
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Pretty much any killer exept for wraith, trapper and maybe hag. They are definitely getting better at making newer killers and reworked killers less addon dependent.
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Idk man range add-ons are godly
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Freddy, Nurse, and Huntress are the two that immediately come to mind. The only two really add-on dependent killers are Trapper and Wraith.
People are saying Spirit, while I don’t think she is add-on dependent...she is MUCH better with add-ons. Her add-ons make her more hated to face than she already is. Spirit without add-ons can be a pain to play as against a good team with pressure on gens. A no add-on Spirit can’t have as much map pressure, chase potential, or pressure gens as well as she could with add-ons :/
I usually play Oni and Pig without add-ons and do fine.
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Hillbilly and Nurse are the least add-on dependent Killers.
Other Killers require Add-ons to become viable in high ranks - not these two if you know how to play them.
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He's not dependent on add-ons at all.
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You misunderstand, I mean in terms of if choosing addons he is dependant on pretty much just them. Hence why I said if one even counts that.
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To be fair hillbilly isn't addon dependent because his basekit is semi- decent. That and his addons are complete crap with the exception of a handful of them.
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Yup, that is why I put him on the list, I personally just use 1 engravings and the one for more overheat limit...... Gasp..... They did him dirty....
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For the least add-on dependent imo it's:
- Hillbilly
- Nurse
- Hag
- Huntress
- Cannibal
- Freddy
- Pig (Her brown and yellow add-ons are her best, but they aren't required)
- Spirit
- Blight
- Twins
Then for so-so on add-on dependency.
- Michael
- Doctor
- Clown
- Legion
- Plague
- Ghost face
- Demogorgon
- Oni
- Deathslinger
- Pyramid head
You absolutely can play them very well without add-ons, but you'll need alot more skill and proficiency to do that.
Like everyone's already said, Trapper and Wraith require add-ons the most to play decently.
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I don't really run any Add-Ons on any Killer except Trapper and Wraith. I don't feel that I need them.
I sometimes use different types so I don't always play the same or when I want an easier game.
Best example would be Nurse. When I want to use Add-Ons then I use double recharge or range/recharge.
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But only those. He is one of my mains and I never use Add-Ons.
Firstly, I don't need them.
Secondly, except of his range Add-Ons all other Add-Ons look very dull and are just copy+paste from their previous rarity.
And I don't wanna start with his purples. Every Killer has at least 1 good purple Add-On, but PH be like: "Nah, we don't do purple here."
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I’d say Oni, he’s Great with Add-Ons but also doesn’t need them to win
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He's also my main, and I usually use recharge + duration just because its a comfort to me and helps my playstyld, or double range because they're good.
But I agree his purples and ultra rares are atrocious. Iri seal of metatron should 100% be "Damaging a survivor with Punishment of the Damned inflicts Torment".
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Seconded on Myers. I often go in with no add ons and do well with him.
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It's a lot easier to ask who is the MOST add on dependent cuz (at least in my opnion) most of them are not add on dependant
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yeah nurse without cooldown addons definitely does not work
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Freddy because he already has so much in his base kit.
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Not to be that guy and I don't mean to be rude but then you need more practice with nurse, I'm average at best with her and still do great addonless.
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Despite what the Devs say, no killer should be addon dependent. Addons should change how the killer plays or tweak the power stats. Weakening the killers base to force players to use addons is poor game design.
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Wraith :| but also nurse if youre good and oni and spirit is a good one and huntress if youre good
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I'd say Oni (although some of his add-ons don't do quite much, charge speed and power duration is bonkers so they make quite a difference but he's really not dependant on those) and Nurse.
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before she got destroyed with double cooldowns i had 300 hours on her, i know what im talking about
another reason why it sucks is because they did this update where nurse leaves a trail behind her so survivors know exactly where she is going, thus long range blink became basically irrelevant in chase, as any decently good survivor can dodge them easily
this change was okay because before nurse was very opressive with her blink as noone knew where she is going and there was no cooldown aswell except for fatigue
her addons now are literary garbage, only the cooldown ones are useful and they are a must if you want to win against the good & especially top survivors
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I think you’ll find, given enough time and experience, any killer can he played well without add ons.
I play Clown without add ons a lot.
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I would say hag. She doesn’t need anything, not even perks, to do well.
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But why would you? I typically have hundreds of browns on my favorite killers. They are meant to be used.
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And I have on her like 700, telling you, you don't need addons, I feel like you predict instead of securing the hit.
The difference is that I learnt on console so I had to learn how to secure the hit instead of predicting, look at the survivor and see how they play.
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Freddy, spirit, billy, nurse
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I usually share the same attitude, but I’ll go through periods of using Clown to farm BP that I won’t be investing back into his bloodweb to replenish add ons. I.e. the BP is for other characters.
So I won’t use add ons when I do this, and still cope just fine in matches.
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then you without a doubt play vs bad survivors
nurse without cooldown addons facing good survivors is a loose loose scenario 80% of the times
good survivor changes the way he plays vs nurse every time, based on the objects around him and based on what you do
long range blinks are just impossible to hit unless you guess in maps like the game where both killer and survivor cant see anything due to walls
short range blinks are ez, but long range blinks are inevitable since when you hit them, they run soooooooooooo far with all the stuns nurse gets
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Ok dude, you think nurse is addon dependant and just because you don't do well without addons doesn't mean "oh then you play against bad survivors" that is not an excuse, I've played enough nurse to tell you she is not but if you insist on using addons then do so, she is not for me and for many.
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Its not supposed to be an excuse, its a fact. You definitely play vs bad survivors because it has been proven by many high lvl streamers how well nurse does without cooldown addons vs good survivors.
If you think that with literary 6 to 6,5 cooldowns where for half the time you face the ground you can do well against survivors that know what they are doing just makes it clear that you dont face these kind of survivors.
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Blight has incredible basekit and addons so he goes both ways in terms of good without addons and amazing with addons
unless you are on console
if so
but then I would just recommend for console hillbilly or bubba neither are terrible basekit and both have some decent addons
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i think you can play a vast majority of killers without Add Ons and still do well with them.
the only ones that actually need them from the top of my head would be Trapper (bags), Wraith (Windstorm), Clown (faster reload speed / additional bottles) and Demogorgon (Rat Liver / Meows Guts).
id say the best one of the not Add On reliant killers would be Nurse, Oni and Spirit.
these three actually have powers so strong that you are not only able to do well with them without Add Ons, adding those on top can even be overkill (on someone who mastered said killer).
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I think Iri. Seal of Met. could be good with a few buffs. Instead of only seeing tormented Survivors, see all Survivors after caging someone who are outside of your TR.
But Obsidian Goblet could do the Torment thing on PotD, cuz the Undetectable isn't great on PH. He breaths loud and you can hear his sword.
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Nah. Nurse doesn't need any addons. 1.5 seconds less of a cooldown is not by any means, required. Simply play better.
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I've started making trapper but dam if my games aren't affected greatly by the add-ons I bring.
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Freddy is probably the least add on dependent.
honestly, I don’t know why killers are given add ons based on some nonsensical idea that everyone should have “2 red, X purple, Y green, Z yellow and S brown”
Addons should be given to killers as a way to buff them, imo. Every single spirit add on is useful for some reason. Every nurse runs the same two add ons. Nobody seriously uses Billy’s -5% movement speed for increased chainsaw rev speed. Whatever I guess