Why isn't Killer the power role?

AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Killers in this game were supposed to be the power role, well that completely failed.

Survivor sided maps (if they want to make killers the power role, then they would have to make all maps killer sided) I'm not saying maps should be impossible for survivors, but I think maps should lean a little more towards the killer.

Flashlights to destroy Hag's traps (SWF squads can choose to bully Hag players by destroying all of their traps with flashlights which can make playing Hag against SWF with flashlights a very miserable experience, yes I know you can equip Franklin's Demise, but if they have comms they can tell you where Hag's traps are to someone with a flashlight)

OoO (yes very balanced and fair KEKW)

Dead Harding through Trapper's traps (this feature should have been removed a long time ago, but it still hasn't)

Successful first attempt Jigsaw Box searches (IMO they need to make it so the first search attempt on Jigsaw Boxes will always guarantee to be failed)

Abusing DS (also very balanced and fair KEKW)

Successful first attempt escapes on Trapper's traps (it might be pretty much gone in this upcoming update because of the updated escape trap mechanic, which would make me very happy)

These two killers are the only ones who make you feel in control are Nurse and Spirit. Yes, I know Spirit needs a nerf because she doesn't have that many counters (especially with Stridor) and Nurse is pretty much totally busted when played by a very experienced and good Nurse player. I'm not saying we should have more killers who are as strong as those two. I think killers should be more in control than survivors and also feel that they are in control.


  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081
    edited January 2021
  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081

    Okay, I'm simply just gonna ignore you. I can already tell that you would never consider changing your opinion.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    Actually it didn't. Kill rates are closer to 3 per game on most killers. So maybe you just had a bad day, week, month, year, or lifespan at being the killer.

    You would think that the kill rate is closer to one kill per match based on your original post, but it isn't. Killers have it made in the shade compared to launch.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    That is the point of asymetrical games, if the killer was the power role it would not be fun/fair for survivors but to put simply if survivors are winning more than you, you probably did a lot of mistakes.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Oh look - this thread... AGAIN.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
    edited January 2021

    Any advantage a killer can gain in a 1v1 is inconsistent. This can be because of pallet and window RNG, which can spawn in a manner that heavily favors survivors, or pallets can spawn in a way that favors killers. Windows that don't favor survivors don't help the killer either. Unless the killers power can make use of it.

    Another way the 1 v 1 is inconsistent is the second chance perks that can demolish any advantage gained. Dead hard being one, while it is fair in some ways, it can be used to fix outright dumb mistakes made by survivors that would ordinarily be punished by killers.

    One of the other ways the 1v1 is inconsistent is the way killer powers are balanced. Some killers can have an extreme advantage in a 1v1 situation, while others will struggle to maintain the advantage, and can have it slip at any moment because of the aforementioned RNG and second chance perks.

    So overall, the 1v1 can fluctuate at a moment's notice due to power balance, poor or favorable RNG, and second chance perks.

    ( Another factor could be bugs, such as blight's collision making his power unbearable on some maps which can destroy his advantage of mobility, but those within themselves are inconsistent )

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Killers kill on average around 60% of survivors or whatever it was they said.

    Survivors kill on average 0% of other players.

    Survivors are deffo the power role.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Red rank survivors have a 80% escape rate, that easily beats the 60% killrate for killers.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    Please tell me you are not referring to the first set of data where Rank 1 Survivors where shown with 80% escape rate. This was poor data collection since the Rank was measured AFTER the game, meaning an escaping Survivor most likely kept their Rank while a sacrificed Survivor deranked and will not appear in that statistic.

    (And people seriously want more data *sigh*)

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Certainly RNG factors in. But there are ways a killer can run these optimally as well. Also there are certain spots that should not be chased.

    But, I definitely believe that 4 optimal survivors do indeed swing the power role to the survivor side. However, these are not the majority of survivors I face, nor are paired with in Solo Q.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    And matchmaking certainly doesn't help to get an accurate picture of this either. MMR will eventually attempt to fix that, but I don't have high hopes for it.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,055

    As long as I can camp Survivors to death, can completely defend the basement chest, cannot be removed from the match until it's over, have mercy and give the hatch to survivors, suddenly turn a losing game around by slugging all survivors, meme around without worring that the other side takes that away from me I am the power role of the game.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited January 2021

    The player(s) that have good mechanics and better decision making are the power role. The games are called a trial for a reason.

    Sorry OP. It’s not auto win for killer just for existing. You have to play the game and play well.

    That includes knowing how to play against DS and OoO, but more importantly, knowing how to win chases and make the right decision in different scenarios.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I agree with this. I think 4 experienced survivors who know what they are doing are favoured. But I rarely see this in soloq. In which case I think killer is usually favored.

    It’s amazing how much difference it makes when just one teammate urban evades around the map or refuses to get in a chase. Not saying it’s impossible but it is significantly harder.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes, exactly why many killers try to turn it into a 3v1 as fast as possible.

    A 3v1 against a good killer gets significantly harder.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Knowing how to play agains DS? You mean unable to do anything to counter it? Only mitigate it? Which is ruined if they have Unbreakable and its complete invincibility then?

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    bro if you feel like you arent the power role in killer pubs thats just sad...

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I never see people stream or post videos of this game because they were scared while playing it, or because the killer was just so badass. What I do see is videos and streams of survivors embarrassing the killers in the game. Apparently that's what people like to see - some of the video get millions of views, it's crazy. All of that coverage and viewership is good advertising for the game and probably gets people to buy it. Because of that, BHVR might have an interest in keeping that the status quo. That way, new survivors can eventually pick on the killer just like they see in all the youtube videos, because it's all the rage.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    The only time I don't feel in control as killer is when I make poor plays against survivors, when I get entirely out matched by a good survivor who's just got more experience and skill then me. Sure, I also don't feel in control when going against a super good, super coordinated toxic SWF- but those are so far and few between.

    As Survivor, the only time I feel in control- in solo or SWF- is when the killer lets us. The killer choses to facecamp at 5 gens and wonder why he got gen rushed, or respected every pallet/refused to break any pallet and wonder why chases took too long, or stayed in one chase against someone who's been running them for 3/5 gens while another survivor is doing a gen in their face.

    In most matches, killer is the power role. The only time they aren't is when they screw up, or when they're going against a niche, super skilled SWF. That's it. Usually, when someone loses as killer, unless they just got unlucky with their map (like a Huntress on Hawkins level of unlucky), it's either because of bad perks or a bad play. Otherwise, chances are, you'll get a 2k.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Why should a player who outplays the competition win? Because they played better. Give props and learn how to play better yourself.

    You don’t know how perks work? There are rules and reactions to scenarios that help a player win. If you don’t know how to play well, then it’s not the games fault.

    Besides, most complaints about DS are for killers who already long lost a match getting a cherry on top DS and saying ‘see? I would’ve won one more hook if not for (not all my terrible play and bad decisions but) second chance perks.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    It is. It's up to the Killer player whether they are powerful or not.

    I hear all this talk of how hard Trapper has it and how easy it is to bully Hag.. I never see any of that (As a Hag player myself). I see Otz and Michi absolutely murder as Trapper and Hag respectively. I learn so much from Michi's Hag videos and guides and you learn each killer inside and out so that then you can use them masterfully to whoop Survivors and it's so much fun when you get to that point.

    Yeah I still lose people to DS sometimes but I'm still learning and I'm getting better and me personally? I don't need to kill all 4 survivors to be happy as long as I scared them to death and took down 2 or more (Which I usually do) I'm very happy with my showing and felt like I embodied the "Power" role.

    And yeah I get it bully squads get brought up and yes they're a problem but I really can't stand when people don't say anything about toxic killers bcuz they exist too and I think what happens all too often is both are responsible for the never ending cycle of toxicity between both sides.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    Let's be honest, the game is not balanced. This is the only game I know of where you can literally make no mistakes and still lose. Skill isn't as a big of factor as you might think. Killer can camp, tunnel, slug to compensate, but its not going to win against coordinated SWF on coms. Let's not forget doing any of those will result in berating, forum posts for nerfs, and the occasional death threat.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Those darn survivors got to stand up on their own once and use up two perk slots while I couldn't tunnel them. Survivor op.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    If there's only 1 good survivor you should be capitalizing on the 3 easier survivors and pressuring gens. If you focus on the strongest survivor the whole game that's on you lol

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I think the game is fairly balanced. But it is a game that the longer you play the better you will do at a particular role. So , the are large discrepancies in skill, even at equal ranks.

    I think as killers, we get frustrated because we want it balanced around 4ks. It doesn't help the the emblem system promotes this mindset. So, often we see 2ks as a loss. And get tbagged for our efforts as well.