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How do I avoid getting looped the entire game as killer?

I'm new to the game and I'm trying to learn killer (rank 11)

It's tough because almost every game I just end up getting looped for an eternity. I instantly break the pallet (unless it's a bad loop) and they just run to another one and another and so on, and it never ends.

I don't have the blood points to get perks that would help me with this and getting blood points in the first place is hard lol.

Any tips? :)


  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    Play Nurse

  • BigDickMyers
    BigDickMyers Member Posts: 16

    I'm new to the game and I heard she's super hard to learn even for people who have already played the game for a while so how long do you think it takes to learn her? I don't care about my rank at all so I don't really care if I derank.

  • BigDickMyers
    BigDickMyers Member Posts: 16

    Thanks mate! I'll keep that in mind next time, since I usually just keep going and 2-3 gens get done in the meantime

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Early game, 2-3 gens get done fairly quickly if you get into a chase early on and that's not something the two tile rule can help me with (I for one am not a massively experienced killer, only been playing a few months), but this might be because I mostly play Trapper and he is a heavily setup oriented killer.

    What killer do you play right now the most, because they all especially excel at particular things

  • BigDickMyers
    BigDickMyers Member Posts: 16

    I usually play between executioner and spirit but I have a bunch of killers unlocked and randomly play whatever I feel like (downside is I usually play with like one perk and no add-ons cuz it takes forever to get em)

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Bamboozle, bamboozle is probably #1 with Enduring being #2. The biggest time wasters in the game are shut down by bamboozle. Never respect pallets and enduring will teach you that.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    PH (one of my favourites) and Spirit are both very chase oriented killers that down survivors quickly.

    In case you don't already, as PH, to negate really strong loops, hold your power to create a trail around the loop, a good survivor takes the risk of being tormented, but most just leave the loop almost immediately, they avoid the goo like they'd avoid the bubonic plague! When you think they are gonna drop the pallet/vault a window, use your ranges attack as they can't dodge it when in an animation lock. I'm all ears is an incredibly strong perk on him as well as during a chase it allows vision on survivors even behind walls after doing a rushed vault (or pallet drop I think as well, can't remember for sure I dont have ghost face yet), which can help landing your attack through walls a lot!

    Someone else posted some videos that help, I highly suggest memorizing everything in them and applying them to your play

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    You could try playing killers with good anti-loop like Freddy, clown, hag, deathslinger, etc. Just be prepared to get a lot of hate playing killers with great anti-loop

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Learn to mindgame and make survivor hesitate their movement and lose distance so you can get up close for hits. watch someone like otz or fungoose and analyze their movement in chases.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    well first you select leatherface

    then you put on insidious

    lastly go into basement and wait for a free kill

    boom you spent a max of 10 seconds in a chase for the whole game and still did your job

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    A lot of if comes down to overall decision making. Take note of how good the survivor is at looping. SWF groups will often have their best looper get your attention, while the others do gens. If you notice this, let them go and focus on the weaker players, their overall plan will thrown into disarray.

  • Play Spirit, Nurse or Pyramidhead.

    The new maps are dreadful there's a pallet every 5 meters. I'd say break chase but changing to a new target they'll likely only have to run a few steps before they find a pallet too. Just use a better killer.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Those videos they posted are going to help a lot.

    Beyond that remembering that your red stain is in front of you and using that to your advantage as much as possible, listening to the sounds of them vaulting windows and pallets, and following blood trails and pain sounds can all help you a lot.

    If you are new; I suggest the perk "I'm all ears" because when they vault it reveals their aura and quite often it will give you an idea to how they are reacting to what you are doing; so you can see real time how things are playing out.

    I suggest not worrying about winning and focus on learning from the games for now. It also makes it less frustrating when you don't care about that; someone t-bags you at every pallet for attention? You can just...leave em if you want, you're just practicing anyways :)

  • LivUndead
    LivUndead Member Posts: 69

    Overall learn from past mistakes. You could Download OBS and rewatch your own gameplay if you want, personaly i dont because i literally talk to myself and say that was a bad play or something like that.

    One tip to give is dont be afraid to drop chase, if you feel like a chase is going on too long drop and find someone else. Hard to say when to do so cause of how situational it is. Generaly if there is a gen almost done and the chase your in is going too long drop and go to that gen. Personaly if i see them going to a strong loop i dont even bother.

    Biggest tip though is play survivor as well. Goes for survivor players as well, play killer. best way to beat your enemy is to know what they are thinking .

    GL HF :)

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444
    edited January 2021

    Trapper is really good, I'm actually incredibly good as trapper I was trapping like crazy back in beta but only got in the game last year, all u gotta do is predict the best spots and place traps there, grass, windows, pallets, doorways, near gens. I dunno if its something you can learn you just gotta think where would a survivor go.

    Clown is good against loops I'm fairly new and still wont almost every game on red rank, the vial he throws slows them down just enough so they cant infinite loop you.

    Nurse is hard but very doable, keep in mind she runs slower than survivors.

    Pyramid head is kinda bad I dunno how he was before but atm his ranged attack is usually just laughed at at loops, only way to get it is trough walls where survivors cant see you, even if you flick last second good survivors will always dodge it.

    Huntress but never learned her, its kinda hard to aim tbh for me its harder than nurse. also she's got slower speed than other killers, still way faster than nurse though.

    Twins if a survivor drops a pallet bring charlotte but you can slightly jump over pallets as victor he's really good, could use a few buffs and tweaks since u can catch up survivors going towards another loop area but kinda weak against pallets its unpredictable sometimes you will jump over the pallet sometimes u wont, also his hitboxes are broken you can aim directly at survivor and it will still hit something next to him.

    Doctor, one of my favourites, he can block survivors with his shock attack from interacting with things for 1.5seconds(it says 2.5 but thats clearly bull) red ranks usually drop pallet as soon as you start charging your static if you're close enough to hit them if they dont drop the pallet, at least it gets the pallet out of the way but if you hit it right they wont be able to drop it, its really hard tho.

    Amanda, she can use her ambush attack to get around most small and medium loops but takes a second to charge so without add ons I wouldnt really relly on her ambush attack.

    Spirit, you can use her spirit power to quickly go around but against good players u just have to get back to you original position because 9/10 they will do a slow vault back towards her husk.

    EDIT: infinite loops are still a thing specially on asylum map, there's an infinite loop inside the main building and against a good survivor there is no way you can catch up for at least 5-6minutes in which case usually a their teamate will come in to take the agro so dont feel too bad when you lose, the game is made too much in survivors advantage, if you queue as a survivor with people that dont do gens chances are you will lose, but if they just do gens while 1 loops they can easily get all gens done in 4min with 0-2 hooks, just try to have fun and if you run into a team like that dont be bothered with it there's always a fun game every now and then that makes it worth it.

    PS: I find the trapper the best against 4man teams, if one goes down and basement is in shack and you can hook him there, thats preety much secure, you leave 1 spot open they go in but u make sure u get back just as they're unhooked and place a trap, they're stuck in there unless they use dead hard to get past the trap unharmed(happened to me a few times) its just another developer favouriting survivors and their OP perks,

    oh but they nerfed bear traps in next update chances to get out are 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/1 6 tries is maximum then ur out... kinda prefered the 25% chance it usually took 3-4 times but I've seen way too many get off on 1st try on PTB so the update seems preety bad for him

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    I think the most helpful thing one can do is watch streamers or youtubers who are good at the game.

    Also, playing survivor and getting good at looping can help teach where looping can be countered, so that you can apply that knowledge to killer.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Your objective is to defend the generators. Survivors HAVE to do 5 generators to escape (Unless they have a key but we'll ignore that.)

    Every time you commit to a chase, consider what generators could be being repaired while you do so. At times it is better to patrol your gens to catch survivors out of position to get free hits before they even get to a loop.

    Some things to remember:

    Can the survivor read your mindgames? Stop wasting your own time and bruteforce some pallets out of the way.

    Is the survivor running you away from the generators you're protecting? Drop chase.

    Does the survivor have a map spawn with a ton of safe loops in a row? Drop chase.

    Eventually you do have to commit sooner or later to generate any kind of real pressure. Now that survivors are catching on to how good medkits actually are, it is less helpful to just injure a survivor and let them go.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I can give you tips do you have somewhere to message so we can set up a game?

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Best bet freddy. At least he can slow down loops and he doesn't need addons to be good. BBQ is his best perk, so get that.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Thank you for sharing these.

    @BigDickMyers As stated above, don't focus on winning right now, and watch the streamers mentioned above to learn how to mindgame and predict survivors movements and you will play better, it's some good advice. :)

    I'd also recommend playing a few games on the team (survivor) to get a feel for how they see your red stain at various tiles, where your blind spots are, and what puts the most pressure on a person in a loop. (Not all loop centric advice, I know, sorry. ^_^')

    Other than that, ya also have to get a feel for when to just leave a player for later. You won't always be able to beat a good looper, but you can move on and take out the weaker links first. ^_^

    Good luck BigDickMyers, and Happy Hunting.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Hatchets go over pallets. ;)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Simple; learn to break off chases that aren't going anywhere. I do it all the time.

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    Besides "play [killer]" "use [perk]" and other suggestions like that that try to remove your problem without solving it directly, here are pieces of advice:

    • Know when to leave a chase. if the survivor seems to be pretty good at looping, especially if they're in a strong place. It's better to apply pressure to the gens and down the weaker survivors first

    • Don't immediately break every pallet. This gives the survivor a big distance gap on you, and sometimes isn't neccesary. Especially once you master the next tip:

    • Mindgame. This is the biggest thing you have to end chases faster. Look away so they can't tell what side you're coming from as fast. dance between two sides of a wall to get them to commit to jumping over a window/pallet when you're already on that side, or to make them hesitate too long so that you can hit them when you finally go for it.

    • Learn how to play the tiles. Besides the dedicated video guides out there, Tru3Ta1ent tends to be pretty good at explaining what he's doing during his streams, and the matches are uploaded to youtube. He even has playlists by killer if you want to see how he plays your faves.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Don't drop chase just because survivor is a good looper. Drop the chase when you see someone doing gen. Protecting gens is more important.

    But don't kick gen. It's a waste of time that make survivor gain distance, plus your effort kicking gen without pop will be easily restored in 2 secons. Just chase the survivor off gen. Survivor off gen is rarely ready to loop so it's most often an easy hit. Look back at gen while you wiping your weapon, because survivor you chase before might get on hot gen. If he not there, keep chasing survivor #2.

    Don't be affraid of pallets, it will prolong the chase. When survivors see you stop by the pallet, they just bait you and make it to another round. If survivor is healthy, he probably not gonna drop the pallet before he take a hit. When he injured he will drop every pallet on his way (unless he is greedy). This is how survivors play against me.

    When pallet is dropped on safe loop you have 2 choises. 1. keep chasing around this loop untill you gain bloodlust. It's only good choise when you won and it's a last survivor. 2. bait him to run away by looking at pallet for 2 seconds. He will think you breaking pallet and run to another loop. Then you just chase him, it's always an easy hit. But if he not baited, then just break the pallet.

    If it's really short loop, good survivors never loop around it. So you just need to chase ignoring this pallet. If he deside to loop, he will take a hit if you don;t break the pallet. So you better never break pallets on short unsafe loops, unless you somehow struggling to catch survivor around it.

    If it's a god pallet which you can't walk around quickly, than you just break it. Bonus points if you get rid of god pallets early, even if they stun you. Don't be affraid of stuns.

    If survivor camping pallet, it's an easiest kind of survivors. You may bait a drop by stepping forward and back. Or you may pretend you want to walk around but then swing trough the pallet. It may work or you may just get stunned. All scenarios are good for you, because you got rid of pallet or even hit survivor.

    Survivors often use exhaustion perks. Srint burst, lithe, dead hard. If you see survivor don't have sprint, you should suspect dead hard. Dead hard is avoidable if you patient enough to wait it. Memorize which exhaustion perks they use to counter it.

    And posts above already said about hiding your red stain to mindgame, so I don't want to duplicate it.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    One advice is if you see someone doing a lot of lopps is to stop following him and go for another weak survivor, focus on a good lopper survivor is to lose the game, I know very well although it seems a crazy because that survivor have an engine where you leave him, only if the engine is very advanced do not leave him.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    if you ever get to bloodlust 2 before you hit the survivor it's a better idea to abandon the chase and go protect the gens