By a show of hands...
Which killer(s) need a nerf or the game will plummet because of development neglect.
Or all of the above.
Freddy is the most powerful of them, but I don't think any of them need a nerf. Doctors who have low enough ping to actually use their power right can be quite opressive, but it's not terrible at least.
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Non of them.
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Only Freddy due to him be like Over seasoned...They only need to rework him without taking eveyrthing away and he would be fine..Even,then he is not unbeatable.
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None of them.
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Where is the poll?
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i can understand wanting a freddy or even doctor nerf, but wraith and bubba are low-mid tier killers already who struggle to get consistent good games. if they were nerfed, they'd probably become unplayable.
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None of these Killers need to be nerfed. Imo no Killers need an actual nerf, Spirit just needs to move grass while phasing or yknow, not bump into Survivors.
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Freddy is fine, Leatherface could use a bit of a buff, Doctor is really weak and could use a decent amount of buffing, and Wraith is one of the worst Killers in the game.
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Spirit hasnt been able to bump into Survivors for a long time.
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Damn, BHVR did something that the community wanted? I've missed a lot, huh.
Thanks for telling me.
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Wraith needs a nerf??????????????????
Bubba is fine devs balanced him good
Doctor is fine they also balanced him good
Freddy meh don't feel much fine with him changed.
Funny how Doctor, Freddy, and Bubba became viable and now people want them nerfed