Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Rip totem

My totem was destroyed not even 20 secs in the match


  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    That sucks but Undying+Ruin is an awful build for Jigsaw and any low mobility Killer, if he was playing Hillbilly, Blight or other gottagofast Killer he could have saved Undying and then defended Ruin (or not but it would just have jumped to other totem), the gen was indeed lost thats true.

  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94

    First thing I do when I see my totems on the other side of the map to me is go straight to them and hope my terror radius scares them off before they find them.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I wouldn't say it's awful on a low mobility killer -- it's those killers who usually need the gen slowdown to begin with.

    I've been pretty successful with playing the Pig, and Ruin (with Undying protecting it) often DOES do good work. Paired up with her RBT's, it's just enough slowdown to give her time to get enough hooks to win (I just finished a 4K match where everyone was hooked twice before I got a single kill -- they broke Ruin and Undying eventually, but the slowdown when I pressured them off of gens and Ruin regressed them kept the game manageable). My track record with running it has been mixed -- some matches, the totems ARE oppressive due to amazing spawns (almost always on The Game, Lery's, Glenvale, or Midwich) or survivors just not botherinnog with totems to focus on gens, other matches I get a mixed bag where the totems hang around a little while, and other matches they go away almost immediately (I've 4K'ed with the totems destroyed early, and had escapes when the survivors pounded gens and ignored Ruin, so by "mixed", I don't mean success in matches, but in the longevity of Ruin staying alive due to Undying).

    The problem with totems continues to be twofold: they're not an "objective" unless it's an actual Hex, so many survivors completely ignore them unless they have no other choice (Undying changed that to some extent, but that's probably going by the boards after the nerf), and locations, even on some redone maps, are still terrible (as the clip above illustrated). Even if I had been playing someone like Hillbilly or Blight, against good survivors (especially if they were a SWF on coms, which this team was not a 4-person, but likely a 2-person with two solos) would still have cleansed the totems early. I could have chased the initial person off, but the other totem that broke would have been gone immediately. The minute I left that first totem to chase someone, eventually the initial survivor or a teammate would have cleansed it instead. If I stay and try to "protect" the totem(s), the survivors will just hammer out gens -- it's a lose/lose when the totems are that exposed in their location. You know you're losing half your build (or 1/4 of if, if you're just running Ruin) sooner rather than later.

    You would think there would be a happy medium between "completely in the wide open" and "can't find it no matter how long you search) for totem spawn locations, but the devs haven't figured that out yet, apparently.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,331

    Perfectly balanced.


    Ruin/Undying is so toxic. They should be nerfed. πŸ™ƒ

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    One time I spawned in a match staring at a survivors aura because they spawned within 2 meters of my totem. I literally couldn't even walk there in time to stop it from getting cleansed. Lo and behold it was Undying, and then Ruin got broken not 45 seconds later.

    So basically I lost a totem 12 seconds into the game. Damn, Undying really needed to be nerfed.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    In my matches (and I play a LOT, lol), what I noticed from the intoduction of Undying (and its synergy with Ruin) to current day was this:

    -- At first, survivors tended to ignore dull totems, and focused hard on gens. I had matches when Ruin and Undying BOTH stayed up, despite being in pretty bad spawn locations. In one match, I literally chased someone repeatedly off of a generator that had a lit totem, completely in the open, literally within eyesight, but then never bothered to cleanse it, despite plenty of time to do so (that was a 4K match, lol).

    -- Somewhere along the way, good survivors (some quicker than others) realized how deadly the combo could be and would do totems, lit and dull. My success rate with the combo varied, but I still got exceptional value more often than not.

    -- Most recently, good survivors more often than not, once they know Ruin is a thing, go hard after ALL totems, or they split up and power through gens, counting on being able for me not to be able to pressure four people at once. Those survivors who have adapted do the best, and spawn locations don't even matter sometimes (as they'll either bring a map, a perk like DH or SG, or simply know the common spawn points).

    I've started moving away from Ruin again (before Undying, I had stopped running it altogether due to its complete unreliability) and have been experimenting with Pop/Oppression. At least, those can't be eliminated (though a shorter cooldown on Oppression would be nice).

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,303

    The problem with totems is that they only have so many places on a map to spawn. If survivors play enough, and actually pay attention, it doesn't take long to find and cleanse all 5. Add in more hiding spots on a map you are giving survivors more places to hide and more obstacles for killers. Don't allow the totems to spawn near gens/out in open and you actually limit the spawn points making them easier to find. Perk to basically corrupt intervention totems at start of match could help to atleast keep hex totems in the game longer.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Maybe awful is a bit too strong word, but still isnt a very good combination, you depend entirely on RNG with them, someone with high mobility can defend their totems if they get bad spawns but if you dont have mobility you are out of luck, as the video shows, even if they dont spawn near at the start of the match once they know the position they will lurk and go for them, either you commit to defend the totem (and they push gens, bad idea) or you leave and they cleanse it because you cant get back soon enough to defend.

    I play Jigsaw and Myers a lot, especially Myers and I think Pop is way way better for them than Ruin because of that, the only problem is you first need a hook but once you start snowballing (Myers with EW3 and Jigsaw with 2 people trapped) you can slow the game a lot as you can get several Pops on a row also is more consistent than totems, it almost always works the same while totems may be good or a disaster like in the video.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Don't worry, this will be fixed with the upcoming undying buff.

    Oh wait, undying is being nerfed. Never mind.

    My last 20 killer matches have been non-hex builds. Hexes are dead. Good job devs.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213


  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Sh*t happens. That's the risk that comes with bringing hex totems.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Yeah this is why I choose to not use Hex perks.

    Sure, could get great value but could also get nothing. I'll take my consistency please.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Wow lmao. Now imagine if that chase was vs a survivor that could loop......