colorblind mode WIP



  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I never thought i wanted something like this. But here i am. Wanting this.

    DADDYMYERS1978 Member Posts: 43

    Subtitles by daylight

    DADDYMYERS1978 Member Posts: 43

    Plus it could help out deaf people too since were making fun of everyone

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    I just had to delete a bunch of comments. Please remain respectful when discussing a topic.

    I also want to make it very clear that BHVR was not bullied into this. They made the conscious decision to work on a colorblind feature - back then it related to restrictions for many technical, but as the years progressed and the game has made progress in many ways, it is a option and not_Queen said yesterday they won't stop there.

    It is not done, because they are "being bullied" into it, no, it is done, because they want to include those who want to play the game, but can't or have a hard time. I have friends that are colorblind and deaf - they struggle with the game immensely. They use their own tools, but they have their limits.

    The feature is needed and it is great it's coming. If you don't need it, great! I don't need a colorblind mode either, but other people do. Just because I, me specifically, has no use for it, does not mean it's bad.

    We have been giving them feedback throughout these years that many features are asked for to make the game more accessible for many different groups of people. This was BHVRs decision on their own - they didn't have to, but they did.

    There is no need to be disrespectful about it. If you think BHVR was bullied into it, I can assure you they weren't. Feedback is what is important for a game to develop. This was not done, because of bullying, but because they're aware there are players who either have a extremely hard time playing the game or can't play it. That's why it's done. Making it possible for those.

    Keep it civil and respectful or I will be forced to close the thread.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    FIrst of all, i am diagnosted with Protanopie (Redblindness). You have to understand that there are differences from person to person how strong that is, however.

    The second thing is a misconception i often see. I can see the color red. BUT i cant distinguish between colors based on the red part in them.

    Basicly, while other people see colors shift from red to purple to blue, for me its either red or blue, but never purple. (i know which shade of blue might be purple, but i cant tell).

    So the answers might be true for me, but not for others.

    I doubt that you can develop a decent color scheme over night. I fully believe that they have been working on it. The first thread i opend about colorblind support was about 2,5 years ago, and at least their answer was clear: While they would like to do it, the priority wasnt very high, maybe because too few people were affected. But maybe that changed.

    When i started playing, there was an event, beach party or whatever, where event gens and hooks were actually blue. They were the best ^^.

    However, all options above are better for me than the default. Funny thing, the Protanope filter isnt the one i can see best ^^.

    But i have to observe them ingame, it might change then.

    To me, the default one is much harder to see. The Tritanope one is just...redder, red enough to be seen by me.

    Out of interest, can you name the colors the gens have on the other filters? Someone mentioned orange, but i dont see any orange there.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited January 2021

    It's different shades of red and one orange-yellow. The second from the left is orange-yellow. For me, that is.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    edited January 2021

    Gen colors in OP image (edit: pretty much the same for scratch marks):

    Default: Red

    Deuteranope: Orange-yellow (pale)

    Protanope: Pinkish red I would say, paler than default

    Tritanope: Stronger red than default but same shade

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yeah i agree,

    it's awesome that colorblind peopke will finally be able play this game without major disadvantages.

    But this whole thing really did feel like it was rather more of a damage control kind response than a genuine effort to support colorblind people.

    And i don't understand either why they didn't said that they had technical difficulties implementing colorblind modes.

    I don't know,this whole scenario could have been easily avoided if BHVR would be more communicative and transparent towards the community

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Tritanope looks same as default but with more contrast. So I'm affraid colorblind people will struggle with Blendettes even more than if they played on default. But maybe I'm wrong. And it's a wip screenshots so it may change.

    I personally expected colorblind modes will be absolutely different. Something like bright blue auras isntead of red. But actually I don't know much about color blindness and I have no idea how to make it work.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I remember summer bbq event, but I don't remember event gens auras. Those was probably bright pink same as chest and totem, but I may be wrong. Which auras you can see better on this picture?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited January 2021

    Best i can see the breakable walls, the gens and hooks on this Picture are hard to see (i missed the one on top completly, just found him because i knew where to look) Exit switch and Totem/Chest are fine, same with hatch.

    I step in my own traps when i play trapper, because often i cant see the aura. On this picture they are better to see though.

    When i played killers, on maps like ormond (as well as some other maps), i couldnt see hooks or gen auras at all. I had to search for them like a survivor. Since the map rework, they are a lot better to see. Scratch marks and blood are still a problem.

    To me, the second gen aura looks like a pale yellow, no orange at all, the 3rd a light pink, the last one is actually what i see as bright red.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    GET THE ######### IN!!! YES

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I'm Proto colorblind (red weak) but that Deuteranope setting is so crisp lol for the gen and the scratchmarks!

    That first clip is on one of the worst maps for me, so its a big difference.

    DADDYMYERS1978 Member Posts: 43

    To be fair the DEVS could've added brightness settings when they 1st released the game but that's just my opinion😒