Top 3 killers you hate to play against...

For me I absolutely hate to play against...
1. Trapper
2. Spirit
3. Ghostface
Spirit: Need I say more?
Hag: Need I say more?
Deathslinger: Need I say more?
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Ghostface/Hillbilly - Hillbilly is here only because he is a pain in the ass when whoever is controlling him is good and knows how to move. Not saying he's overpowered, I'm just bad and if no lockers are near when he downs someone, I'm usually screwed.
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Ghostface - The only killer I don't like. If I'm going to play against a toxic A-hole Killer 95% chance that person will be playing a ghostface. Something about that killer really calls to the killer that want to really make the game unfun.
In theory hook camping bubbas are also annoying. We always beat them 3-1, but its just a boring game as the killer just stands over the first hook until we all finish gens and get out. its just a waste of 5 to 7 minutes of my night.
I guess a bonus would be, any killer that still uses NOED, because they seriously don't have enough faith in their ability to play the game they need to crutch the end game. Hilarious and pathetic
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- Hag
- Trapper
- Huntress
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- Nurse (I hate her I hate her I hate her)
- Huntress (I hate her I hate her I hate her)
- Spirit (I hate her I hate her I hate her, I love her with a waifu suit)
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- Nurse
- Hag
- Ghostface... or Deathslinger. Can't decide.
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Oh, and Hag.
Seriously, I'm at least okay with every other killer. Even a facecamping Bubba.
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1. Huntress can't dodge hatchets as well and get Iri Heads+Infantry Belts commonly
2. Michael's he seems to always have tier 3 ready for me and I fail to recognize his lunge and vault.
3. Ghost face cause Night Shroud is consistent I laughed typing that.
Unlike others I enjoy facing Good Nurses Spirits and Slingers to truly harden me and make me feel like Jesus messing juking them.
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1. Huntress can't dodge hatchets as well and get Iri Heads+Infantry Belts commonly
2. Michael's he seems to always have tier 3 ready for me and I fail to recognize his lunge and vault.
3. Ghost face cause Night Shroud is consistent 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Unlike others I enjoy facing Good Nurses Spirits and Slingers to truly harden me and make me feel like Jesus juking them.
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- Spirit
- Freddy
- Pyramid Head
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Unpopular opinion: spirit is fun to go against and use high skill counterplay and if u have trouble then you're not that good at the game.
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- Hag
- Hag
- Hag
...did I also mention Hag?
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I like all the killers except nurse. The game just isn't a normal game playing against the nurse.
All the other killers are fine. Even camping Bubba's.
It creates unique situations where I make epic saves on my own.
But when hag or twins gets u in the basement, it's pretty much gg.
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that applies to all three of the killers named there.
Seriously, most of the time people seem (SEEM) to hate on Spirit, Deathslinger and Hag because they require different counterplay than 'engage them in a chase and loop them around the obstacles while gens get done'
Spirit and Deathslinger are both killers that require a more stealthy approach, and hag is very much slow and steady wins the match.
people that cry bloody murder over them are usually the same who will sit there and let myer and ghostface milk them dry and then complain about getting insta-downed.
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- Plague. Don't like how she completely negates any kind of faster healing stuff you bring into the trial. Also just... in general making any sort of plays against her is nearly impossible once you get infected unless you are willing to give her corrupt purge.
- Spirit. Don't like how she's the only Killer who gives zero indication that her power is active. Literally everyone else has a sound cue or animation change or something to let you know what's going on.
- Doctor. I personally don't mind him, but several of my friends strongly dislike playing against him because he sets off their anxiety really badly.
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- Hag
- Freddy
- Pyramid Head
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Exactly. Like ok I understand spirit, maybe they're not that experienced, but cmon, hag and deathslinger? Do people genuinely have trouble against these two? Apparently so lol, a lot of entitled survivor mains here complain about hag a lot I just found it. And deathsli get imo is one of the worst killers in the game.
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1. The Immersed Claudette
2. The Survivor that DCs
3. The Sandbagging Survivor
I don't mind facing any of the Killers - sure I'm not overjoyed to see a Hag or Twins when I play Survivor, but I don't hate facing them either. Some of my most enjoyable Survivor games have been against Hags and Spirits.
What I hate is getting teammates that throw the game. I could loop the Killer for 4 minutes, get 25k points, and Escape; but if my teammates were dinks that just crouched from bush to bush, sandbagged, or otherwise threw it just won't be any fun.
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- DS/unbreakable
- leatherface
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Deathslinger and a good Nurse. Besides that, I like playing against everyone else
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- Huntress
- Myers
- Pig
Huntress because of hitboxes.
Myers because he's extremely outdated.
Pig because she's completely reliant on RNG and is super annoying with added stall perks.
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From my experience, most Survivors seem to not realize you can make plays while Deathslinger is reeling you. So they see that they can't really react to a Slinger who can quick fire and cry foul.
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Spirit - Most Spirits bring Stridor anyway so what's the point
PH - The nerf barely did something, now his power is more brain dead to spam
Slinger - Yeah I love guessing same with Spirit
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Spirit, deathslinger, and hag
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Hag: Just a huge pain in the ass, the traps are so annoying, the constant gurgling is annoying, I hate everything about her
Freddy: Just a huge pain in the ass, the traps are so annoying, the constant lullaby is annoying, I hate everything about him
Doctor: Just a huge pain in the ass, the shocks are so annoying, the constant screaming is annoying, I hate everything about him
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DS, Hag, PH
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Spirit due to her being near uncounterable if the user has a good headset and half a brain.
Ghost face because he is just myers but funny.
Please,,,,,, I don't know who else lol
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- Freddy
- Freddy
- um...Freddy
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Deathslinger- Hate everything about this mans. He's just a disgusting human being with no skill.
Freddy- Another killer who just feels cheap when you loose two considering they take little skill.
Spirit- Feels like you're hopelessly guessing what she did with no cues or indicators. I'd be fine to she had indicators as to what she's doing but she tells you nothing.
Honourable mention to twins, who is the scummiest campiest sluggiest killer released, idk how she was able to be released in her state 5 years into the games life.
I woulda put old PH up there but I don't think he's that bad now, you actually have to be somewhat good with him to win.
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- Freddy - I play almost completely solo Survivor, so when I’m facing a Freddy, I just know it’s gonna be a long, drawn-out, downright painful experience. I don’t think he’s overpowered or needs nerfing or anything, but I will say that playing against Freddy is not really fun.
- Spirit - There’s just nothing I can really do against a good Spirit besides pray I made the right read based on little to no information given to me by her phasing. I run Iron Will all the time nowadays because I struggle with her, and even then a good portion of them run Stridor to completely counteract it.
- Deathslinger - I feel similarly with the Deathslinger that I do with Spirit about feeling helpless against his power, but to a substantially lesser degree. Whereas I don’t enjoy games against Freddy or Spirit much at all, Deathslinger is more of an annoyance than outright dislike. I actually had to think really hard for a third place!
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I'm AMAZED that there isn't more hate for Doctor. I kind of question if there isn't some "follow the leader" mentality going on here. Like if the OP mentioned Doctor how many others would have mentioned Doctor. He is without question the killer I hate going up against most. My list:
- Doctor
- Nightmare
- Wraith
That last one is pretty controversial I'm sure. It's not so much that I hate the killers ability but from my experience like 80% or more wraith players are campers.
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Like half the killers
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1. Doctor. [BAD WORD] him. All the shocky disruptive visual effects, the [BAD WORD] up skill checks, the screaming, his gross laughing and breathing, the illusory doctors and pallets, the whispers and fake terror radius, the shocking to stop an unhooks, vaults, pallet drops... He's an obnoxious piece of [BAD WORD].
2. Hag. I'm very easily jumpscared and her traps extend for like a half-mile in every direction, so even if you unhook on the opposite side, when the person you save touches the ground, they land on the stupid thing. Then she pops up and slaps you and it's like "[BAD WORD] OFF." Don't even get me started about the silent trap add-on. That thing has taken literal years off my life.
3. Spirit. Of course Spirit. You can know she's coming by that awful buzzing sound and she still manages to pop out of phase just in time to hit you. When you turn her mind games around on her, it's so satisfying, but she's a ######### and a half to loop and she likes to hook someone, use BBQ to find a new target, then immediately phase back to the hook when someone goes for the save. Or at least, that's been my experience.
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- My first teammate
- My second teammate
- My third teammate
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- Huntress
- Pyramid Head
- Twins
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Spirit, slinger, ph
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So many people dislike Huntress. Why? Is it the flying trucks? I mostly don't have a problem against her because she's slow. I guess Huntress players at high rank do tend to slug a lot, though...
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1. Spirit. No explanation needed. Just pain and suffering.
2. Hag. The campiness and chase aspect of the Hag just make her extremely boring for most to face and play.
3. Pyramid Head Or Freddy. I lean more toward Freddy in general, but if were talking a Pyramid Head who knows how to use their power effectively to basically guarantee a hit no matter what the survivor does, I'll take a Fredward.
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legion- mending simulator
deathslinger- we all know why
frieddy- we all know why
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All the huntresses I go against either camp or tunnel, not only that but the flying trucks you mentioned, that also seem to hit you behind objects, get really annoying and old to go against. Also don't forget the iri head huntress.
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- Nurse (A good Nurse will make you feel completely helpless unless you are extremely good at survivor, which I am not.)
- Hag (Bro please trap the hook again for the 50th time, it just gets more fun bro)
- Spirit
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why... why do you hate deathslinger? i dont even remember when i faced him for the last time
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- Hag
- Spirit
- Huntress
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- Spirit, everybody except spirit mains hate her.
- Trapper: If you die near basement you are not getting out of there
- Freddy: Snoozefest
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- Hag (Because most of them camp hooks and I hate having to crouch around the map to avoid her traps)
- Doctor (Because of all the screaming and flashing images)
- Huntress (Because her hatchet hitboxes are ridiculously huge)
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1) Freddy. The most boring braindead killer in video gaming industry.
2) Deathslinger. Same as Freddy
3) PH
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- Pay to win freddy
- Undying+hr
- Campers and tunnelers
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Doctor and Freddie as they have annoying abilities.
I love playing against trapper as I main him, so its fun playing the on the other side of the coin with him. GF and Myers are fun for jump scares.