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Billy nerf

I don't think billy needed a nerf. Since he was one of the most balanced killers in the game and now he in dead. I think his addons needed to be nerfed and not his whole basekit. Example You miss a few chainsaw or land one then use bbq to go across the map then you will just overheat because you used your chainsaw so much. Please just bring back old

billy for us billy mains out there. Thank you


  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Pretty much sums it up. Billy's basekit did not need to be nerfed.

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399

    Yeah, his basekit was the perfect example of balance. All they needed to do was give him an addon touchup, but they decided to destroy him instead. He's still strong but feels much worse.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I agree, but I also don't think his initial live-release state was a problem. In fact, it added a nice dynamic to playing Billy. Then the Devs adjusted the numbers to somewhere between his live release and PTB forms and suddenly Billy just feels punishing to play as, because the threat of overheating is very, very real and always in the forefront of everything you do.

  • Ayvuk
    Ayvuk Member Posts: 2

    Yeah but billy just isn't as fun as he used to be because now you gotta fear the overheat and its just super depressing because all it takes is missing a few chainsaws and boom overheated. Also jungle gyms are a problem aswell

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    im glad people agree on that the system is pointless lets just see if bhvr cares to change it someday, prob not there to prideful.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Billy has always been one of the funnest killers to go against. Since the basekit nerf I rarely see Billys. He was fine as he was.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 922

    Ever since his rework i rarely ever see Billy anymore and I'm talking in the single digits the few times I have seen him.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited January 2021

    The funny thing is they got it kind of right when his rework first came out. 5 c/s on his overheat cooldown was completely fine, then they went and nerfed it back down to the original 3.8 for literally no ######### reason. It blows my mind how out of touch they are with the mechanics of this game, it's like everytime they get good feedback and do something good they immediately want to piss everyone off a week later and change something that literally nobody had a problem with before.