So... this is kind of a vent post but also a small piece of advice to any survivor players who happen to read this. Coming from another (mostly) survivor main.
I was playing Plague last night, got matched against a 3-man SWF (Nea, Meg, Felix) + a random Bill. Got sent to Shelter Woods, which I generally find a good map for killer (somewhat) but honestly pallet/tile RNG screwed me over. I'll let you know why in a bit.
The match started kind of awkward because I started chasing Felix and I immediately noticed he was competent in chase. He knew he was playing against a Plague so he did everything possible to avoid my puke and managed to do so for a while. At some point I get him, hook him, and then the match continues (it takes me a bit long to get this done but well). I manage to get both Meg and Nea at least once, and easily catch Bill a couple of times because he was clearly less experienced than the others, thus made lots of mistakes. At some point the Bill is dead. Great. Worth pointing that Nea and Meg were hooked in between the Bill hooks, so no tunneling here at all.
Then the remaining survivors manage to have only one gen left. Right before this, I had managed to catch Felix again (notice that right after I hook him there's only one gen left, because he looped me for a while). He is unhooked and I decide to go back to the hook to chase whoever unhooked him.
The problem? Nea and Meg were absolutely healthy. And not only that, but they sprint-bursted the ######### away, leaving Felix MUCH closer to me. I tried to chase one of the other girls but they were literally in Narnia. So I'm like yeah well ######### this and decide to go for Felix, who is injured and closer to me. Then I get looped for centuries, the dude got from jungle gym into jungle gym into another structure, all filled with pallets ---this is why I say that RNG screwed me over, because most times I play in this map there's literally nothing out there except for a couple of pallets and maybe a jungle gym or two. The other girls manage to finish the last gen, and get to the doors. By this point, the Felix started pointing at me and teabagging at every pallet. I made lots of mistakes, the last one costing me the kill because I lost him like a dumbass and he managed to get to the door. I could have played a lot better, I should probably have dropped the chase since he was the best player in the team (Nea and Meg weren't as bad as Bill, but way easier to catch than this guy). But this is not an "omg survivors op pls nerf" post, so the amount of mistakes I made is only relevant to me so I can improve in the future lmao.
Now, you can imagine what the post match chat with these three was like (Bill was long gone and I think he was in console so yeah). They were so angry about me "tunneling". It was pretty awful at first, then after insulting me for a bit they were all gone but Nea. I told her to tell her friend that I didn't want to "tunnel" him, but if she and Meg never let me chase them, either by going stealthy or sprint-bursting into Narnia, I have little to no choice but to follow the dude that is close to me and that I can actually see. She said she was reading so I choose to believe that she actually told her teammates this. Whatever they said about this, I will most likely never know.
I know what tunneling is. Approximately 80% of my hours in DBD are survivor hours, and I have been tunneled countless times. I despise tunneling, so I try to never do it (I may have tunneled an OoO player once or twice though, I admit, but aside from that I never do it, no matter if it's a valid strategy or not). Chasing the only dude you can find is not tunneling. If you, as a survivor, unhook your teammate and decide to run away without even trying to heal him (not effective against Plague of course, but I'm speaking in general lmao), or decide to stealth your way around the map without ever taking the aggro, of course that the killer is going to follow your recently unhooked teammate, because this game is about time efficiency and you can't go around wasting time looking for other people when you have someone right there in front of you.
Just putting it out there because I needed to vent but I also believe this serves as good advice for survivor players. I have played a lot of matches where everyone is dead and when I find the last guy he has never been hooked, because I haven't even seen him all match. So if you have a teammate who is dead on hook (and specially if he's your SWF buddy!!! you're friends!!! pls care about your friends at least), maybe trade some hook states and give the killer a chase instead of offering him as bait? This dude yesterday got out because he was very good at looping, RNG was awful and I'm not the greatest Plague player of all time (it's the first time I play her since like... April last year maybe lmao). But against more competent killers, that survivor is going to die, most times.
That's it. If anyone reads this, thank you for bearing with me. I wish you some awesome matches tonight, and whatever opinion you have about this I shall listen.
If you find a player who is bad at the game, why would you not tunnel them? It’s an easy kill. Such a simple thing, why even have to explain it?
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Because I usually play so that everyone can enjoy the game. Removing someone from the game without even giving them the possibility to do a gen, a totem, unhook their teammates or whatever else the game has to offer, feels wrong to me.
This is my personal decision, I know that you technically CAN tunnel if you want, and I also know that many survivors are little shits who don't care about the game being fun for the killer. But I'm trying to be kind, and not do what I hate being done to me if that makes sense.
Also, I often find that being kind to others makes them be kind to you in return, like a couple of days ago, when I let a console Meg escape through the gates, and one of the dead survivors told me she was his wife, thanked me for letting her escape and wished me good luck in the rest of my matches. Or when I decide to farm with survivors because one of their teammates DC'd, and they give me free kills when the match ends in return. It's those little things :)
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Nah I disagree. I bring party streamers, play by the survivor rule book, and still get salt in the endgame chat.
I was playing nice the other day and a SWF tried to take advantage of it by attempting to chain head on stuns as well as abusing locker DS’s.
So forget it. The only reason I have to play nice in this game is to get extra hooks for blood points.
The flashlight survivors are usually a lot less cocky when they are getting tunneled out of the game, that’s for sure.
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As many people state: "As the killer you don't owe the survivors a fair or fun game. It's your job to kill them and get your points and win". If you want to tunnel off hook, you can. If you want to sit at a hook and face camp, you can. There's nothing wrong with that because the devs allow it to happen. If the survivors get mad then they either A, should have looped better or B, not get caught in the first place. If I'm playing survivor and get a basement Leatherface with Insidious that's my fault if I get caught, not the killers.
With that being said there's nothing wrong with playing the way you do. Someone gets unhooked in front of you? By all means don't tunnel off hook. Hooked someone finally? Don't camp them and leave. Awesome way to play and props to you for being like that. Survivors don't get to be upset at the killer because they get tunneled or camped. As long as the killer isn't breaking any rules if he gets a 4k playing however dirty he wants it ultimately comes down to the survivor getting punished for their mistake.
Plenty of times if I think there's a SWF in my lobby I'll slug them all at 5 gens and let them bleed out for 4 minutes or until they DC. I'm within every right to do that and I'll continue doing it until slugging gets removed and replaced. Why? Because I can and I find it fun knowing that not one of them could loop me long enough to finish the gens or get the others up.
TL;DR Play how you want within the rules of the game and screw anyone who says you can't.
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That first statement right there is your problem.
I don't remember the last time I bought a game like Call of Duty or some other game where I go against other people on literal opposite teams and thought "Man, I hope I can make this fun for the other team!".
Survivors ultimately don't play so killers can enjoy the game. They don't give a ######### if you have a good time. All they want to do is emulate their favorite streamer who whines about killer builds while using every second chance in the book, and thinks dead hard takes "skill" while NOED should be nerfed.
Stop regarding survivor feelings. Play to win.Your job is to kill them. That's your objective. It's literally in the name. "Killer".
Trust me, you'll have more fun when you play for YOUR fun, and not theirs. You don't owe them a good time.
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I haven't told anyone in this thread anything about how they should play the game, so I don't understand why I have people telling me how I should play it.
I haven't played COD so I can't make a comparison with it. But I have played Overwatch. And the difference between this game and Overwatch is that the latter is not an asymmetrical game, and is much more balanced and well designed than DBD. DBD is full of design problems that players can take advantage of to make the other side miserable.
I will not do that. I hate it when it's done to me. I hate it when the game is unenjoyable to me, because if I buy a game it's to have fun. So I will not do what I find unfun to others. That's my decision and I would rather not have people telling me I should experience the game any other way.
That being said, it is indeed a game, and if you choose to play that way, I have nothing to say against it. You do you. Go for it.
This post was only a vent + a small remark on what tunneling is and what it is not. That's all it was. I appreciate that some people took the time to read the whole thing and provide their insight on how I should be playing instead, but it's just not how I want to play.
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Ok (?)
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Props for not trying to tunnel. It wasn't really your fault if those jerk teammates let him be bait. Technically you could have just walked away from him, but you might as well go after him, especially since he's good at being chased. It's not as unfair. Plus, t baggers deserve to be tunneled. For me that's the only reason I tunnel. I draw the line at tbagging.
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That sucks man. I've been playing almost 3 months now and, in 15+ years of gaming online, I've never received so much hatemail from players as I have in this game, in just the FIRST MONTH I was playing - some of it warranted but most of it not. This community is truly something different and the Salty Tears River flows strongest here than anywhere else.
What I've learned in my 3 months is that you can play perfectly by their rules (whatever they may deem to be fair) and yet if you do any single thing that beats or nullifies their strategy, their perk loadout, their whatever...then you're a dirty tunneler/camper/slugger/sh**bag killer that sucks and can't win or kill any other way than by *gasp* USING YOUR POWER!? OMG...😱Heaven have mercy....
The point? It doesn't matter how you play, you'll still get hatemail or hate msgs in the chat for whatever it is you did that got you the kill or the win.
My main basic rules for play as Killer are this:
#1) Play how you want to play, try not to care about the outcome of the game, and be content with the little successes
2) If you teabag or flashlight spam me, then it's open season for tunneling, and any other scummy (but valid) tactic. I once chased someone nearly an entire game because they did this. Obviously, they were waaaay better than me (again I've only been playing a few months), and I threw the game chasing them but they were my 1 kill and I was totally satisfied about it. Not sorry at all. You taunt, you get the target on your back.
3) If I massacre a team, I will try to help out the last survivor (assuming they didn't pull any douchebag moves on me earlier).
4) For any hatemail received, reply with a ❤️ - not much they can say back to that, and if they do, they're wasting their time writing out their heartfelt rage to someone who will only ever send back a ❤️ and nothing else lol.
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Killers don't tunnel, they kill weak links. It's the survivor's job not to be targeted.
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I don't think that was tunneling though, basically you chose the best target to chase in that scenario and it happened to be the guy who was just off hook. It sounds like everyone had a rich full game if it gets to last gen left then do what needs to be done.
Anyone accusing you of malicious tunneling in this scenario is someone who doesn't seem to understand what this game is about.
Being tunneled out of oblivion on 1 hook at game start sucks, but outside of that scenario its just killers picking the best target of choice and playing optimally. Felix should be yelling at his teammates who sprinted off to leave him to die not the killer who spotted this scenario and chose at the time the weakest target to chase. Take a protection hit for gods sake. You're a team.
Yes killers can be obnoxious and toxic, all players can be, but often making a good choice strategy wise as killer, is interpreted as toxic abuse by the other side.
You are going to patrol back to hook because it where at least 2 survivors are going to be if you don't find em on gens. One of those survivors is injured if the other sprints off into the mist then mr injured is going back on hook. Its just a good choice.