Killer power Idea

Karltastisk Member Posts: 529

Ok so i have a fun idea for a side effect of a killer power.

What if in one of the future killers, when damaged by the killer. The injured survivor would start to hallucinate and other survivors would look like the killer and emit the terror radius untill fully heal or for a 60 second period, basically making you not trust anyone lightly.
I don't know if this would be strong enough to be the base power, but as a passive power would be really fun. What you guys think?

Power description:
When striking a survivor they suffer from delusion.
While under the effect of delusion. Survivors will perceive other survivors as the killer themselves untill they are within a 6 meter radius.
Delusion lasts until the survivor is fully healed.

This was posted in general discussion aswell, but was told it belonged here.