The current state of Survivor players

Hello fellow killers and survivors,

Let's just keep it not too complicated and straight to the point since this will be just another opinion among the many. I am currently a rank 8 killer, and rank 8 survivor, with most of my playtime on the killer side (70-30 probably) So you can know my perspective/point of view.

Something has been bothering me lately. That is the current state of survivors compared with the complains in the game. In these forums and on the internet I see so many survivors complaining about Hex: Ruin together with Hex: Undying. And I'm scared that, since most people play Survivor, the devs are actually listening to most complains like this.

All I wanted to say is: can you guys just, for a second, stop whining? Lately, as a rank 8 killer, I've faced SO MANY red ranked survivors in my games. Players way above my own skill level, giving me a run for my money. Leaving me mostly with only 1 or 2 sacrifices at the end (if i play well enough). And the funny part is, these high ranked survivors, almost always play together. Maybe not always a 4 man SWF but still, there is so much communication between survivors players that it is almost impossible to play a decent match versus such groups unless you're on the level of Otzdarva. Oh and don't forget that they can, together with comms, bring a key to escape before doing all the gens! (but im sure i heard they will tackle that issue).

This makes trying a new killer, and trying to learn that killer, so punishing; if I buy Blight for example and try some games with him, I better prepare to lose some pips and ranks because hell yeah you bet I still gotta play against those same red ranks, baby. Dropping down a couple of ranks just because I don't always wanna play the same killers.

Also, why do Survivors player feel the need to be so toxic? I'll give myself an example, as purple rank chasing a red rank, if the players is excellent at loops it's near impossible to get something usefull out of it and I have to switch targets. Making one player free to do as they please. And after trying my best and playing a decent, what I get in end-game is T-bagging at the exit gate. And if I'm lucky also some banter in the chat, something like "baby killer" - "noob".

And now, when we get something strong like Ruin + Undying people are asking for a change... The same people who run: DS, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time and Dead Hard. 4 TIMES. And if you're really lucky as a killer, someone uses Object of Obsession together with full comms on all players. Why can't survivors accept that you don't have to win 8 out of 10 matches for the game to feel 'balanced' for you?

I know this feels like a rant on survivors, but I just had to speak my mind about this. Let me hear your thoughts! Survivors and killers.


  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Great post. This pretty much sums it up. DBD has its bias players that only play one side, but it also has players that have played enough of both sides to know which complaints are valid and which ones are laughably bad.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I try to balance my playing when I can but I prefer survivor because it's more fun for me. I think all perks are fair even when they annoy me and as long as you are respectful then I think you're a good player <3! I think many people have this rushing idea when it comes to this game, but I find the best matches are the ones that take time to do gens, save, cleanse, etc. because you get to do more with teammates and strategize as killer. Ruindying is not bad at all, I actually enjoyed it before the update, and DS is not a big issue for me. I think what makes it infuriating is when you are the sole teammate putting in effort against ruindying, and when you are facing a seal team packing the basic meta perks who are rude about it. I know this community can be great, so keep your head up and know that some survivor mains aren't opposed to killers planning ahead, just like some killers aren't opposed to survivors doing the same. Good luck in your next matches and I hope you have fun :)!

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    Most survivors want to be chases not sit and hold m1 on gens and totems all game

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    I know many survivor players dislike it, but one of the reasons I slug so much is because I enjoy immediately getting into the next chase. Makes the game feel busy hectic (even as a survivor, imo). This of course assumes I know where the next survivor is. If I don't, that's usually when I start picking survivors up. Pretty much agree with everything else you said as well.

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    Most don't like it cause it does get repetitive when it happens every game. I use small game to help but I got frustrated cause it felt I was using small game cause I had too not cause I wanted too, and I don't like being forced to use certain perks. Also I feel like there needs to be more incentive to want to cleanse dull totems tbh cause most survivors just don't care enough unless it becomes necessary (I.E Noed or Devor)

    Yes I can understand killers want chase interaction (I do too cause it can be fun at times) but against killers like deathslinger, spirit, PH I rather just gen rush cause those killers offer little to no chase interaction which survivors don't like so in those cases they just gen rush to get out as quikcly as possible

  • BlooperReel
    BlooperReel Member Posts: 127

    I think this is addressed fairly well however I'll start with the second part first:

    The devs have mentioned bringing back MMR, I am ALL for this. It'll stop what's going on with the red ranks v purple ranks. A rank 1 survivor can be any kind of skilled. I got to rank 4 easily just by playing a lot so I love the idea of MMR. Not fond of the 10 matches to place but then again any good MMR system needs to do it, and a bit of suffering for balance is appreciated so hopefully that'll fix or mostly fix that issue.

    Undying I think did need some changes. I didn't mind Undying/Ruin because of the nerf they did to Ruin so Undying/Ruin seemed like a good idea, not to mention that it took up a perk slot anyways so that meant things were more or less slightly safer depending on how well the killer guarded gens. However Undying made for a lethal combination with some Hexes. You could get Haunted Grounds to proc three times and that's some nonsense. I think it would've sufficed to make some hex combinations mutually exclusive such as Haunted Grounds/Undying but the devs really like to do an "all encompassing" strategy when it comes to changes.

    I don't know to what extent the devs actually peep this #########. Seems like never, I know Mathieu sits in OtzDarva's streams and he pays attention to him so when Otz complains or commends something there's always a chance they'll listen to him. They also have a "Fog Whisperer's Program" that apparently allows people to give their feedback basically directly to the devs but I heard somewhere that they don't really listen to them either. As far as I can tell Otz is the only individual they really peep.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Tbh, if you're rank 8 getting 1-2 sacrifices against the 'dreaded red rank swf sweat squad' then you already won.

    2 sacrifices and 2 escapes is balanced.

    Unless you're a tryhard who believes anything other than a 4k is a loss.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Killers whine just as much as survivors. Killers can also stop whining if they want survivors to stop whining. Both sides are whiny entitled camps. Naught to be done about it, that's how gamers go.

    Balance? The game is balanced towards killers if killrates are anything to go by. But of course "BHVR's stats are bunk and don't mean anything."

    When the game feels unbalanced it's just because you are facing someone significantly better than you. Of course if you are trying out a new killer you are going to have problems; you don't know how to play that killer yet but you are being matched against survivors who know the ins and outs of the game and how to verse that killer.

    It all comes down to the game's abyssmal matchmaking and BHVR's absolute insistence not to match people of roughly equal winning ability with each other.

    The entire pip, emblem and ranking system is a joke, which is why this game has so many problems.

  • wildcardyo
    wildcardyo Member Posts: 125

    Groups of good survivors have 100% win rate unless they start trolling. That says enough in and of itself. This game is supremely favored towards survivors in red ranks. Killers need MAJOR buffs

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Both sides complain too much. Killers complain about people talking to their friends and survivors complain about someone using their power too effectively

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You mean SWF. It doesn't matter if you're good at survivor in solo q if everyone else is a potato who gets downed in 2 seconds

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Hm yes, Undying was unfair for solo Q survivors. We cannot do gens, saves and totems at the same time.

    If you have any experience in solo Q at red ranks, you're usually going against more competent killers, but doesn't mean your team is competent, since a lot are only there because they were carried by their SWF group.

    Undying how it was, was not compatible with solo Q.

    You're telling survivors with this thread to stop whining. but what is your thread doing exactly? Ironic.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    If totems spawned where they used to, Undying could have stayed as is. Currently, totems have near infinite spawn points so you can't learn all the locations on the maps now to successfully counter it quickly. Also, without a totem counter in solo queue, it's too much.

    Having to cleanse it twice should be more than enough of a delay for you killer mains. If not, add another slowdown perk like corrupt, lullaby, or something.

    Don't bother replying or quoting me. I've heard all the killer main whining about my agreement with the Undying nerf. I really don't care. Go play all day as survivor SWF, solo, or otherwise and then come back here and complain about it.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Well, to when you get the "Entity Displeased" message and depip (and then you have the toxic survivors in chat gloating about how they won because they unhooked in your face with BT and the guy on the hook had DS), yeah, it feels like a loss.

    If they're going to say that 2-2 is the goal, either so making the killer feel like they lost that one or stop making the survivors feel like they won.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    There is just no way you're getting Entity Displeased with only two escapes if you played the game well enough. You're not getting an Iri emblem in the category related to sacrifice, but that's not a depip unless you literally face camped to death the 2 survivors you hooked and didn't go get any points anywhere else. On the other hand, you can literally depip even if you kill all 4 survivors.

    And why should it default to the killer being entitled to feeling like he won in that situation? Do you see what you're saying? "2-2 should make the SURVIVORS feel like they lost, and should make the killer feel like he won!" ???????????????? Why do survivors HAVE to feel like they lost if it was 2 sacrificed, 2 escaped? Like I seriously don't get what you're saying here LOL

    Winning a game can be completely and utterly subjective on either side, due to the nature of the game. 2-2 is an easy metric for something that FEELS somewhat healthy (a 4k is irritating to survivors, and a 4 man or even 3 man escape is upsetting to most killers).

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,657

    You have not won. 2 sacrifices and 2 escapes is a tie.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I don't think one side is more complaining than the other, or even more toxic... its 4 vs 1 so of course you are going to get more unpleasant survivors.

    But I feel even when I play survivor I often have to call out the behaviour of my teammates, its just childish and tantrum throwing to a point of disbelief.

    The number one argument you hear all the time is "X is boring", but often when you read between the lines the real complaint is "I can't loop x easily, or predict x easily" but that's kind of the point. I don't want easy killers that I can run circles around.

    This isn't scooby do its survival horror. Now I love scooby do, but when I play a survival horror I want to sweat to survive, it should be scary and confronting. When I escape it should feel like an achievement because the big scary killer/monster is a big threat. Very few games feel like that. Why are survivor queues ballooning because a lot of players sweat more as killer and that feels off.

    Problem is its online multiplayer so if the game was truly threatening killers, nobody would play survivor as people don't want to fight to survive, they want easy escape self affirmation and twitch followers to boost ego. When they are denied that they meltdown.

    I've learned that no matter what you do as killer you will often cop a face load of abuse so like everyone else I stopped playing nice, I play dirty. I do exactly what I want depending on what the situation calls for, its not personal its just business.

    When I play killer I play the big scary monster that isn't polite because that's immersive. Its also what you sign up for as survivor and what I expect to face when playing survivor. Anything else is a watered down experience.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Okay, then a rank 8 killer TIEING with the 'dreaded red rank swf sweat squad' is still something to be proud of.

    If he's able to do that then he should be in higher ranks. I honestly see no reason to complain.