Entitled survivours

Hi i play alot of survivour and killer but kinda getting sick of them nerfing killer stuff to make it harder because survivours don't know how to loop or if they make mistake they blame the killer.

Alot of the survivours that complain are players that never play killer enough to understand what it feels like to have 2 gens pop before they even get there because survivours have brand new parts and decent toolboxes.

It always seems to be killer stuff that get nerfes.

For example just finished playing a game as legion. this one rank 1 player escaped and he still had salt telling me that I was tunneling slugging and camping even tho I was chasing other people maybey if he took his head from up his ass he would relize that I was running iri button which makes my terror radius cover entire map.

I get it that getting hit straight of the hook is a pain as Iv played survuviour but it's obviously a strat for the killer to get pressure which is fine by me.

Another thing that annoys me as killer is when you get bitched at for tunneling when actually if the survivours dident hook bomb they would get on better.

Same as survivours that get unhooked and go straight in a locker in front of you then ds you coz they think they hardcore.

Soz for long rant but I feel like survivour stuff neva gets nerfed.

To all those salty entitled survivour mains try playing killer and you will understand that things ain't so easy.

I found a guy that complained at me when he was playing survivour that I tunneld and camped but I changed my name before I went to play as survivour and guess who I went against and he tunneld everyone as no one had ds then got all proud that he was a good killer it makes me laugh in the end its only a game.


  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    The salt is just something you have to get used to I guess. Those types of players are always going to complain.

    Had a pretty fair match as Huntress the other day and got "reported" for using an "aimbot". Even though the guy who claimed I was aimbotting literally ran in a straight line for an unhook about 20m from me and with not a single attempt at dodging.

    These types of players will always find an excuse to justify their loss so just take the W, say gg and move on.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I do that anyway I just think it's funny how they always nerfing killer stuff.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Killer stuff gets nerfed because it is unfair for solo Q (example of ruin + undying combo). Is the nerf overkill against SWF? Yes. yes it is. But I feel like a lot of killers forget that Solo Q survivors exist and not everyone who you're going against is a 4 men SWF on discord.

    Me, as a solo q survivor, saying ruin + undying was too much, isn't me being entitled, it's be wanting to have a fair chance. On maps like midwich, lerys, the game and saloon, it's really difficult to find totems. As a solo survivor, I don't have the time to be in a chase + cleanse totems + do gens + go for unhooks. That is something that only works in SWF.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I play solo most of the time when I play as survivour but I don't really complain if I die it's part of the game

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    It's not really about dying or not, you can still die if the killer doesn't have ruin + undying obviously. But do you really expect a solo survivor to survive against a spirit/nurse/freddy with ruin + undying on a inside map? It's more about fairness than anything

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    That works both ways to with fairness you could load into a lobby as a killer and they could all be playing solo but if all 4 of them are running the meta perks and 2 of them have DS+UB if they have half a idea what they are doing the killer will be in for a rough time even a nurse/freddy or spirit, The other day i loaded in with all solo players and the freddy had a hard time keeping up due to the fact i play killer a lot so knew how to counter him like waking myself up just before saving someone to give them BT as a alarm clock was right next to them.

    So why isn't stuff getting nerfed to make it fair for killers like DS or finding a way to make DS+UB not as strong and more fair for the killer and before the don't tunnel starts killers don't have to tunnel, the amount off times i have hooked someone to find a survivor behind me ready to get the save or before i have walked 10 steps away from the hook someone is unhooking them i go for the unhooker because its not fair on the hooked survivor there teammate was dumb and saved them then other times i will down them both to try and teach them to do a safe unhook, Should i get hit by a DS because your teammate was bad or be forced to wait a min where is the fairness in that when i did nothing wrong and your teammate made the bad choice instead of waiting 10 seconds for me to leave.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Because if those perks get nerfed solo q gets even worse. They need to put solo q similar to SWF and then balance all perks with that