do you think bubba is unfair ?

as a killer main who never played him i didntt know how bs he is recently i been playing tons of survivor and i come across many bubbas and its so bs that he can one hit every one with out putting in the work like ghost face myers and he is the best camping killer in the game by far



  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    I think he is fair, if you get in a position for him to hit more than one survivor in a chainsaw sweep that is your own doing and you deserve to have half or more of the team to go down

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,164

    Bubba is perfectly fair.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The danger of bubba is to not get caught out in the open. Once you learn how to route bubba isn't that scary. I feel he gets a bad rep because a lot of face campers use Bubba. I talking people who face camp for the sole purpose of being a douche.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Adopting a new strategy would help you. Try spinning him out near walls and obstacles, such as stationary props, lockers, generators, and hooks. The tantrum makes him stationary and gives you time to get a ton of distance.

  • AceInTheKate
    AceInTheKate Member Posts: 100

    He has zero map pressure and if your at a good spot of the map he is a m1 killer.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    edited January 2021

    No, his ability really only works well out in the open. I don't really care if the killer camps.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Not really, I understand sometimes it can feel like there's no escaping his chainsaw but only if you get caught out in the open against him, if you loop him while hugging the sides of the loop you can usually get him to hit the shade and then run away while he's in his 4 hour tantrum. Besides there are so many insta down killers, perks and add ons you just gotta shrug your shoulders and go down in one sometimes.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Only thing I think is unfair about Bubba is how quickly he recovers from breaking a pallet with his chainsaw. It should be a tad slower, like Demo and Oni if you ask me.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Na, he fine.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited January 2021

    Bubba is perfectly fine. His power is reliant on survivor mistakes/misplays (which is what most survivors enjoy) as opposed to top tier killers (i.e. Nurse, Spirit).

    On top of the fact that his power basically only punishes survivor mistakes he also has no:

    - built in gen defense (unlike your "bae" [Freddy])

    - built in map pressure (unlike Freddy)

    - Borrowed Time counter (unlike Freddy). Yes, people can get double hit by the chainsaw if they're refusing to use the speed boost to vault a window/pallet.

    - semi stealth via partial invisibility while awake/no terror radius while asleep (yes, more Freddy talk)

    - tracking (unlike Freddy with snares)

    - tiny body making mindgames easier (unlike Freddy)

    Also Bubba has a higher mechanical-skill requirement than most of the other killers in the game justifying his power.

    So yeah, his 1 v 1 can feel strong but that's about it. And it only feels strong if the Bubba player is good at using the chainsaw WHILE the survivor player is bad at using windows and pallets correctly.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Nope. His camping potential is annoying, but that is countered by being aware of your surroundings and not getting caught. If you are spotted, looping long enough for the first 2-3 gens would guarantee your teams victory if he chooses to camp you.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Fair, no. Unfair, not really. Leatherface is overall pretty balanced and how well the chainsaw works depends on the map

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    No Bubba is fair.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont think he is unfair.

    however, should that bug still be a thing where you palletstun chainsaw killers while they use their saw, yet they suffer no stun and instabreak the pallet, then i would consider that to be quite unfair.

    another unfair aspect about this killer is, how his overheat was handled so well, while billy got absolutely shafted with basically the same mechanic.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Here is the truth. As someone who is often face camped by red rank bubbas...

    He is fair and sorta balanced.

    Problem is his camping potential as mentioned above. And that's not really a bubba problem, it's a game design problem. It's not nearly punished enough to do it and thus people do it. Often because they are triggered (I have a clip of going down nearly when the game starts after looping one all over Haddon... and he sat on the hook in my face til I do while everyone did gens and left. He kept smacking me)

    We are getting to the point where the entire hooking system, positioning, and overally mechanics are outdated and aging poorly. But at this point, this is what system we have and we will just have to deal with bad games at times if a killer wants to throw the game to piss you off or bait the team.

    My rules are always

    1. If i am being facecamped pray my team finishes everything and lets me die. I understand

    2. If i am hit with NOED, kill myself off hook because game allows so no one has to lose to risk getting me because the killer rightfully only has one choice to proxy my hook

    3. Not take it personally and just move on to the next game and NOT play killer the same way

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Just run Kindred so nobody comes to rescue you while the killer camps. He wastes his time, your teammates escape and your sipping some tea while you wait to start your next match.

    Unless you are one of those people that get made at video games, then uh yeah thats not a game problem.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    His camping is unfair.

    For the rest, he's not. He's just mostly uninteresting, especially when paired with bamboozle. It just becomes a game of he vaults the window, you must drop the pallet or get chainsawed, you do drop the pallet with correct timing but dedi server are like "nah, ######### you. I'll give you the stun points but I'll let Bubba still break the pallet stun-free".

  • Retromind
    Retromind Member Posts: 156

    I would put him in mid tier, he's alright. Not powerful but not a target for bullying.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    I'm honestly curious about these strats I've looped bubba by windows but getting one to tantrum the guy has to be brain dead.

    So what downsides does his chainsaw have I've seen bubba's swerve and circle like a car in an action movie.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    This is a good answer.

    I'd say he's very balanced. Very fun to be chased by.

    Has great builds available.

    The face camp is what is unparalleled in lacking in fairness. If that wasn't possible would be my #1 favourite killer to verse. Any killer can facecamp but Bubba does it best. It's just poor game design rather than Bubba in general everything else about him is great.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    BT doesn't do anything against a good camping Bubba, unless you are nearby a structure or good spot.

    Not only that, but a lot depends on his add-ons.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    It's about accurate timing of your fast vaults at windows preferrably god windows. You need to bait bubba into hitting the window to get them to tantrum. You can try running small obstacles but it takes a real mediocre player to tantrum on those.

    That is the downside. You can't move in tantrum. The survivor gets huge distance for it.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    For Bubba, I would recommend first doing generators in dead zones so you aren't caught out in the open

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Not at all. I find him pretty weak against good players. Survivors are making massive mistakes if they're grouping up and getting caught out of position by a Leatherface

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    youre one of the few that doesnt mind a basment camping bubba

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    No I don't, in fact, I think it's pretty funny. The stereotype that Bubbas camp isn't true in my opinion. I don't even remember the last time I got face camped by a Bubba that wasn't during endgame.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2021

    Bubba is one of the weakest killers in the game against good survivors. His power is far too straight forward with very little room for mindgames, and it is countered incredibly hard by windows, and fairly well by pallets. Good survivors love facing Bubba because he is pretty much a standard 4.6 m1 killer unless you get greedy, and a killer who solely relies on m1s is very weak. Eventually you may get sawed in chase, but the only reason this should happen is a mistake such as losing a mindgame or running to a deadzone. As for camping, this means he is resorting to 1 kill, as 3-4 gens can easily be completed if he chooses to camp. Sure this isn't fun for the person on hook, but it means the other 3 pretty much get a free escape.

    Leatherface's insta-down is far from free unless you make a mistake, and if he is getting multiple downs from one saw, that's on the survivors, not a very mediocre killer being OP.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Not really just force him to m1 you by going to windows.

    If your out in the open too bad he is literally designed to down survivors out of position.

  • Face camping as bubba resulting in a kill 99% of the time is a bit unfair. There is no counterplay to a bubba that face camps; he has to make a huge mistake otherwise he WILL get at least one kill.

    Other than that, he is absolutely fair.

    Oh it's true. Several folks have even done stat gathering streams and documented each match, like a majority of them camp the last person after the last gen is done, but around like 35% or so will just camp as soon as they get one person or sometime in the middle of the game.

    This rings true in most of my games as well, about 1 in 3 will face camp someone fairly early into the game.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    M1 killer? Maybe if the Bubba is bad. I use him almost entirely as M2.

    Note with the addons I had it was either feed me a pallet every time I pulled up the saw or go down.

    Any mindgame you can do at loops with an M1 killer you can do with the chainsaw.

  • DeceptivePastry
    DeceptivePastry Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2021

    Unfair no, but I really think Bubba is stronger than people give him credit for. Against VERY good survivors sure he isn't that great, but how many killers are. Skilled players can make you eat several pallets but he eats them quick and after they start running out of them they're in trouble. Running bamboozle can make up for strong window loops and tinkerer is really fun, if you can get the jump on a survivor they will usually eat the chainsaw.

  • DeceptivePastry
    DeceptivePastry Member Posts: 48

    "Any mindgame you can do at loops with an M1 killer you can do with the chainsaw."

    This is the key here. Doing the "look the other direction and wait for the survivor to walk into you" mindgame works just as well with the chainsaw. Start revving the moment you turn around and they usually don't have the distance to make it to a pallet/window.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    I'm by no means saying you can't use his chainsaw, I'm simply saying that his chainsaw isn't incredibly effective often times given that you are restricted to a very predictable movement pattern. The issue with his chainsaw sweep is that while you are able to moonwalk and change direction, most of the time if the survivor is smart enough to play safe then they can either utilize a pallet or window. Basic mindgames will only get you so far against high quality survivors, as they will be patient and know when to commit one way or another based on how far away the killer is. The chainsaw doesn't provide particularly fast movement speed, so it's largely useless at many tiles as long as the survivor isn't greedy.

    In relation to the clip you attached, I noticed that the survivor didn't know the timing of stuns, that's why they weren't getting them. At filler pallets like that I certainly agree that Bubba is strong, and any bit of greed or not timing a stun will lead to a quick chase. You did very well with cutting corners tightly and not respecting pallets, which is how you should play those tiles. My point is primarily about windows, however, and without bamboozle Bubba feels a bit m1 heavy at tiles with windows.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    mmm no?

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    He is at best, a risky character since you can get some sick plays, but if you mess up once, there goes like, 10 seconds of your time wasted on tantrum.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I like how bubba is right now, and i rarely see facecamping bubbas unlike may people seem to in these forums. I'd expect facecamping bubbas to make a return when undying tho, it is really useful to incentivise him to run around to apply pressure to multiple survivors at once. Once ruin combo is broken he would have no competitive reason to go around and at the best thing he could do would be patrol hooks.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    It didn’t even matter if they did, because I had double chili and those first two sweeps were a single charge and even the third pallet was only 2 charges. They either drop it or die and getting a stun with dedicated servers is sketchy.

    Obviously I use bamboozle, which reduces any tile into practically another filler pallet. The only thing that can hurt is a nasty double window setup but even then I can just leave that area.

    And I don’t see how instantly destroying pallets is a “largely useless” ability and I play this character into 3-4 man rank 1 SWFs regularly and win.

    Especially with some slowdown perks you can quickly clear out a deadzone. A 3 gen against Bubba is a nightmare on top of his extremely strong hook defense and any early basement hook can mean GG.

    He is more than adequate to completely roll 95% of solo Q teams.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    I played a game that wasn't going so good for me. I get pointed and teabagged at every opportunity. My breaking point was the whole team body blocking me when I finally got someone down. Now I hate facecamping but I went full payback mode against these survivors. Hooked An Ash and watched as the rest came to me like moths to a flame. Got them all down and got the 4k. Thing is, they only had to do one more gen and coulda escaped but instead wasted their time doing unsafe hook after unsafe hook. It was stupidly hilarious.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Bubba's almost the perfect representative for a killer you make a mistake you die your making a risky play not if he can stop it he makes a mistake you get distance

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    He punishes survivors who are out of position or survivors who misjudge their distance to windows.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    It's a chain saw those things are make to cut wood and other various objects

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I hear not haveing a gen party helps in not getting multiple downs

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Very good point. OP if the bubba has Bamboozle make sure to sidestep the window and not loop as you will be forced to drop pallet. Bamboozle only blocks one window therefore best course is to sidestep to another tile with a good window. If no pallet and no window then tough luck my friend. ;)

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Bubba is a brain dead killer but is fine. Yes very strong camping.