How to make Devotion Levels Useful

Just an idea. What if you could use devotion to ensure things will show up in the bloodweb?

For example each month at the reset you gain a number of devotion points equal to your devotion level. Clicking on the Devotion Icon in the bloodweb will bring up a devotion shop showing all items/add-ons/offerings. You can then either spend your devotion points to either buy items outright or force them to show up in the blood web.

For example, I want to go to midwich, but I have no offerings. I have devotion points, so I go into the shop and 1 devotion point is worth 5 rare offerings, so I buy 5 midwich offerings. Now these either go straight into my inventory or will be guaranteed to show up in my next five bloodwebs.

But wait! I also want to tombstone. So i also buy 2 tombstones from the shop, because 1 devotion is worth 2 ultrares, and they appear either in the web or in my inventory like the midwhich offering does.

I might as well get PWYF ranked up too. So I also buy that at the conversion rate of 1 devotion = 1 perk level.

The following all cost 1 devotion ( just an idea)


1 Perk level


2 Ultra Rare Items

3 Very Rare Items

4 Rare Items

5 Uncommon Items

8 Common Items


2 Ultra Rare add-ons

4 Very Rare add-ons

6 Rare add-ons

10 Uncommon add-ons

20 Common add-ons


2 Ultra Rare

3 Very Rare

5 Rare

8 Uncommon

25 Common

With this, you either get the # of item directly, or it appears in the next # bloodwebs. Because of this, the numbers should change as one you are guaranteed to get, but the other is just a chance.