To Anyone Who Thinks Blights PoV is Intentional

Here's a comparison of his height to Spirit and Hags height. None of these images are scaled up or down, you can compare the background if you wish. The low camera of Blight is a bug, not a bad "design". I just want my boy to be able to see anything in the corn or in the swamp, is this too much to ask.
I feel like the intent of his low camera originally was to make it so you didn't Slam something you couldn't see beforehand, but they failed to realize how troublesome a low camera actually is for seeing things, so now they have to backpedal to restore his functionality.
Also, this is being worked on, but they have to redo the animations from square one, so give them some time.
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I don't wanna be whiney, but I feel like almost 5 months is more than enough time.
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The hands are part of the camera itself, if the camera is low, so are the hands, and im pretty sure the devs confirmed that this was a bug
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That makes sense but they messed that up too. Your camera is low enough to make seeing around difficult but not low enough to collide with low objects like many cars in Autohaven. They should have made the collision detection on the ground level from the start without messing with his camera.
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This is correct.
They began work on Blight probably a year in advance, and with stuff actively under production, they don't have all the resources they used to in order to redo his animations.
They have to MANUALLY move his animations upward to align to the camera, for whatever reason. My friend, who is a modeling nerd, says that it SHOULD be as simple as just moving the model up with the camera, but apparently, BHVR has spaghetti in more than just the code.
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I have no idea if they actually need to work on the animations, im not that smart lol
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It's intended.
I lean towards malice over incompetence.
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They should make his POV normal, but it will be a little lower, when you rushing.
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Nope,just raising the pov isn't enough.
They have to rework his first person animations too or else it would look really weird and awkward.
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Blights really balanced right now and with a POV change he would be perfect
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Here's another theory:
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You can also tell it isn't intentional because when you are carrying a survivor, you have a much higher camera, where it should be. Next time you play, face an obstacle when picking up and see where your camera is positioned after. Or not where you reach on a hook before and after hooking someone.
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Yea all they would have to do is raise the camera do their trick for client sided POV and test it several times to make sure nothing is busted like seeing inside blights head when using shadow born
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Wait they dont have to redo all his animations its client sided no so the survivors would see the same thing but killer would see something different it's like that with all killers especially demo
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Oh yes, it is. Way more than enough time and certainly a large flaw to be IMMEDIATELY addressed.
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From the time that killers were bugged while the match starts and we could see how they set up the blight for first person, he is legs are like halfway through the ground. Lift him up.
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i have never laughed this hard at a post. Thank you
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You would think this would be the case, but like I said, BHVR apparently has spaghetti code in more than just game mechanics, given how they keep screwing unrelated stuff up every update.
Like how Legion recently got entirely ######### by not having a speed boost in Feral Frenzy for no logical reason whatsoever.
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You're welcome, and remember... watch your ass out there!
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Thing is theres no excuse for how long its taking, with the bug we got in I believe patch 4.3.0, where all killers started off looking like the killers pov you could see his legs go into the ground, about ankle level. all they have to do is push him up and problem solved
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You'd think, but as I've said twice in recent days, apparently BHVR has more spaghetti than just in the code itself.
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Yeah that's true.
They raise Blight's fov and Dwight will have Kate's voice, the killer shack no longer spawns a pallet, and Spirit's addons stop working.
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At this point, I fully believe that could happen.
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meanwhile plague stands on her tippy toes when she is about to barf.
I can ######### see over walls and ######### with her massive POV.
But blight? Nah ######### him, enjoy the corn maps! thanks BHVR