Last second key switch
As the title says.
Tbh I never understood why anyone would change last second to a character with a key or just equip a key last second.
I can understand that you were afraid to get moried, but that has changed now yet I still see it happen.
Are you not certain about your playstyle in chases or something?
If any, when survivors switch last second to a key I see them getting tunnelled and camped most of the time.
By not have the courage to equip it right from the start instead of at the last second.
I am genuinely curious why this is still a thing.
Because most killers will just up and dodge when they see a survivor holding a key and if they don't dodge, then they can bring Franklins. Doing a switch at the last second stops the killer having enough time to equip Franklins to defend against it, and it's pretty much going into the loading screen at that point.
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i think they try to prevent preparations like franklins demise, hatch offering and so on....
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Than still I don't get it.
If the killer would dodge the lobby and you equipped it last second, he most likely will dc during loading screen as I've seen happen many times.
And as for franklins there is a counter to it by just putting your key somewhere safe on the map.
It won't get smacked out of your hands and it won't disappear.
So i still don't see why it is still a thing
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I see it happen quite often, and I assume it's for one or multiple of these reasons:
- They are hoping that the Killer was looking away from the lobby for the split second the key is in their hand before the screen goes to black. Then they will try and stealth around the map, or dump the key, and then the hatch escape is more of a surprise and the Killer will not think to play around it (e.g. prevent an early hatch spawn or locate/defend the hatch).
- They are bored of waiting 8 minutes for a game and they know many Killers will dodge the lobby if they know about the key and extend the wait time.
I think it's also effective on streamers, who may be interacting with chat and can easily miss the split second change. But even then, if it's a streamer it is likely that someone in chat will catch it.
It's a risky strategy I guess, not sure why they do it to be honest.
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Last second switch exists because of lobbydodgers.
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Easy to DC in the load screen when someone pulls that shady crap. Don't even get a DC penalty. Did it twice yesterday.
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Whenever I've done it (😃) it's been to avoid Franklin's. Setting the key down is fine in SWF, but it has a high chance of getting nabbed in solo. Believe me, the most remote corner of the map is NOT as safe as you think- Urban Evasion P3 Blendette WILL find it, and she WILL thank her lucky stars and God for sending this key down from heaven.
I think it's also just a leftover habit from when moris were pre-nerf and a killer could just take you somewhere remote with that key, get you and the key out of the game, and wipe his hands of the whole thing.
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there is bunch of killers dodging for literally everything: 4 PC? must be SWF dodge, 4 console? must be SWF dodge, 2 medkits? dodge (its not a joke), key? dodge, loaded in full lobby with 4 ready survs? dodge
and if you think its a joke its not, every case happened to my lobbies at least 10 times
ofc there might be killers that are trying to snipe someones lobby (but at most i would count it 10% of cases)
as much as i hate and despite survivors killing themselfes on 1st hook, or DCing after getting downed thats equivalent of killer dodging lobby because they dont want to play vs X... is it more harsh and punishes randoms? yup
right now MM literally doesnt work, but back then when it somehow worked(before crossplay) (i had my profile with DBD hours public) i was dodged on avg 3-5 times before each game and those dodging killers (i guess 1st or 2nd killers were red ranks) made MM give me below rank 15 killer (it was at time when in mm rules was 8 rank diff at most and it worked that way) but because we had open lobby dodged by so many killers Matchmaker gave us random killers
PC killers are going out of their way to check survivors steam profile(or even streamsnipe if you have ttv link) to make sure they will play vs bad survs/have easy game
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Because they feel they’re entitled to free escapes.
Oh you want to prepare so you can have a the slightest chance to counter my most op item in this game? Sorry you’re not allowed.
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Same. I don't do that for keys, but I am for map offerings I don't like. If it map comes up naturally, sure, I'll hang around. You wanna play Red Forest, Ormund, Haddenfield- deuces.
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For me it's simple. Don't play a map offering. I'll DC in the loading screen. Don't run OoO. I'll DC the second I see your aura.
I just think those two things are severly busted and I'm kind of done tolerating them. Why be miserable playing a game, when I can just wait a few minutes and play a game that's more fun?
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i hate OoO users as well,
map offerings? on killer i wouldnt mind as long as its not swamp/indoor map/ haddon, but i hate those on survivor as well haha
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If you D/C in the loading screen does it still waste their offering?
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No, if a game is "cancelled" because someone fails to load in all offerings and other consumable things are returned unless something has changed.
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Ah OK, in that case I'd rather just meme and waste their offering
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It's a classic. They removed the ability for Killers to change characters when searching for a game and waiting in a lobby. However, Survivors are still able to do so.
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Exactly what I don't get?
I said it from the start when they first announced that, that they also should disable character select for survivors when searching a lobby, or at least while in a lobby.
Yes I can understand that they do a mmr for different killers.
They don't to do it for different survivors too, but at least just lock the selection like with killers.
Than you get less like this bs imo
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But that devs are survivor biased and not really good at it, is something they already said and showed
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
The keys are atleast easy to spot now. The old ones bleded perfectly with Jake and Claudettes hands.
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What does entitlement have to do with the last second switch?
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@Gay Myers (Luzi) did I say something wrong here that you edited my post?
Can recall what the full comment was, but if it was something that shouldn't be there than I'd like to know that for the future.
That way I can keep it in mind.
I'm talking about this post btw 👍
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Mori isn't the only problem in this game.
In 100% of games where I bring in a key killer will switch to Freddy, Nurse, Spirit or Huntress and bring most broken loadout possible and play 100% super sweaty slugging and going for the throat.
Bringing a key in = hard mode. This is a fact.
Switching the key in at least makes it so it's not hard mode, but instead tunnel face camp mode. Which is preferable by far. And if you drop the key off somewhere sometimes the killer takes it easy.
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What you say is not possible.
The killer is unable to switch from 1 killer to another when searching for a lobby and while in a lobby.
If he decide to switch he needs to back out of the lobby, change killer and then search again.
Killers are locked to the current killer as soon as they search for a lobby, survivors aren't 😉
What I noticed most of the time is that when a survivor switch last second to a key, they are the ones activate hard mode.
The usual have a build to do the gens in the least amount of time, unfortunately the killer has to adapt to that kinda gameplay and go try hard most of the time.
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Agree, problem is the side effect - do this to me and your a tunnel magnet.
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Yesterday I had a game of 4 last second change dwight from console. I am a rank 12 pc killer.I have my policy to never dodge or dc (except once in year 2 cause of the abuse of a fatshaming spot infinite). The trial lasted less than 5 minutes with only 2-3 hits and they TBagging, clicking and so on. So I went on a drive with Billy since I wouldn't even get my 4 chainsaw daily not too mention any hooks and they still stayed in until egc ran out.
In endscreen I saw why I should've dodged nonetheless against 4 rank 1/2 and from their simultaneous change I guess also a 4men swf. But hey 4 minute game against several minutes queue for them I guess.
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If they switch last second in my game, I make sure that the person with the key does not get the hatch.
I will even slugg that person if there are 2 left then down the other one, hook the pers with the key and give the last one the hatch.
And the hatemail will flood my inbox from the key person 😂
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Franklin's isn't an issue. Why should you be afraid of Franklin's? Super easy to counter with key strategy and it weakens the killer severely by giving up a precious perk slot for a junk perk.
The real issue with showing a key in the lobby is that the killer will bring a pink mori, a pink hatchet, a purple amulet, a pink finger, a green topknot, or purple green breath. When you have a key in the lobby the game goes into hardmode and killer slugs you and will use the worst possible builds to destroy you.
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I'm exactly the same lmao I hate keys with a passion, they can reduce game time drastically but they can also kill late game tactics which is pretty unfair (i also feel the same about moris, I'd happily remove them both) I don't lobby dodge keys but try a sneaky key change on me and my sole aim is for you to die
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so youre telling me, because of last second switch to a key you managed to get 2/3 hits (i guess m1) and all that because of key? right?
if you got 4 rank 1/2 its matchmaker issue xd not item xd
also dont blame SWF, you just got thrown into lobby that was ready to go but their previous killer dodged
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Oh yeah sry i forgot that in this forum you can't make a comment if the buzz word of the thread title is not included in your anecdote.
Edit: and for clarification, my comment focused on the "last second (key) switch" aspect of the title.
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I don't understand why somebody with fast queues actually sits and stares at the timer instead of doging the lobby. At the least kill the proces in task manager or the dashboard/xmb of the console on the oferings or at least loading when theyd o that to you and restart and requeue. If done during offerings I know at least you won't get a penalty. Survivors did it all the times for moris before they were removed which is why when you got into a match with 3+ pc players and the killer's offering was hidden the game often said somebody disconnected during matchmaking and threw you back into the lobby. When i decided to stay in a lobby that had 3 or 4 pc players in it, I was expecting either somebody to drop during offerings/loading or for the killer to have a mori which turned out to happen at least every few lobbies like that lol. I started doging them even as a survivor to save myself time.
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Pips don't mean anything for killers. You don't even want to be in red ranks, only as survivor you want that, less potatoes. So just run in a corner, face to the corner so they can't trigger chasing points and wait the game out. They will best black pip but most likely depip.
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Dosnt have to do anything about being unsecure about my skills, it has to do with the fact that i play solo 100% of the time and that means every 3 games there is a first-hook-suicide or a dc. But i already know that, and a key help me to get out anyway.
Also, killers tunnel and camp anyway if they want to, no reason needed. But if you do it to me because i bring a key, at least someone else will take it up and get out.
you can tunnel all you want, but that is a reallity of the game anyway. so this "thread" is kind of empty.
Although i equip the key at the beginning and not last second, but even if it were a difference to you, to a lot of killers it is not.
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Well tbh I am in red ranks on both sides and I rather be there than lower purple and lower most games are pretty easy and I like a challenge.
I will, no matter what, try everything to win the match and never quit or give up.
Who said I had problems with it?
I just wonder why people do that as I see it happen whether I play killer or survivor.
As survivor I also play solo only but the only item I sometimes use is a medkit unless a rift challenge requires a specific item.
A key I don't use cause I find that to easy and I don't want a coward way out.
That is how I see the key/hatch.
Sure if I'm the last remaining survivor I will take the hatch if I find it, if not then I try the gates or just go into a chase.
I don't care if I escape or not, all I play for is good chases as survivor.
That is the only fun part than sitting at a gen pressing a button now and then.
Never have I said I tunnel or camp when I see keys.
Hell if you want a key just bring it, I don't care I play the match anyway.
Like I said in a different comment, whenever I see the key person and someone else is alive I slug the key person and give the hatch to the other person anyway.
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When I play killer, I don't care that much if people have keys because I usually don't snowball fast enough for it to matter, so I don't bother with Franklins or anything just for that. It does make a mildly negative impression if someone switches to a key at the last second, because it indicates an intent to be sneaky, but even that doesn't bother me enough to remember.
On the flip side, when I play survivor, the literal only time I've used keys is when I have to take the hatch for a rift challenge and, in that case, I want to use my key! I don't switch at the last second but I've definitely had a lot of matches where I brought a key for the challenge and the killer came in and tunneled me with Franklins, and it's frustrating from that POV. So I understand people who feel like they want to have the chance to use the item they brought and try to sneak it in at the last second.
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maybe you think your comment was about last sec switch, but it was 1 sentence about key and literally everything else about how you got .... by Matchmaker