Favorite builds

My favorite build is
Mettle of Man / Breakout / Sabotage / Dead hard
Breakout build is the most fun in DBD. The plays always feel great! A flashlight, med kit or, toolbox fit perfectly in this build.
What's your favorite build and why do you enjoy it? Is it fun or, do you "win"?
Michael Myers with Surveillance, Oppression, Sloppy Butcher, and Nurse's Calling.
I have been having a lot of fun playing Myers primarily as a stealth killer. I stay in Tier 1 for the majority of the match and only tier up when there's 1 gen left and I need the extra mobility and power.
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The solo survivor experience;
Dead Hard
Kindred imo is the most valuable solo survivor perk in the game.
Bond is just so good on solo, knowing where your team is, if the TR goes off but somone is running back and forth means they're getting chased most likely so you can finish the gen etc
Dead Hard is Dead Hard enough said
And although experienced i find windows to be valuable, with the dead hard synergy has gotten me out of a few tight spots
I hate running DS but if I have a few bad games of being tunneled then I get annoyed and run it
Anyone's thoughts/ suggestions / feedback are welcome
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That's the sort of build I detest when playing killer lol never tried breakout is it meme-y or is it efficient?
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After using it for so long I can't live without the fast vault build. It's not very unique but I use Resilience / Spine Chill / Dead Hard / BT
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Right now? Plague with Surge, Surveillance, Corrupt Intervention, and Tinkerer.
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I love running my chest build on Santa Dweet (Ace in the Hole + Plunderers Instinct + Appraisal + Dead Hard)
I also love running the obsession build on killer (Rancor + Nemesis + STBFL + Pop).
Out of the 2, I would say the obsession build is definitely more fun because it makes survivors think: "Is pallet stunning the killer really worth the mori at the endgame?". Though I will say that I use Santa Dweet more often.
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Ive been loving Devour Hope on deathslinger lately. There is something so satisfying about getting 3 stacks with him and reeling healthy survivors in for a insta down!
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I adore using Second Wind + We'll Make It + Aftercare + Distortion.
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Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, and Iron Will every game for 6k hours of game time (2k hours when not counting queue times)
Actually though Quick and Quiet, Inner Strength, Dead Hard, and Spine Chill. It is fun for me right now, but I change my favorite build a lot.
Also if your favorite build is the top one I was just joking. you do you
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I think it's
Sprint burst
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Tenacity + Dead Hard + No Mither + Breakbout seems like it could be kinda fun tbh
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Breakout is actually useful, you also recieve a speed boost to get in place for flashlight or hook sabotage.
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I use Urban Evasion, Kindred, Balanced Landing and Self-Care on Nea. She's really quiet when she's injured so I can heal without being heard.
For Killer: Spirit with Bitter Murmur, Whispers, S.B. and Hex: NOED
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Sometimes I run a fun healing build with Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures, Empathy, Aftercare, and a medkit.
Tank build is Mettle of Man, Breakout, WGLF, and Dead Hard.
End game only build is Adrenaline, Hope, Wake Up, and No One Left Behind.
Totem hunting/meme build is Detective's Hunch, Inner Strength, Q&Q, and Head On.
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I've been really liking this build.
Everyone Escapes Death:
Built To Last
Soul Guard
Desperate Measures
Bring a purple med kit, or any med kit for that matter and you will be incredibly strong. This build is nuts and it has turned the tide of all if not most of my matches. It does tilt killers but that is not the point, this is a meta build that no one is talking about. Killers have to slug and apply pressure and this almost takes that pressure and throws it at the killer. You have more med kit heals (built to last). you can take hits when recovered because you will get slugged (soul guard + unbreakable), and you heal and unhook faster for everyone that is injured (desperate measures). It counters NOED, it counters any hex really, it counters thanataphobia. you name it. I love running this build.
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I like going online on a random perk simulator when I want to make things more interesting. Playing with the same perks can get stale and playing with ones you wouldn't normally think of keeps things interesting and can help change up your playstyle based on what you bring. Plus getting perks like no mither and OoO as solo is always pretty funny.
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Base Mask/Silver Mask,Monochrome Shroud,& Any Knife
Double Recovery
Ruin+Undying+Surveillance+Spies Of The Shadows
When i run this i feel like im a Mastermind
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Ghostface : Mindbreaker / Pop Goes the Weasel / Surveillance / Haunted Ground
The build lets you stalk and down survivors off of gens no problem. You might want to swap to Spirit Fury because I've seen an uptick in survivors burning Badham offerings, and those maps are literally nothing but safe non mindgame loops - doesn't matter if they are Exposed if you can't hit them in the first place.
Survivor : Babysitter / Distortion / Unyielding / For the People
Been taking a break from Killer and kinda just playing Survivor as a funrun. This build let me cruise all the way up to Rank 8 in like, two days, even with queue times being silly. Babysitter / Distortion give both you and your unhook no scratchmarks and aura invisibility, while letting you read the Killer's aura. For the People is strangely good, and Unyielding is for covering while you're broken.