The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Game's current state

Hey guys, how are y'all doing?

So, i've been playing DBD since march of 2020 and i feel like the game is really going in down from a december 'til today. Recently, i'm having a really hard time to find matches (solo, swf or as a killer) and when i do, most of them have 200+ ms, which takes all my wll to play the game. :/

It's sad to think that bhvr have a really nice game on their hands, but doesn't know how to make people enjoy it/want to play, because queue simulator it's not cool.

At the same time it's sad that bhvr it's the only company with a game like that, because i feel there's neglect when it comes to attract new people/mantain the one's who's already in the game.

What's your thoughts about it?


  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    It's just the servers, it's always the servers

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    This game will never have solid competition due to licensing and core gameplay so the devs can afford to put less effort in.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    they put the dead in dead by daylight. Really poor management of the game over the past few years and its hard to watch the game deteriorate like this...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I feel the game improves and degrades at the same time. For every good thing they change they make 6 other things worse. It attracts a lot of new players to give off the illusion the game is healthy but the game retains very little. Once they learn the awful MM and steep learning curve, most bail. I forget which streamer said this but they described dbd as a revolving door. New players coming in and veteran players going out because they are tired of the bull#@$%. That's pretty much how I feel about the game.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    I think a bigger problem in balance isn't that they don't want to or are lazy, but the game has to be unbalanced in order for people to play. Deathgarden was extremely well balanced in that If you were a team of 5 scavengers on comms, the killer could still win if they were good enough. It was balanced for that level of playstyle, and it died in part because casual players simply couldn't play the game.

    Dead by Daylight is balanced in its imbalances, and every single competitor it has had has failed because they try to balance it in a way that ends up making one side or the other unplayable. The majority of suggestions for health and balance that people suggest would make the game only playable for 4 survivors in comms playing well, and that is such a minimal part of the audience that it would likely kill the game.