My chases last too long. Pls help
I've been ranking up steadily but now that I've reached bottom purple ranks im having trouble ranking up. My main problem is my chases last too long. I'll find someone chase them for 2 minutes then down them and by then 3 gens have been completed. I've tried playing with more gen pressure but whenever I injure someone then cut chase to patrol gens they just heal up and I lost time chasing them. If I try to stay with them I just get stuck in a game of ring around the Rosie until I break the pallet then they blind me and run to the next pallet or vault location and rinse and repeat until they make a mistake and I can end chase. The only reason I'm able to maintain ranks is to play ghostface. Hes my strongest killer since I don't even have to chase with his stalk. I've been trying to play demogorgon but hes hard since I fall into the pallet looping for too long problem. The other killer I play is trapper where I 3 gen and rely on traps in pallet and vault locations to end chases. The only problem with trapper is his RNG with 3 gens and maps. Any tips would be appreciated
If your chases last too long that's usually:
- Survivor is in a strong position. In this case give the chase up and disrupt the other gens and catch a survivor in a bad position.
- Survivor is just much more skilled than you are. Not much to do here you just need to get better at chasing. As you go up in ranks you will face better and better survivors. You just need to learn better skills to catch them.
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If you are going to drop chase with a survivor, make sure you have somewhere to go. Dropping a chase and then spending another minute walking around is not productive and you would have better off chasing the survivor who was giving you a run around. At least you can get pallets out of the way sticking to a chase.
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This video is really good, it is a little bit older, but should still be relevant for most of the Maps.
Also quite important, you should know which Pallets to break and which not. If the Pallet is a safe Pallet or even a god Pallet, you have to break them. A safe Pallet can be used to catch a Survivor, but you have to go to Bloodlust 3 to get the Hit, which takes way too long. A God Pallet will make it impossible to hit the Survivor. Safe Pallets are stuff like Jungle Gyms or Long Walls, while God Pallets are stuff like Shack Pallet.
But when you run into an unsafe Pallet, you dont need to break it immediatly. It is playable and if the Survivor stays at it, you have a chance of getting in a Hit, if they make a mistake. If you dont feel comfortable with that, you can break it, but at least try to play unsafe Pallets.
Regarding Flashlight-Blinds, you should try to hear the Survivors. Once you manage that, Flashlight Blinds at Pallets become useless. In general, they are not the best tool and some Survivors are trying those even if they are injured, but they seem to forget that Killers have ears... So if you can hear the Survivors, you can follow them while blinded, however, this requires some practice. But you can try if you manage it.
If you are chasing someone, you should not abandon the chase just to patrol some Gens, because this removes your pressure. Better to commit to the Chase, UNLESS it takes to long to catch the Survivor. If you see a Survivor at a strong structure and they are a decent looper, better leave them alone and try to get other Survivors. Most of the time there is at least one weak link, capitalize on them.
You are quite new to the game, so nothing wrong with failing IMO. There are a lot of ressources on the internet (Youtube-Videos, like the linked one), if you look at those, you should quickly become better at chasing Survivors.
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Make sure to hug the loop as tight as possible without getting stuck on anything.
Try mindgames from time to time. Hide your red light via moonwalking, double back in loops the survivor can't see over, etc.
If you know the survivor is really good, it's probably better to go for their teammates and just ignore them sometimes sadly.
Scott's video linked above really helped me learn the best way to path a lot of tiles as well as just watching really good killer streamers like Bronx and Umbra. And most of all just playing and seeing what works and what doesn't.
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Each situation varies, but I usually hear people say: “If you reach Bloodlust 1 and you haven’t the person, drop the chase”
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if you run for three gens, or even a full gen, you're chasing too long. when you realize somebody is too good for you to catch you should ignore them and only chase the easiest ones to catch until you get them out of the game. yes, that means tunnel one out if necessary since it slows down gen progression and lets you then focus on the others who then need to be more careful especially if you can drive them into a '3 gen'. If you do, don't chase anyone outside of the gen-eral area of them, no matter how easy they are to catch since you'll be in control as long as you make sure they can't finish them. As long as they don't find a key in a chest anyways
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"In this case give the chase up"
I like how your advice ended up being "Well they're just better than you or you're in an unwinnable situation". Says a lot about the core playability. Fact is, even ######### know how to run the shack now.
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Solid post and info :3
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*Shows the shack
"There's nothing else they can do right here"
*Obvious pallet in front of them
What a lazy video.
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For demogorgon specifically if you think they are going for a pallet you can precharge your shred and use it as they go through if they dont drop the pallet you'll often hit them and if they do drop it you shred through it almost instantly without losing too much ground
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I understand your problem. I want you to understand that the simplicity and shortness of my advice is not me being snarky. Stop doing that. That's it. That is all you have to do to solve your problem. Cut your chases off. You clearly have not internalized the basics of knowing when to cut off a chase. I won't chase someone for more than twenty seconds unless I have the luxury of already being in the process of curb-stomping a team. Two minutes is TOO LONG ninety-nine percent of the time. Even when you have the luxury of chasing someone that long, why do it? You would literally be able to catch them faster by letting them get away and then starting the chase over on better terms.
There aren't a lot of purposes to chases. They serve only to:
- Down a target.
- Run a target off an objective.
- Herd a target to where you want them to go.
So if you can't down the target in twenty seconds, why continue? It doesn't take long to do any of these three things. If it is taking longer, you have other fish to fry. There are other Survivors who might not be as good at Looping or aren't currently in safe terrain. Do you see where I'm going with this? There is a diminishing return on chases which goes into negative territory really fast. So, get better at NOT starting a chase you can't end quickly in the first place, and knowing when to cut them off.
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I mean something very important to acknowledge during a match is that a good survivor on a gen won't do the gen any faster (barring minimal time differences with great skill checks) than a survivor who isn't good at getting chased doing a gen. But a good survivor will waste a lot more of your time in chase than a survivor that is less skilled.
And downing a survivor now takes away a lot of gen time because someone has to go and save and heal that guy while you're (hopefully) chasing another.
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" than a survivor who isn't good at getting chased doing a gen"
That assumes there is a weak survivor in the group or that he would immediately leave a good survivor and find a bad survivor. It could be that he's on a map that all of the Survivors are very good at, I've played some mean games on Lery's where killers couldn't beat the vaults and we basically abused vaults and bullied the crap out of him. Or, it could also be that the it's a team and when one survivor is left another is alerted. This may even work when only a duo is playing. Me and my brother used to do this all the time and the two of us could rubber band a killer the whole game by going for gens where we knew he would see us first and leave our teammates alone. I've never played on a four stack SWF but I can only imagine how much easier that would be with a group, and I know I've face groups that have done that to me as killer (protection hits are so frustrating).
Obviously getting an easy down is desirable, but the fact is that most people playing now are playing at a high enough level that it isn't guaranteed. I can tell you play survivor for the most part.
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People have given you great advice in this thread, but I want to add: play survivor. I don't know if you're already doing it, or maybe you find it boring and just play killer. But playing as the opposite role grants you a lot of experience on how people play that role, and will let you understand them better and even predict what they will do when you face them. For example, playing Nurse taught me how to play against Nurse better, because I understood the killer's power and its limitations a lot better. The same thing happens for all killers and even for survivors. If you get used to looping the killer as a survivor, then later when you play killer it will be easier to understand what they are doing and you will catch them a lot faster.
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My #1 advice would be: If a survivor does not give you a hit or a pallet in 15 seconds, abandon that chase. My #2 advice would be to learn how to mindgame some of the basic tiles (shack, long walls, etc.)
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Why wont it let me reply to any of yall. It just keeps flagging my comments for needing approval T-T
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Ill try this out then. Do you have any perks or tips on patrolling gens since sometimes I can't find a survivor after cutting a chase and just losing time overall. Sorry I know I'm bad and shouldn't rely on perks that much
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Ill try this out since blood lust actually harms me with my xbox. Thanks
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My only problem with this is if I dont leave them I lose 2-3 gens usually. That puts me at a disadvantage with only one hook with 2-3 gens left. But ill try this out. Also is there a way to turn off bloodlust
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Why cant I ever respond to you guys since all my comments have to get approved but don't seem to be getting aprroved
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Just to clarify, I'm not saying you should never drop chase. You don't want to drop chase to patrol gens but then waste time searching areas where survivors are not at. All that does is make you lose the little bit of pressure you did have chasing the one survivor.
Basically you should always have some idea where at least one other survivor is when you decide to drop chase so you can immediately pressure a new survivor.