Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

My survivor stereotypes from 800 hours of solo Q

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531


Dwight: One of two people either a new player who probably doesn’t know what game he is playing or a pretty good player who is kinda toxic. Dweards are really toxic though so avoid them if possible

Meg: We all know the classic Meghead blowing up gens and sprintbursting away since 2016 but I find most megs to be slightly below average players. One thing I have noticed as well is that no matter what they will never look behind them in a chase.

Claudette: While most would say all Claudettes are toxic my experience is quite different. While the classic blendettes fit this perfectly Claudettes with cosmetics are very nice and just want to heal you.

Jake:You thought default Dwights were bad, Wait until you see default jakes. I swear these people don’t have their moniters turned on. As for jakes with cosmetics they are chill but never talk in endgame chat and will sabo when possible.

Nea: These guys will always run meta no matter what. I don’t think I’ve seen a red rank nea who didn’t have ds unbreakable as well as dead hard. Okay loopers but rely on dead hard and will 100% DC and call you boring if you run exhaustion perks or addons.

Ace: I’ve played with many Aces but not one was the same. They are all completely different from their perks to their play style. Only real thing I have is that most of them don’t take the game seriously and will probably sandbag you.

Feng: Always ALWAYS assume they have lithe. In chase they will B line to the closest window and vault even if they get hit afterwards. Not very good on gens. Probably have either an anime profile picture or a picture of feng herself

Laurie: Default Lauries are okay loopers who always have ds. Prestige or store cosmetic lauries are very good loopers but very chill and never rage.

Bill: Default bills are completely clueless but try their best to win. Prestige bills are decent runners and always go for endgame saves. Cool people irl and are probably L4D fans

David: They all use dead hard but none use it well. They will unhook you without BT in front of a bubba and you will get downed again. Try to hide behind skinny trees but forget they are not playing Claudette

Quentin: Rare species though not as rare as people say. Default or beanie Quins are pretty chill but not that good. They will always heal you when you need it and don’t go on gens as often as others. P3 Quins are a completely different breed. Toxic to their core and always a part of a 4 man SWF.

Tapp: Where are you guys? Every time I’ve met them they are great player who focus gens and will gladly sacrifice their life for yours. We need more of you guys!

Kate: Kates are usually okay players who really struggle to find pallets and windows. Once their windows of opportunity goes down they run around like a headless chicken until it comes up again. Probably only play her because they are in love with her irl.

Adam: Similar to tapp these players are the nicest people in the community. They will say GG no matter what and are pretty good players to boot.

Jeff: Profile picture is 100% either a metal album cover or a motorbike. They are kinda bad at the game but are really nice and will all be running aftercare.

Jane: I’m a Jane main myself and my experience is kinda weird. All Jane players run unorthodox build but ALWAYS have self care on and will use it whenever possible. Probably the most average players in the game but rely on being healthy at all times.

Ash: Usually play very cocky but they are just playing in character for Ash. Never rage in chat when you beat them but might teabag at the gate.

Nancy: Not the nicest bunch but they aren’t toxic per say just a bit mean. They don’t like you cleansing totems as they want to save their inner strength they never get to use.

Steve: Never run any of his perks as even they know that they are garbage. Will always Hook bomb even if it gets them killed and will DC on any latency hit that happens. 100% a stranger things fan

Yui: I’ll try to not get heated as I hate this character but these are the most selfish players I have met. They will never heal you, Will unhook then immerse and will sit on hatch as soon as it spawns. 110% has an anime profile picture.

Zarina: I really wish I had something to say but I really don’t. She’s such a cool character and isn’t bad for stealth yet no one plays her. We need more of you!

Cheryl: Probably a Silent hill fan who is annoyed at what they did to her face(seriously devs!). They will always block the gen with repressed alliance at the worst possible moment and lose you the game.

Felix: Either loves the character for their “lore” or wants them for their perks. Decently skilled but have trouble finding gens without visionary.

Elodie: If the Elodie isn’t running a onesie they are a cool player who will probably run you the whole game if you aren’t careful. If they are running a onesie they are usually bad and will blame you for their loss 100% of the time.
