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My killer stereotypes from 800 hours of solo Q

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
edited February 2021 in General Discussions


Trapper: If the trapper is not a clueless newbie he is most likely an otz fan and a try hard. I don’t say try hard as a bad thing though. They’ll try their hardest to win but aren’t toxic about it. One exception to this is Rogi mask trappers. These guys will play 4d chess and know what your having for dinner.

Wraith: Usually veterans or completely noobs. Respectable players who don’t try too hard but will destroy you without saying a single word post game. If they are running the sword weapon they will completely destroy you.

Billy: Most respectable players in the game. Won’t sweat but will still 4K and says GG WP no matter the outcome. Default Billys will always camp though from my experience.

Nurse: Classic sweat. Will defend nurse at any given time because she requires skill and think they are better than they actually are. Will 110% blame the game for their loss

Hag: A rare breed Hag mains are pretty chill people IRL. Good hag players are annoying to fight against but usually run off meta builds and will say GG in chat. Default hags will put 10 traps at the hook and DC if the person gets saved safely.

Myers: Hard to pin down one stereotype as there is so many of them but most of them think Myers is a lot better than he actually is. They will never give up chase in tier 3 even if it costs them the game.

Doctor: Most Doc mains are very respectable. They play fair, Don’t tunnel or camp but do always run meta builds. They will DC if you loop them for too long though. Will say GG even if they DC though

Huntress: Usually pretty sweaty and will use any tactic available to win no matter the toxicity. They’ll go for cross maps sometimes but miss all of them and will get bullshit hits regularly but call it skill. About 60% want Anna to crush them with her thighs. I won’t judge

Bubba: These are the kinda people that will do the most stupid thing possible and end up killing you because of it. Don’t take the game seriously and 100% have music on in the background so use that to your advantage. Will camp if you either looped the too long or teabagged them.

Freddy: This guy is either a Noes fan who runs dream pallets and is a cool dude or a blind meta follower who acts like he’s the best player since otzdarva because he got 1 4K on dead dawg saloon. From my experience non prestige are category 1 and P3 are category 2.

Pig: You still think boop the snoot is still funny(it isn’t) and you think ambush is actually useful at loops(it isn’t). Either that or your a saw fan who laughs at the misfortune of the now dead survivor since you brought timer and gears. 100% of the time they will teabag on hatch if your the last one alive

Clown: New clowns are just playing him for his perks and have no clue how to use bottles and act like they are playing a 115% move speed huntress. Good clowns are very scary and will make yo reconsider where you put him on your tierlist. The more cursed their cosmetic loadout the better they are.

Spirit: I will refrain from saying too much as I will get crucified by all spirit mains but you are either too bad to learn nurse so you compensate with spirit or you 100% want to ######### her.

Legion: How any of you can main them confuses me. You think they are a hidden gem of a killer but will get demolished most matches. You like BP and get pips even for 0ks. Susie legions are very sweaty though so watch out for them. Can’t forget all joey mains are really chill I love you all.

Plague: I’ll find out a stereotype when I meet one okay? From what I’ve found they are all playing her for corrupt and don’t know what her power does. Actual plague mains seem to hate dead hard from my experience.

Ghostface: You know that toxic nea stereotype? This guy is the killer equivalent. He will teabag you if you loop him too long and will abuse his broken stalking mechanic to get a free instadown. Probably has a folder full of art of Danny himself.

Demo: These are the nicest killer players period. They will say GG and compliment your gameplay even if they lose horribly. Not the best players but will outplay you hard at least once per game. Doesn’t take the game seriously at all.

Oni: Very chill people but they will slug a lot. Probably have a framed picture of infectious fright. Big exception is scalped topknot these guys are big BIG sweats and will 4 man slug at 5 gens every match.

Deathslinger: Complete wild cards. Not one deathslinger I’ve seen is the same from perks to addons. Only stereotype is that if the have moniter they 100% have double reload and will sweat for the 4K.

Pyramid head: You hate DS and think second chance perks should be removed. You probably thought his old 50/50 was fair and want it back. Bring his butt back BHVR pls!!!

Blight: If the blight isn’t running the classic blight build they are really chill, know how to use him well and won’t give you a chance at winning. If they are running the classic blight build(bbq, ruin, undying, tinkerer) they are using it to compensate for their lack of skill and has no skill with blights power.

Twins: I’m convinced BHVR have removed these guys because the last time I saw them was like a month ago. I really have nothing to say here.

