Should auto aim have the option to be removed?

Aim dressing is annoying, I wish it was an option to turn off because honestly I don't think we notice how many times it probably helps hits.
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This is easily the part of the game I hate the most. Swinging just to have your camera lurch and miss because of it is infuriating every time.
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Can't remember a time when playing every other killer than Hag when aim-dressing actually helped me.
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Interesting, not a single person voted no.
EDIT: my apologies, that is no longer the case.
Post edited by CryptFriend on2 -
Yes, they used the term for an adjacent mechanic to describe it, we know, don't worry.
I'm assuming they're referring to the psychopaths who attempt to 360 the husk as you spawn in to make you miss a lunge. In this case it would use both auto-aim and aim dressing
Yes. It dresses every swing near any object, apparently. Walls, people, crates, walls, hooks, walls.
If I can walk in a straight line, have my hand off camera controls, and swing with a keyboard binding near a survivor, nine times out of ten it will move my camera. Tell me, how does my camera move to hit the wall next to me if I'm not moving it myself? Is my aim so truly terrible that I can psychically miss, perhaps?
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I've been cucked by autoaim more times than I can count. I hate it.
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Options are never bad...if only BHVR believed in that word.
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It should either be removed or not. But giving the player the choice to activate it or not shouldn't be a thing.
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I do agree that aim dressing is reeeeeeaaaally annoying, I hate it, but they would never add an option to choose if you want it on or off. They'll just turn it off when they get better servers.
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I swung at a person yesterday and instead of lunging after them it forced me to turn and hit the rock. I kid you not I wasn't facing the rock, my camera did a full 70 degree turn to hit this ######### rock that was a tiny bit closer than the survivor. That bs literally cost me the match, like ffs
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Since it's not actually a thing anymore (Nurse used to have auto-aim before her first rework) and what we currently have is not auto-aim, but aim-dressing, to make the animations line up, no.
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As a side note, there is, in fact, an "AimAssist" option in the files that is set to "False."
I'm fairly certain that it doesn't actually do anything, and I'm not sure why it's there, but I am sure that someone official will be along shortly enough to describe it's purpose.
@Leonardo1ita, you should probably specify what you mean by "auto aim," whether that be legitimate auto aim, "aim dressing," or aim assist. Or I suppose all/some of the above, possibly?
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There's some killers like hag I would like it on but I hate it otherwise. I swear it robs you of more hits than it gives.
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There's no auto aim. The devs explained a million times how hits are registered. What looks like autoaim is just the game's way to make it look like the hit visually connected.
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Yes. I'm tired of swinging at a survivor, just to hit a barrel or a wall.
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There's a reason I turn off things that motion my camera automatically. Automated motions are too clunky at times and often make you miss more than you hit.
Even a cosmetic functions such as this feels more inaccurate.