Survivor actions that leave you confused - and possible explanations

What things do you see survivors do that you simply can't understand. I'm going to ask everyone to refrain from calling things stupid and such as I am hoping to see people explain doing things others don't understand. Explanations are generally more clear when people don't feel attacked.

I'll start....

The survivors that confuse me the most are the ones that get slugged and never move from the spot they were slugged. I'm not talking about someone that heals first. I'm talking about someone that simply doesn't move at all. I personally can not come up with any thing that even seems remotely strategic about doing that.


  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Had a match recently where someone tried to body block me on the way to the hook, but didn't have a flashlight or anything to actually save their teammate, so they just went down and got put on the next hook. He did it twice, the second time causing his own death.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    A Feng player teabagged me across a dropped pallet. I was playing Pyramid Head and she just kept teabagging while I used my ranged attack on her.

  • LSerpentine
    LSerpentine Member Posts: 140

    Okay, so admittedly I'm a survivor main, though I play killer from time to time because it's fun and the wait times can be much shorter.

    One thing survivors do that I will never understand: Hiding in basement locker when they're injured and someone is on hook. I understand wanting to go for the save, the issue with that being that 1. you probably left a blood trail so its easy dubs, 2. you're not running head on so you cant stun the killer, 3. when you let the person on hook die and stay there until you collect crows, but you're not afk because you struggle before being hooked.

    I will never understand the people who do that. It's probably less prominent in higher ranks (I would hope, but its dbd) but while i've been trying to rank up it's becoming increasingly frustrating, as a surv and killer.


  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    One other odd one from today playing as Doctor. Had 2 survivors left. Got one down and hooked him, then headed towards the gen he was working on, passing by the hatch on the way. I find the other survivor at the gen and chase him, I fully expect him to go towards his friend or the hatch, instead he goes the exact opposite way and ensures his friend goes down, I break off the chase to go close the hatch, and when I turn around he's crouched down trying to hide less than 4 ft from me, just sitting there, no key in his hand.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Healthy survivors that hide in lockers to avoid being found by the killer.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    As Wraith, the last Survivor waited for me at the hatch. Like waiting for me to uncloak and do the last hit before escaping.

    I just close the hatch while cloaked.

    - - -

    A 2nd hook healthy survivor tried to body block, protection hit a non-hook injured survivor.

    Result he was death and the other guy didnt get his 1st hook

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Infected Meg that self cared

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Played with a Jane who had slippery meat and up the ante but didn’t attempt escape and went to second stage on first hook

    I’m still trying to figure that one out

  • How_Hamhaesque
    How_Hamhaesque Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2021

    I've been playing Legion a lot lately and one strange thing I've noticed is that once I'm out of killer instinct targets or otherwise decide I better down the deep-wounded survivor in front of me what'll often happen is I get near them, go out of frenzy, and while I'm in stun, instead of using that time to run away as far as they can, they'll instead run around to and fro a bit before picking a direction, which means they're not as far away from me as they could be once I'm recovered.

    Usually this means I can down them earlier than I feel I might have otherwise (though in one embarrassing moment a Meg literally just spun around me in circles right up until I recovered, yet I still missed my attack, that was pretty funny and I assume she did it on purpose, props to her)

    I've seen both newbies like me but also seemingly more practiced survivors do this when otherwise they juke me very well during the chase itself, so I've been wondering what's the deal there.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    When I was playing killer a survivor kept opening the locker where another survivor was in right in front of me.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Did you slug them to down the last one standing? If that's the case, they wanted you to find them easily instead of waiting to bleed on the ground. Another possibility is that they took the opportunity to go grab a drink or something.

    He had Breakout or was farming Mettle of Man stacks? XD

    You got it wrong, they are preparing a surprise for the reloading Huntress.

    Survival points, babe. Those numbers ain't gonna pump themselves!

  • Karna5
    Karna5 Member Posts: 34

    The only killer I've played so far is the Doctor, but he's a lot of fun. I like to run around shocking people and turning them insane, even at level 1 with one perk and no addons.

    I was in one of those games having a good time zapping everyone, and periodically I hit or hooked them, but I always let them get saved so we could continue.

    The puzzle: Eventually they got all the generators done, but they weren't running to the exits. For around ten minutes they kept running around, and I kept zapping and knocking them down and letting them get saved, but they wouldn't exit.

    Finally, after forever, one of them opened the exit, and I waved at them. I even carried one of them to the exit, puzzled why they didn't leave sooner.

    In after game chat I asked why they didn't leave when the generators were done, but none of them answered. I made a zillion blood points, though (most I'd made to date at the time).

    Possible Answer:

    Today I was browsing my Steam achievements and I noticed one I earned: "Bring 4 survivors to tier 3 insanity"

    I now suspect they couldn't open the exit gate Laughs They were too insane and couldn't perform the action.

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    They're probably recovering. If you're busy chasing someone else they'll recover instead of leaving that way someone else could potentially come and poke them to get them back up. Trying to crawl away usually just wastes recover time as it's usually pretty easy to find a downed survivor.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    One of the more baffling things I see are the survivors who slowly walk away from me when they see me coming from 20/30/40 meters away and then use Sprint Burst at the last second. The explanation is obvious: they're trying to make me whiff a swing. But do they really think I can't tell they have Sprint Burst? They would have been so much better off by just using their SB to make distance when I was still far away.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I was specifically talking about survivors that don't move even after recovering. It happens a lot.