Advice on Which Killer to Main

I’ve spent over half a year trying to decide which killer I should main. The main killers I have tried and leveled up are Freddy, Pig and Blight and I have gotten all of these killers to at least prestige one, with Freddy currently being close to prestige 3 Level 50. At some point, I have had a proper build on all these killers. While I have unlocked most of the teachable perks I want, I have very few blood points left and after recently entering the red ranks the BP grind is becoming more difficult. The next killer I want to level up and main is one that has a high skill ceiling (killers like Freddy with low skill ceilings are starting to bore me and I also want to be able to make impressive plays with my main once I have mastered their power), but is also powerful enough to perform well at red ranks (I do not want to constantly feel underpowered against good survivors). I am not completely opposed to picking up blight or pig again since both were fun, but I found Pig’s power to be too inconsistent and Blight’s power to be too map dependent.

Considering all of this who would you recommend I start leveling up and playing next? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    It's a little hard to give you advice on which killer to main so I would advise just looking at gameplay of all killers on YouTube and see which one looks the most interesting. I'm a Spirit main so I guess I would suggest her. She's a blast to play with a very underrated skill ceiling in my opinion. Otz recently made a video that'll help with determining your main. I'll post a link to it. This was before Blight and Twins came out by the way. Hope this helps.

  • GravyRobbers85
    GravyRobbers85 Member Posts: 69

    I second the spirit, she's really fun to play as, I just picked her up at the beginning of February. If you want a stealth killer go for the pig or Ghostface. Freddy Krueger is fun but I liked him how he originally was and I was not a fan of his major rework. It pissed me off that I paid money for him and the developers turned around and completely changed him to something I didn't appreciate

  • GravyRobbers85
    GravyRobbers85 Member Posts: 69

    I do second the clown as well. The new update brings a rework that will actually improve him as a killer. I consider him more or less a novelty.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I think if you're looking for power then I'd say Spirit or Doctor are the best ones in the high ranks (other than Freddy).

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    edited February 2021

    I'd say Huntress, takes a while to learn but a ton of fun even before you do.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    It honestly depends on the type of playstyle you're going for, because while some killers can be strong, you may find them boring to play (ex. Freddy).

    I'd personally recommend Oni, here's why:

    • Since you like to play Blight & transverse the map easily, I think you'd like Oni because he does the exact same thing but better. Once you earn his power (2 hits), you can do exactly that without playing pinball (Blight) & without worrying about bumping into stuff (Billy). Not to mention, you get free instadowns.
    • Oni is a really good killer for pressure & does superb at high ranks. You shouldn't worry about underperforming with him as long as you're playing him to the best of your ability. His Blood Fury is extremely easy to master & a lot of times catches people out-positioned. Though I'd recommend not activating it in jungle gyms unless you're confident.

    Even if you don't try out Oni now, atleast give him a shot in the future. There is no doubt in my mind that you'll be disappointed.

  • Lambch0p
    Lambch0p Member Posts: 57

    The Oni has caught my attention recently, mainly because he seems to be near the top of most tier lists, yet surprisingly he doesn’t seem to be played much. Rn my top contenders are the nurse, spirit, and the Oni because all 3 have amazing map mobility (the thing that I liked most about both blight and Freddy) and the ability to be competitively viable. Do you personally think there’s a high skill ceiling to Oni? The main reason I want a killer with a high skill ceiling is because I want to be able to learn cool plays with them even after playing them for many hours. If Freddy has this option after his upcoming nerf I would happily keep playing him, but I would be very surprised if he gets a rework of that nature.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Main Pig. She will teach you how to be good at the game. If you main Freddy you'll forever be a chump who can only rely on a crutch killer to win you games. Pig will teach you good fundamentals.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    bro I just spent like 10 mins typing my response on my phone & accidently hit the backspace.

    give me another 10 lol

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s not a fair statement.

    Those players do exist, yes. But there are exceptionally skilled Freddy’s that use gen teleport (and mind games) to devastating effect mid chase, rather than relying on the obnoxious “Forever Freddy” builds, and snare spamming.

    Using Dream Projection as a chase tool requires actual skill and an actual brain.

  • ryankickassrb
    ryankickassrb Member Posts: 46

    I main death, if youre good with the shots, can help stop a toxic survivor early which is nice.

    I do play a lot of nurse too but she requires a lot of practice but she has great potential.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    Oni is definitely hard to play, but not as much as people lead him out to be.

    It honestly depends on what you're going for. With basic knowledge & game sense, managing his Blood Fury is a piece of cake. What intimidates people the most, is his ability to flick. This is the key to mastering him & making insane plays.

    Remember when I said "Though I'd recommend not activating it in jungle gyms unless you're confident"? This is because in order to counter jungle gym loops, you have to know how to mindgame survivors into a flick. Oni's Blood Fury is obviously very good at punishing survivors out of position, but when it comes down to safety nets, you have to most likely had mastered the basics of his kit & put decent hours into him already. He isn't as hard as Billy imo, but that doesn't mean he isn't prone to hitting objects. Practice practice practice!

    Not to mention, an anti-healing build (Nurses + Sloppy) on Oni is very efficient given the fact that survivors being injured gives him his power. Oh yeah, don't forget that Oni is the best snowballer in the game. Use Infectious Fright & go to town (mainly for when you're losing control of the game).

    Monto is really good at Oni & I think you should watch him for inspiration if you need it. Here ya go:

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I think the reason Oni isn’t played that frequently is because his early game can be very difficult. If you’re up against good survivors, trying to get in that first injury so that Oni eventually gets access to his power will be a nightmare because he has nothing to help him until someone is injured.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    If I understand correctly, you want high skill ceiling and potential for impressive plays.

    Then I'd say Nurse, Oni, Huntress and Billy. In no particular order.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    You don't have to main a killer you can play all of them at once or just the ones you like. That's what I do I main Trapper, wraith, clown, bubba, Myers, and legion so I wouldn't really say all these killers are my mains just the one I play, but if you want to get really good at a killer than main that one.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Doctor or oni

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I would say Wraith.

    He's very underrated but loads of fun when you get the hang of him.

    When play right he can still win from 4 swf or give those "deathsquads" a hard time.

    Especially with certain add on combinations he gets really different, which is just fun.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I think you can pick a killer to play but having a main killer comes naturally. It will be the killer you come back to every time after trying out others. That's also why you can end up getting a different main killer if there is a new one released that might fit your playstyle better. You haven't found out which one you like the most so just keep trying others till you know what killers you enjoy most.

    I learned the basics with wraith but now main legion. Which doesn't mean I don't play other killers just that I play a lot more legion. Once you found the one you really like you can start mastering the power, if it turns out you like a less powerful killer best that's perfectly fine even in red ranks. Most survivors get a rude awakening facing someone that really knows what they are doing with a killer like this. I think you would enjoy oni or spirit so I'd try them next.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    nurse is the most rewarding killer to learn by far

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I relate to your taste in killers majorly. I would recommend Spirit or Huntress for you, both are very competent killers even in high ranks and both have a unique playstyle with a high skill cap. I'm not in to killers with strong but hard to hit abilities, but I would say give Oni a shot too, he is a strong killer with a downside of having to play as an M1 killer half the match but in return being insanely strong in the other half.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    This. I have recently gotten pretty heavy into Pig I am performing very well at high red ranks right now I am using Huntress cannibal Pig and Freddy and I personally feel survivors have a better chance to beat my Freddy then pig. I believe she brings a lot to the table and is very underrated very fun to use and can teach you a lot and she has built-in slow down.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well you already said you wouldn't mind maining Blight, and he's the killer with the highest skill cap by far. Definitely recommend mastering him, even though the collision can be awful and his POV is terrible and probably won't be fixed for another year or 2. But if you can get past that he's definitely the most fun killer right now.

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    Legion is a good one because even after not playing them it makes it easier to predict survivors.

  • Meg_Main
    Meg_Main Member Posts: 28

    As a relatively newer pig main I can confirm. I don't forsee pig getting any changes (sadly) because first half of Almuerzo plays her. "Uh, according to the statistics, Pig actually has one of the highest kill rates!" What? This doesn't even make sense. I used to play Spirit and 3-4k most games. Playing Pig has put me through MANY hardships that have paid off. She is in desperate need of a buff, not even a rework, just a fundamental buff. The ambush lunge time should be changed to 3-4 seconds. Better yet, there could be addons that increase the lunge range. Instead of having useful addons we get things like Rule Set No. 2 and Jigsaw's Annotated Plan. Hopefully BHVR will get on the balancing game and start making more killers like Demo, Pig, Twins more fun to play. Pig is not atrociously abhorrent as she does have a built in slowdown to her power that also threatens the survivors. I have gotten 3 head pops in the last week. (How?) Just change the ambush length and she'll go from B-C to A.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’ll be biased her but I’d say clown. He is really fun and has a lot of skill in mastering him.

    Got some great cosmetics and fun addons too

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    As far as what sounds best id recommend trying to get someone for each general playstyle (most can fall into 2 categories) for variety sake and have a few mains. so id put in categories as:

    High mobility (spirit, nurse, Legion, demogorgon)

    Stealth (wraith, Ghostface, pig, myers )

    Projectile heavy (clown, huntress. Deathstalker)

    Charge character (hillBilly, oni, blight)

    Area of effect (leatherface, doctor, plague)

    Trap (Hag, Freddy, Trapper, pyramid head, Twins (im guessing. Never played them at all so idk))

    Maybe pick a few categories that sound good. From each what I've seen most people consider the most interesting (not necessarily the strongest of each) to least

    Moblity- nurse (hard), spirit (i like her the most), Legion if you like a challenge, demo least fun to me

    Stealth-myers, pig, Ghostface (possibly the strongest of the bunch imo), wraith (least interesting to me among almost all killers)

    Projectile clown (one of my favorites), huntress (very rewarding if you can be good but can be frustrating to use when you miss), deathstalker (a lot of people think he's too slow)

    Charge- blight (most unique of the 3), oni (feels more rewarding than hillbilly), hillbilly (just a less interesting oni but potentially better still)

    Area of effect- doctor (one of the most unique killers), Plague (you could argue she is more projectile than area of effect), leatherface (somewhat a charge character but his sweeping attacks make him somewhat aoe. I use him a lot but he is kinda straightforward)

    Trap- Hag (also can have high mobility), pyramid head (also ranged, very fun to me personally especially with alternate hook and built in mori), Freddy (if you just like winning a lot right now lol), Trapper, and maybe twins.

    Hopefully thats all helpful

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    If you're on PC, Nurse is the easy answer. Takes hundreds of hours to become good at, and an insane amount of practice to master. She's not like any other killer.

    Otherwise I'd say Blight. He has next highest mechanical skill cap.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Dont, honestly forget the prestige unless it's a licence and you want more clothes etc. But the others you can get via tomes etc. So it saves bp there, as for the main thing play all or at least most killers, keeps it all fresh and does allow you to mix up play styles and perks etc. Harder to get all perks on everyone but it's nice to be able to pick what killers you want and feel comfortable with them especially encase their time pops up. For me I play all except hag and nurse, hag bores me I feel like I'm just camping with traps and nurse well I play low sensitivity and console has bad frames lol. Atm I'm playing demo though, hardly see them and honestly feels pretty good doing well as him and mastering his pounce. If you want most power nurse or spirit though

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    main whoever you find to be the most fun to play.

    every killer can be viable if they are played right, it just comes down to your experience with them.

    Some are easy to pick up, others are hard. but you'll get there eventually.