So who will speak with their wallets?

Another patch, old bugs-new bugs, new things that make me go“what were they thinking”, “but why?” Etc....
These mid/new chapter releases should the time the devs should be all over these forums. But again we’ll just wait till another chapter release stream happens and get no real answers. Just “Hey we’re really excited to release new broken stuff to spend money on and cosmetics”...
They didnt listen to ANY feed back on the absolutely awful UI. Which jesus christ is by far the worst UI ive ever seen... and why? Cause it opens possibilities for future stuff?... WHAT FUTURE STUFF NEEDS THE ENTIRE SCREEN SPLIT UP WITH ALL THE INFORMATIONS?!?!?!?!
- Top left (poorly designed survivor information)
- Top Middle (Gen count)
- Top right (bp info)
- Right Middle (status effects)
- Bottom Right (perks)
- Bottom Middle (status bars and buttons)
- Bottom Left (item/power info)
- Middle Left (killer hook counter).
What could possibly need that?!?!?!?!
Then there is the busted hit boxes AGAIN (for the 50th time since dedicated servers and hit detect....
And the new saw map has like 6 or 7 God pallets... at what point do you let your creative team make some fun pallets spots?
And thats not even getting into the absolutely lazy balancing team.... outta 300 people i swear they got 2 that discuss balancing.
I'm not spending anymore money until all this ######### gets fixed. Maybe BHVR will finally wake tf up
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- Top right (poorly designed survivor information)
- Top Middle (Gen count)
- Top right (bp info)
- Right Middle (status effects)
- Bottom Right (perks)
- Bottom Middle (status bars and buttons)
- Bottom Left (item/power info)
- Middle Left (killer hook counter).
When you lay it down that way, it makes it sound somehow even worst.
It feels like their goal was to have every side and corner of the screen used (which is the text book exemple of what NOT to do in UI design) rather than having it compact and convenient to use.
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I just gave them another 20 or 25 bucks today. Yeah, the new UI makes it harder to get information faster. Yeah I've had four bugged games that cost me work I'd done and items.
But I still appreciate the game, and heck if I want it to fail. No friggin' way.
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Once a DBD clone comes out this game is as good as dead. We don't want it to fail either we're just tired of them not listening to us
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I'd like to point out this game, as old as it is, is consistently approximately the 19th most played game on steam even counting single player non-online games. The only games that regularly double this are GTA (but that includes its single player) and Ark Survival Evolved (which also includes single player) and some free to play stuff (which I don't count).
This game is not going to be blown away by something that tries to clone it anymore than GTA is going to be blown away by anything that tries to clone it.
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I'm surprised by the confidence you have. If done right anything can be cloned and if it's done to DBD I can promise you that at least 30% of the player base will leave.
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Laughs Confidence, huh? Perhaps. But I'd call it respect for a game that's still consistenly #19 after six years (just like GTA which is consistently #5 or #7 after 8 years).
I respect that a lot.
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It doesn't have to be big just allow players to move certain stuff and everyone will be happy
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Its not gonna die because you dont spend money on the the game... might slow down for a bit. If everyone didnt spend any money for 3 months... they’d come out of their towers and say “wait everyone doesnt like everything we do?....they think we’re lazy?.... they dont think we listen?.... we should probably see what everyones on about then”
Scott Jund did an eye opening video of what BHVR does in 3 months vs what another team does with their game with 1/3 the work force... really put into perspective lol
DBD patch notes and bug fixes are 1/10th of what some other devs do in the same amount of time
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With regard to "allow players to move [the UI items around]" I'd like to say that is a magnificently wonderful suggestion.
I play Black Desert Online a lot (I'm nearing 5k hours in it), and they allow UI items to get moved around.
That's a seriously major quality of life feature, and I fully support your pushing for that to get done in Dead By Daylight.
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He compared DBD to POE (Path of Exile) it's really disheartening to see how much stuff gets pulled off in a certain amount of time by different devs
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Sorry if this is a double post, but my first reply seems to be missing. (Not sure if it's server lag.)
I just want to mention that "allow players to move [UI items] around" is a wonderfully magnificent suggestion.
I play Black Desert Online a lot (every day for ages and am now around 5k hours played). They allow players to customize their UI by moving stuff around. It's a seriously major quality of life feature that doesn't tie your UI to somebody else' idea of good.
I heartily support such a change.
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So do I. Hopefully the devs at least implement this. If they can't change it back then just allow us to move it around
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It won't die but you have to start somewhere. not spending money on the game is the first step to holding the devs accountable for their game.
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I don't really care about the skins and it seems new killers are their originals so it's possible to buy them with in game farmed currency. Unless it's a licensed killer like a pyramid head, I'm not spending real money and I don't see reason to do it.
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I like the new ui, but i already have all dlcs, so there is not much what my wallet can say.
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Reminder that encouraging people not to buy skins is considered an attack on the game and against the forum rules:
Not OK: Telling other people not to buy skins anymore
OK: Saying that you, yourself, are not going to buy skins anymore
This is such a basic feature and request, the update should have been delayed until that was added. Anyone who likes the new UI can just use it unchanged, and anyone who doesn't can customize it until they like it. Everyone is happy.
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Yeah I'm no longer investing money in a game that is very on-the-rocks like this and only getting worse lmao. I was on the outs with the game but I still had faith with it enough to buy a cosmetic here and there. But I'm not gonna put money into a game I might quit for good.
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Never encouraged anyone to not buy anything?... i asked who will speak with their wallets and then went on with my issues with the newest patch.
I hinted in a reply that if people didnt spend money the devs would listen to us... which goes for any business lol people are invested in this game.
If its so bad that its against forum rules to promote suggesting how people should spend their money.... then theres a deeper issue that should be solved. Like fixing their game and actually using the money they do get to make actual progress in DBD not just super tiny small incremental changes every month and a half.
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Honestly after some of the things I've experienced yesterday this MMR system better be the best thing known to mankind and the following hotfixes better be good and fix a bunch of the issues or else Chapter 19 will be the first chapter I don't buy immidiately upon release.
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Sorry I wasn't clear, no one in this thread has encouraged others to not spend money so far, but as soon as one person does that this thread will 100% be locked or outright deleted. I think this thread is good and important to have, I want it to stay open.
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i heard they make a 100 million a year on dbd, i doubt a few players talking with their wallet will make a difference. Dbd is focussed on new players and casuals more and more each day. It is what it is.
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Love this game and will support it regardless, if there is a cosmetic i like ill get it, but at the same time im an easy going person who doesn't play to win a game
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I’m definitely not buying the battle pass this time because it looks terrible bar the oni skin but Jane is getting a new set so I’ll make an exception for that as I always buy them.
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I stopped buying skins/DLC over the summer because with my platform (ps4) it feels like my money isn't going towards making it a better experience. Apparently to improve my experience I need to upgrade to a PS5 to have the game run without FPS drops so I need my money to go towards that instead of towards DBD.
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As much as stuff is annoying I adore this game with all my heart and new animations and a ######### hitbox (among other things) won't stop me from enjoying it. I want that damn Felix skin, I want that Wraith skin and I want all the other stuff. Sorry if that doesn't help your cause but imo, as much as BHVR has given us the middle finger I do think they are trying their best
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Ha, you can't compare GTA to DBD. BHVR are not even in the same league as Rockstar Games. GTA clones have never surpassed GTA because Rockstar Games are one of the best game companies around.
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Surpassing DBD is easy, in the sense that creating a better DBD-style game is a lot easier than making a better GTA-style game.
DBD just has first mover advantage and is the progenitor of the genre, but the game itself as we all know has tons of flaws that a good developer would be able to fix if it had the kind of brand recognition DBD has.
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The next DLC will be the first what won't buy because they think we are idiots. They don't heard on us..... well f* them. This UI is like a smartphone ui and cover the corners. Who even agreed with this in the dev group?? What are these animations??? Bruh...
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So looks like you're still buying the Battelpass anyway hahaha.
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Same amount of money but tbf if they had a good BP I would have spent 20 instead of 10. People only buy it because you can get your cells back. Only reason I bought it
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What like Friday the 13th?
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Not as much people as you may want to. Tis a tried and failed strategy.
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Lol friday had a dev team 1/20th the size and still had a good following, hekk a ton of people moved from f13 to this after the devs got ordered to stop while the rights ownership battle is going on for F13
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The issue with me is I've had the game for 4 years and I have all the DLC except the twins. I can get them for free and I dont even want them. My voice isn't that load because they already have my money. Compared to a new player who doesn't know what's good for the game but has yet to buy any of the dlc. They are going to listen to that newbie over me.
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It's sad they rather listen to new player then veterans who have played your game for YEARS
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Don't buy the rift people. Watch them squirm a bit as that "easy money" doesnt make it to their books this month. Then management will start asking questions!
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I completely support the notion not to buy any DLC or add-ons, including customizations until they get their act together. They ruined the game they need to suffer the consequences until they make it right.
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Sadly, people don't have the self control to actually do this :(
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I don't mind the new UI. I'm loving the clown changes and outside of not being able to buy Yui with shards i haven't seen any mayor bugs.
So if the next chapter is looking good i will probably buy it. Personally i see no reason not too
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Tbf I loved friday the 13th but it was too unbalanced to be enjoyable for long periods of time
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Im glad they have changed DS and OoO. But honestly? Too little too late for me. I thought id be psyched to try this game again, went to install it and felt "Eeehh The Forest, Skyrim and Stellaris are still here......" Until I can get excited enough to feel that this game has actually improved I just cant bring myself to reinstall.
Quick edit: I know there are other "good" changes they have made but I prefer killer so I focused on those 2 changes. I know theyve done more but im not listing everything.
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Im not a follower and I like making my own conclusions. So I will not let you know whether I will speak with my wallet or not.