What killer you guys want a complete rework or buff

I realy want legion this time
Legion needs some love. He doesn't need a complete rework, but he needs adjustments. Something needs to be done with his brutal fatigue, Frank's Mixtape and Stab Wounds study need a rework, and he needs to be a tiny bit faster (maybe 5.4m instead of 5.2)
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PIG and Legion
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Demo and Legion
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There's a lot of killer buffs than need to be done, but I personally think Demo needs it the most right now:
- Demo needs to stop letting everyone know every single action he does. Sure, he can scream if he lands a hit. But why does he have to make it clear to the whole map that he's missed a hit & got pallet stunned? His footsteps also needs to be quieter because it makes his "undetectable" portals useless.
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idk why everyone says demo. his base kit is very good, and ig his addons could get some loving; some very good ones are brown, but they are good and pretty balanced. if i had to pick it would be probably trapper or wraith.
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Id rework Ghostface
Make his night shroud only breakable by either;
1. Survivors that are healthy and looking at him, thus removing the ability for slugged and hooked survivors to break him out.
2. Misses a melee attack. Ghostface should be able to chain successful stalks and attacks without being penalised by losing NS.
I would also remove the chewed pen in order to make NS a longer recovery due to the buff in its power.
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deathslinger and legion should get reworked to make them fun to play as and fun to go against
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Just make it so he gets a refresh on down.
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The hag, obviously. There's so many things you could do with bullshit magic tricks but they just had to do instant teleportation to survivors
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With how many bugs Plague has, fixing them all would feel like a rework
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twins rework pls
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'fun' you mean you wanna remove what makes them interesting so they can be engaged in that dreadfully boring and repetitive looping-juking routine some elitists declared the 'only fun way of playing' ? Naw.
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Demo, cuz devs missed a lot of opportunities to make him one of the most unique killers and they didn't even add a normal upside down as in the series, which is very disappointing.
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Spirit and nurse.
Spirit: Her lack of counterplay and very tame learning curve makes her feel cheap to fight against. Increasing her skill requirement and giving her more counterplay is enough
Nurse: While she has a high skill ceiling she completely breaks the game when learnt well. No killer should render pallets and windows useless in a chase where they should be used. Not to mention her huge amount of bugs. She needs a complete overhaul
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no i want them to be intresting to play but also i dont want them to be that boring to face that you want to dc on them whenever you see em
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Legion-->Legion cannot be a strong Killer while they have the ability to vault Pallets and Windows. This needs to go to make them a strong Killer.
Hag-->Terrible design, Hag should not get destroyed by Urban Evasion and multiple Flashlights, on the other hand, Survivors should not be screwed when not having any of them. Make her more useful in Chases but less oppressive with her camping. Especially in Basement you are basically dead against a Hag, unless she is playing really nice.
Nurse-->Failed design, the only thing that "balances" her is that she is hard to learn and players dont bother to learn her, since there are enough alternatives. If every Killer player would have the patience to learn her, she would need to be nerfed into the ground. Complete Rework would be needed.
Number 2 will probably not happen since Hag is not popular, which is the only reason you dont see many complaints.
Number 3 will not happen at all, because it would remove the unique aspects of Nurse.
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i really miss the good old billy
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Legion. Please.
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As a part Legion main, I definitely want a Legion buff. With the Clown rework, he might be the weakest killer in the game right now sans base Wraith.
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Pig doesnt seem that bad to me 🤔 shes very strong with the right build. That and she has time wasting with the possibility of death as her ability. I'd say focus on reworking Huntress to a balanced state, buff legion to a less annoying more playable state. Even Mike could do with tweaks. He hasn't really been touched since his release.
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He boring. Nobody plays him.
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Yeah, stop Hag from the camp potential sure but otherwise she is very strong. So it needs careful tweaks to keep her strength while still offering counterplay other than Flashlight Urban.
Nurse, I dont get why everyone hates this so much. I play red survivor ranks and if we come to a nurse it's the same as usual, either shes really bad or she annihilates. Shes a skill gap killer with high reward if you play her right. She is still super strong and if people would take the time to learn her instead of being lazy and saying "I'll pick an easier killer" she can be super oppressive with the right build. She just takes more skill than before. She can still snowball games with a little extra effort. Sure, her addons could do with a look but I wouldnt say anything else does. They've just made it now where you have to pick your blink moments carefully, weigh out if it's good to do so then or wait till a better time. And they come back quick too so. 🤔
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Legion should be completley reworked, Freddy style. Who's bright idea was it to have a Killer whose whole gimmick is "there's 4 of them", and then not have that be the power?
It's like if Billy and Bubba just carried their chainsaws around without using them, or if Deathslinger didnt fire his gun and just used it exclusively as a melee weapon.
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Trapper needs QoL changes to make him less clunky to play, he is by no means weak but having to walk to the end of the map to recover one trap because the RNG decided to spam it there is absurd also he should have 2 traps by default.
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not an answer. You ought to give us a why you think they're boring to face.
For example:
I think Bubba is obnoxious to face because his mechanics rewards camping and slugging. He can just stand nearby (outside of kindred or with insidious in a lot of cases) and rush in chainsaw swinging when someone goes for the unhook, the mechanic enabling him to mow down two survivors, even with one having BT. (all seen, all experienced). All while people in all seriousness recommend forgetting the person on the hook and 'just do gens', which rarely pans because of how the mechanics (his perks included) work right now.
Or Freddy. He's obnoxious to face because he has no disadvantageous counterplay. He has your standard counterplay, alright, but even that gets disadvantageous with the dreampallets. I've seen people say 'just wake up' like it is a safe-all. Waking up against Freddy will either give away your position and set back your progress (failing a skillcheck, which won't even work if he brings the right addons), allowing him to teleport to you, require someone who already is awake to wake you up (which will take longer and longer each time) keeping you stationary, or has you traverse the map for the alarmclock. While his snares and pallets aren't endless when you are asleep, they have no counter like Trapper's of Hag's stuff. In short, as of now Freddy's mechanic deprieve him of balanced counter. He's not unbestable, but very tiring to face because of the distribution of advantages/disadvantages that are quite skewed to one side or the other.
Third example, Spirit: She theoretically has counterplay (sneaking, hiding, don't go through stuff that moves) but in practice her mechanics don't force her player to play in a way that would really allow for it. So what we often get is phasecamping and an unpredictableness that makes it exhausting to face her, as there's a too little window of time all to often to know which form of counter you ought to apply now. As in: when she's phasing, you can't really tell if she's about to pop up or pass by, as the audiocues are non-existent/too subtle. Means it takes too long to get the information needed to decide whether to run or hide a lot of times.
There's three examples of killers I find boring and why (because by experience my chances against them are significantly low due to how a lot of people use their mechanics), can you give the same for Deathslinger or Legion without it boiling down to 'I cannot run them for 5 gens'
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no one needs a rework imo.
but for the love of god, PLEASE buff Trapper already...
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I surprised that no one said Myers. His power is very outdated and is pretty boring imo. He could use some QoL buffs to help modernize him.
As a Legion main, I agree he needs some buffs, but not a full rework. Also he's not as bad as people say he is.
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I definitely agree that Myers could also use a Rework.
As a Legion main myself I just wish he had a more unique power than "Run for 10 seconds (slower than Victor by the way) and then get a cluster headache."