Most annoying teammates to play with

I think this topic is not brought up enough. A lot people argue why SWF is overpowered and why Solo survivors are too weak. Sure in SWF you gain tons of free perk with voice communication, but i've had many solo games where even good killers got "gen rushed" and overall us four randoms played so coordinated that the killer accused us being SWF.
The main problem in Solo survivor is that your teammates.. they often aren't even trying to survive OR repair generators, they just play the game to get chased by the killer and maybe try to get few saves as they are extremely easy bloodpoints.
Even if you get one of these "chase me survivors" who aren't repairing gens, which means remaining three survivors have to carry their slack the entire game, which means i need to spend almost ENTIRE game holding m1 on generator if i wish to have ANY chances of escaping.
There are also a big gap in blood point gain what you get from repairing generators, which is definitely the most boring part of survivor gameplay. You spend 80 seconds holding m1 and you get 1250 bloodpoints, while the guy who isn't even planning to help the team gets tons of points from chases, pallet stuns and saves.
Now you can make a counter argument that "they bought the game, so they can play however they want" Sure that is true, but i think i should know if i'm playing with teammate that is willing to throw the entire game so only HE can have his "fun". Most survivors con cinder fun in the game playing it normally: repair, get chased, get few saves and escape.
- I think there are few things that could help with this issue. First: you should increase bloodpoints gained from generators, at least 2-5k bloodpoints from generator so they are more attractive for survivors to do. Lower amount of blood points you gain from pallet stuns, maybe like 500 BP each pallet stun, which is still actually quite a lot.
- Survivors should have scoreboard from like last 10 matches while they are in the lobby. How many generators they repaired, how many saves, pallets dropped etc.
There is no wonder why kill rates are high when half of solo games there is that one survivor does nothing to benefit the team and then he suicides on the hook.