The Future of DBD (Survivor Gameplay)

RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

With the new update and the big changes to the UI with plans to add more to it in the future will Dead by Daylight become a completely new game? For example, shying away from some of the horror aspect of being alone and scared (not that we are scared) and becoming something more strategic providing players, especially the solo players with more information. An example of that being adding more information to the UI such as the current action of each survivor (In a chase, repairing, healing, cleansing).

Maybe something like a sound range meter indicating how far away you can be heard from when injured or rustling through the bushes. Maybe even add a very rare item such as an adrenaline shot that will allow you to heal from the dying state once per match into the injured state where you must heal or be healed within a certain amount of time or you will be put back into the dying state sort of negating the whole team getting slugged early on and avoiding those dull boring waste of time games where nobody including the killer get anything from.

Also I do believe that some sort of feature should be added that negates the punishment to survivors when one survivor leaves the game within the first couple of minutes because they went down too fast or because they don't like facing a particular killer etc the list goes on and on. Possibly something like an automatic black pip for both survivor and killer. My thoughts behind this are just last night I played a game where there were two survivors playing together one of them got hooked which was the first hook of the game and two people went for the save. The person who didn't get the save got salty about it and immediately left the game unfortunately it was their friend on the hook who immediately followed and left as well which ultimately hurt myself and the other remaining survivor and the killer. I'm not too sure how that idea would be properly balanced though and I know rank isn't everything but I know some people including myself who enjoy the grind of leveling up and getting into games like that is frustrating and kills the fun.

One last item for my survivor list is face campers. It's just another thing that makes for stupid boring games my thoughts on that would be add a nerf to a killer who remains within a certain radius of a hooked survivor for a certain amount of time such as taking a massive hit to their movement speed and attack speed maybe even reduced vision until the either walk away for a certain amount of time or the survivor gets rescued and gets a certain distance away. Anyways these are just my personal thoughts on the survivor side of things. I will be adding another post in the near future for the killer side. Let me know what you think, if you have any ideas and if you feel like one of my ideas is stupid feel free to say so it's all good.

Post edited by RoachesDelight on


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    My guy/gal, please format and separate that text building into smaller sections. It'll make it easier on the eyes to read.