Im... Well i'm disappointed.

I'm quite a new player to DBD, atleast that's what I think. I joined back in August 2020, when it was on sale, meaning during the end of the silent hill event, and I really thought that this game was going to be a game that was very special, and it was, atleast before the halloween event.

The Halloween event WAS going to be my "first" event, but it ended being completely different than any other event that happened in the past, no fun, just cosmetics and some more bloodpoints.

Next was the Christmas event which I was very, VERY excited for since I've heard that people really liked that one. Nope. No winter event for me, sadly.

Now it's the Lunar New Year event and again, i'm not really surprised at this point. Nothing special, just cosmetics and some free bloodpoints.

I'm so disappointed that i'm probably never going to get to experience a GOOD event like the past ones.

I'm just hoping that we get a summer event or the anniversary event. And please BHVR, bring back the old way of doing events.

Sincerely, A Disappointed Customer.

