Is it really that hard. Like seriously.

I'm a killer main. But I like to play both sides of the field sometimes. I hop into survivor games, and yes I know survivor is kinda all jacked up rn, but idk what I expected. I'm a solo player so obviously I'm not gonna have as easy a time as any combo of sfw. But what pleasure do other survivors get out of leading the killer right fudging to me.
I can get being mad at me if I did something wrong but thirty seconds into a game and the survivor who ran right into the killer just decides "Hey you're full health and obviously not busy doing a gen. Take the killer aggro for me, will ya? Thanks pal." And pisses off as the killer now gets a stiffy chasing me.
I guess all I can ask is, Survivor mains, What is your fruking problem? P.S. I realize that not every survivor main does this but it's still something all of you can at least maybe provide some insight to.
Sometimes it's an accident, sometimes they didn't know, other times they made the decision that the loop here was the only way regardless if some1 is there and worse case they got really tired of being chased.
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They are probably not doing it on purpose. Sometimes you don't realize when you're running you run into another survivor. Its especially hard if you don't have bond or other perks to indicate your teammate is there. Don't take it personally.
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I'd agree more but the people today just seem to make it a point to just run past me, not even going for pallets or windows. Just straight up running past me.
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Don't try and get around the word filter just curse. You won't get in trouble for cursing and being censored, but I've gotten warnings for trying to do what you're doing haha.
I basically said the same thing you are saying.
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Yeah but I run Bond specifically so I this info is available. I'm a firm believer that information is king in most games so when people run at me anyway, and as I said in my previous reply, don't even use the loop I'm near. Just straight up run by right by me. It makes me really hate survivor even more. Which I hate saying because I can admit that as a killer main Survivor can be a lot of fun sometimes
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If you are on the lower ranks, maybe they're panicking when being chased?
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I'd rather the killer chase me, I know I can lead on a chase so I feel more confident I'd do a better job without wasting pallets, having said that no one does gens so no much point lol
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Kinda weird rule that when some people censor themselves like i say frick fudge or other weird stuff obviously instead of the other word.
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Yup, but they warned me for it twice so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Most times they don't do it on purpose, they don't know they're running into you