Is it really that hard. Like seriously.

I'm a killer main. But I like to play both sides of the field sometimes. I hop into survivor games, and yes I know survivor is kinda all jacked up rn, but idk what I expected. I'm a solo player so obviously I'm not gonna have as easy a time as any combo of sfw. But what pleasure do other survivors get out of leading the killer right fudging to me.

I can get being mad at me if I did something wrong but thirty seconds into a game and the survivor who ran right into the killer just decides "Hey you're full health and obviously not busy doing a gen. Take the killer aggro for me, will ya? Thanks pal." And pisses off as the killer now gets a stiffy chasing me.

I guess all I can ask is, Survivor mains, What is your fruking problem? P.S. I realize that not every survivor main does this but it's still something all of you can at least maybe provide some insight to.
