DBD discord is kinda cringe

1: Imagine asking for feedback and then banning them for giving feedback or "bashing the game"

2: Also how can you give customer feedback when the mods ban you for every little "meany" thing you say.

3: I wonder why no one has launched a class action suit for bad QA yet.

4: Everyone who is going to defend Behaviour here is not being any better than the people asking for changes.



  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    yea and its kinda hard to hold a conversation over there. Most discords make multiple general chats, they just removed reactions and have general on a constant 60 second cool down

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    I was looking for a new dbd forum alternative, sounds like thats not it

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    It's moderated by the same people so the same issues are still present

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I'm in McLean's discord. He has like 30+ sections for different chat topics with 7 just for DBD, one being McLean Fix It for bugs/issues. Also, no phone number required to join. I'll stick with that one. 😂

  • simbanono
    simbanono Member Posts: 50

    Im making a new DBD discord, the only problem is that I dont have a bot yet, im currently working on one, but it might take a week, ive made servers before and the base is already there, I still need a couple of mods who DO NOT CENSOR people for critiques. Ill let you know when I am ready to make it public.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    I haven't checked what happened in the Discord, but knowing the community the "giving feedback" part consisted in a lot of insults mixed with a bit of generic feedback, and you can't expect to not be banned for that

    People must learn to be civil, even if they are upset (and I agree with them being upset, this update didn't go well at all and unless they change things quickly it's going to be a huge problem) and how to give feedback. Simply saying "THE UI AND NEW MOVEMENT SUCK! YOU DEVS ARE ######### ######### AND WORTHLESS, ######### THIS GAME!" is never going to accomplish anything good

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    The discord is pretty bad I just avoid it.

    I suggest using other discords as well. The official one is just...not a good place.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    I wish like he or someone else just had their own personal fourm without the bs because i really like how the forums are set up its just, well you know

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Because there isn’t any need to be a prick when providing negative feedback.

    Top Tip: it’s possible to complain and bring up issues without a) name calling b) shaming c) demoralising.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Sounds like someone was a dick and got called out on it.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i very highly doubt you'd get banned from their Discord for providing feedback and / or some constructive critisism.

    this sounds more like you went on a rant over there in which you ended uo being rather insulting and therefore got banned.

    I also doubt the Discord rules are any different to this forums rules.

    I'm not on there myself, but i could even imagine it having the same mod team as this forum - but maybe one of the mods could confirm / debunk that theory? @MandyTalk @Rizzo90 @Gay Myers (Luzi)

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    There is a big difference between giving feedback in a constructive manner versus bashing people, including the devs, when you give feedback. If you throw insults of any kind or restort to dev bashing instead of providing constructive criticism, you actually get verbaled/reminded to stop this and provide constructive criticism.

    It only becomes a consequence (e.g. a warn) if you continue to do so and ignore the crew team several times - only then, unless you use heavy insults, slurs or direct them at people. People can also have different opinion other than yours, so the moment you start attacking others for thinking differently than you, that can result in a consequence, but generally we follow a system in which we remind either specific users or the whole chatroom to remain civil and respectful and if they still refuse to do so after we did so a few times, it'll result in a consequence.

    Bans are only handed out if it's escalation or if you've broken specific rules of the Discord Guidelines/TOS and our rules, such as posting NSFW, Gore, animal abuse, etc. content. If you wish anyone to die or threaten anyone, that will also result in a ban.

    So in short, no, we don't ban for the tiniest criticism. We have a escalation system, unless you break specific rules and guidelines/TOS from Discord.

This discussion has been closed.