How Do People Deal with Bad Teammates?



  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167


    Only thing anyone can do is focus on your chases and try to break away. Can't stop the killer from downing them but I can do my best not to be downed. I just go into every match expecting the team to be killed first and anything more is a nice bonus.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Or you move onto a game that isn’t trash. There are a lot of them. DBD isn’t one. The only thing holding it up is unique hide and seek gameplay that was done by splinter cell many years ago. But at least then it was on Xbox so it wasn’t hacked to ######### .

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    I had one game a a solo survivor last night and somehow I managed to get 2 gens done by myself without any of the other 3 been hooked but they didn’t even get a single gen between them in that time they must of just been hiding eneded up I got hooked twice and still manage to finish 4 gens by myself the whole game ofc I didn’t manage to make it out because they die, hatch was closed and the trapper already had the doors trapped up

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I yell at my TV, asking if they're cowards, or just incompetent. Then I finally through up my hands and take a break from DbD.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,448

    Just see it as handicap. It makes winning more fun. Yesterday i had a 4min chase (3:52) right at the start and only two gens got done. Purple and green rank survivor.

    Last match today i carried so that only i got downed once and all gens were done. Then all teammates died bc they played really stupid and i escaped with unbreakable and balanced landing through the exit. The killer got me but i could crawl out last second. This was fun and it would have never happened if my teammates werent that bad.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    get friends, play killer, or play another game, try civilization

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    Playing survivor solo really is a gamble. Yesterday I was using my red envelopes to try to fix gens and get points in the first few matches, I got the worst teammates. Either they would go down very fast or would not fix. I think the first 3 or 4 matches I had less than 5 gens done in total, because my team was getting downed a lot, then I had to leave the gen and most times ruin was on, so by the time I came back, the progess was gone.

    Also, people play the way they want, like just hiding even when the killer is not near, running off as soon as they hear an heartbeat while not even checking if the killer is coming or just chasing someone, getting off gens as soon as someone gets downed to try to go for the save, even if the person is on the other side of the map, etc. Also, keep being chased by the killer near gens, when the know there is a far away area with no gens and they could lead the killer there, so the others could fix.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    As a survivor main my utmost goal is always escape. In most matches though I have a secondary goal that has to do with bad survivors. My definition of bad survivor is any survivor that isn't beneficial to my goal. That generally falls into one of two categories. There are survivors that don't play with the objective to escape, and there are survivors that even if they are trying to escape lack the ability to deploy any sort of strategy to actually help with that goal.

    That secondary goal is to outlast any survivor that isn't conducive to escaping. I will stay play for an escape myself, but if that doesn't happen I'm still pretty satisfied if I accomplish the second, plus it just gives me something to do in matches I know escape isn't likely.

    That may sound harsh, but the way I look at it is this: If someone isn't playing with the intent of escaping they had no problem entering a match knowing they are basically sabotaging everyone that is trying to escape. If they can't be bothered to learn to play with at least a little strategy they are still sabotaging anyone that does. If someone has no problem coming into a match playing in a manner that sabotages me I have no problem at all making them just as expendable. It makes an otherwise frustrating match something I can enjoy.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324
    edited February 2021

    I play mostly solo and it's always a gamble what you'll get. I've gotten such amazing teamwork that the killer thought we had comms. And I've had games with nobody doing gens and only lasting 2 seconds in chase. I try to adapt but sometimes it's so horrible I can't helpt it. I just can't take aggro AND do all the gens. If they do gens I try to keep the killers attention on me. If they don't do gens or the killer is smart enough to break chase I try to do enough for at least a safety pip.

  • bepis
    bepis Member Posts: 44

    I don't count on other teammates during the match. I always bring a basic medkit and plunderer and do my thing.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    My luck I just got a toxic bunch of idiots who thought they could be toxic and get away with it. I did three gens by myself. All of my teams kept dropping like flies not helping. And then finally I died and one of them got away thanks to my efforts. I feel like a low level office worker whose manager keeps taking the credit for my efforts and getting rewarded for it.

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    The way I deal with them is I think of them as less than worthless and proceed to lose the match because of how garbage they are. I get annoyed and moved on to the next match only to be let down by the next set of disappointments. Works every time.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    so keep your expectations as low as possible so you can never be disappointed lol

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2021

    Well if the match is somewhat salvageable in terms of piping, stay and just farm as much as possible.

    If it isn't, die on hook and let them worry about the rest. What I do is get to 2nd hook, struggle and as soon as someone is about to get to me, stop struggling and die. Get into a fresh lobby and move on asap.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Bring a medkit just to give it to them so they can at least last 10 seconds longer, use kindred, WMI, and just slam the gens.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    time to press that struggle button and get out as fast as you can

  • NickChinchill
    NickChinchill Member Posts: 68

    Honestly, I focus on my own game. I bring some perks that I can keep track of them with (i.e. Kindred) but I concentrate on what I'm doing. Remember, escaping isn't the Win - if you're after bloodpoints, it's almost everything else. Doing gens gets points. Looping the killer gets points. And yeah, saving your dumbass allies and attempting to patch them up gives points too, if they'll hold still for it.

    I only go in with a more 'team-assist' build (i.e. something that focuses on unhooking allies and then fast healing them) if I'm playing with a friend, cos then at least I've got one person I can rely on. Usually.

    And ultimately, if I get really heated? I honestly close the game, grab a drink and breathe for a bit. No point getting that heated, ya know? And sometimes it's just not your day.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    If you are as good as you think you are, you should be able to find the hatch based on the sound and not need to waste a perk slot for the aura.