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Chapter Idea: The Puppeteer

Tayte Member Posts: 65

Killer:The puppeteer

Name: Hodus

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Black and gray

Eye colour: White

Power: Demonic possession

Weapon: Hands.

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.

Art by Jason Giraldo


Hodus was not sure where he was born, or if he had been created. He lived inside a broken down church in the middle of the forest, where the only amusement he had was broken down puppets that he eventually would learn how to fix and control using his ability of puppetry. Years have gone by as he's grown in size and experience, as now he can mimic human voices that he sometimes hears during his hunt for food in the forest.

One day he would hear some banging and rattling around the forest, as he went to check he found a theater cart had crashed through the trees. The driver along with his son barely hanging on to their lives being hardly injured. He knew humans have shunned him, but he still tried to save them using his ability to wrap them in the strings coming from his hands. Slowly the two humans that got wrapped inside his strings became healthy, they would scream in agony as they slowly turned into freshly made puppets. surprised by the outcome he would bring the 2 puppets back to the church and as days went by, he got an idea to repair the theater cart and start his own show.

He would then start traveling out of the forest, covering himself with a cloak while putting one of the puppets beside him as he rode from the village to some nearby town, and each time he would hide himself inside the theater cart, as he put on the show. The first show he did, didn't turn out good, as nobody was interested to see just two puppets on display. Enraged by this he would leave to the nearby town. During his stay he would collect more puppets by capturing and injuring people of all ages to add to his collection, as he was about to be ready for another show, his cart would start to break as he and couple of his puppets went inside the dark mist swallowing them whole


Killer power:

Power: Demonic possession.

Has the ability to infect a survivor with your power. A timer starts which takes up to 1 minutes. If the timer is completed, the puppeteer can briefly take control over the Survivor ( think like Twins ). Other survivors will be alerted by this possession with a visual clue, if the controlled survivor is close enough to another one, the puppeteer can trigger their power to trigger an AoE hurt zone ( think Cannibal tantrum ) which takes off 1 health state of every survivor in it, the possession excluded.

The possession will be exhausted, blinded and oblivious for X amount of seconds, as the puppeteer regains control over himself again, as he is briefly slowed down

You can have multiple survivors infected at once, you can then choose which survivor to possess by pressing a button from 1 to 4

Mori: Strangles the survivor with the strings. Moving it from side to side like a puppet dancing.


Killer Perks:

1. Eerie silence:

Whenever a survivor heals another survivor, the healer and the healed survivor, will be deaf to your terror radius for 10 seconds.

2. Spotlight:

Reveals auras of survivors for 10 seconds when they go under the light of a finished generator.

3. False alarm:

50% / 55% / 65% chance of playing the TR when startling a crow



Name: Valera

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Brunette

Eye colour: Dark brown

Origin: Norway


Thousands of years ago, in the cold harsh north, there was a viking settlement. Valera was a strong woman. She had just been promoted in the ranks among the other vikings and shield maidens. Completing the trials of Odin. Showing her courage, and now finally ready to come aboard for the raids and become one with the battlefield. Perhaps finding her spot in Valhalla amongst the other legends. As the sun slowly set, and the only light was the moon, a feast was thrown. A cheer of good fortune for the next adventure, but something quickly interrupted it. Men yelling outside. The sound of arrows piercing deeply into the walls. All the people got up and grabbed their weapons. The face of fear and tension on people could be seen on every person. Valera quickly grabbed her bow from her back, and held it ready. The first men stormed out. The settlement was on fire. People were already dead, and a horde of men were running with weapons at the ready towards the longhouse.

Weapons would clash. Screams would be heard, and the sound of combusting houses filled the night. In shock Valera slowly made her way out the back. Hoping to take them by surprise. As she rounded the house, she realised her people were already dead. The enemy spotted her and she shot a few arrows, but knew it was futile. She began to run. She ran as fast as she could knowing the army of men were chasing behind. There was no way to go. Ahead of her was a cliff. She stopped up, and noticed the crowd getting closer behind her. She inhaled deeply, and with a sprint she jumped off the cliff, and disappeared into the dark fog underneath. Landing softly in a dark unknown forest. The snow and cliff was gone.


Survivor perks:

1. Thunderstruck:

Powering up the generator near the killer will make them visually blind for a short duration.

2. Sly as a fox:

Gives you the ability to send a fake trail of scratches in the direction you face for 1-2 meters. Has a cooldown of 1 minute. Gives a small sound cue to the killer when used.

3. Eyes on me:

Sprinting through a window will reveal your location to the other survivors for 5 seconds. Has a cooldown of 40 seconds.


New Map 

The old overgrown church:



For the first time. A survivor from another Era.

I am aware some things will need some tweaks. Which is fine. This is just a concept anyway.


  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    The power seems a little op since it has two killer power mixed into a big one but it most likely has some counterplay. As for the perks, no complaints! Nice concept.