The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Do not debate or trash talk, please - Looking for personal opinions.



  • First: Neither, but matchmaker causes gross imbalances leaving the impression of one or the other. After the latest update however? Slightly killer sided till next update.

    Second: Red rank 1 for survivor and killer

    Third: 2000 hours

    Fourth: Yes, Dwight is P3 with almost every perk in the game; all my main killers are P3 with every perk in the game, other killers and survivors are just 50 with various things.

    LASTLY: I main killer I like to think, but I play far more survivor because I can play it with friends and that is mostly when I play.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    1. I think its survivor sided. I think most games that dont end in favor of survivors are lost by survivors and not won by the killer. I have games where the other survivors hooktrade, i am the only one doing gens and stuff, and you go down and see noone near a gen...
    2. Red ranks on survivor, green to purple on killer
    3. steam says 4k+ hours.
    4. I have 4 survivors with all perks, and all killers have all perks
    5. I am a survivor main, and i play solo survivor 100% of my time. I used to play killer too, but since the mori change i have nothing left to battle good swfs, and its neither fun nor worth my time to play killer anymore.
  • snax9111
    snax9111 Member Posts: 67

    First: ( in a world where no one is a bad player ( NOT A NOOB): SWF can beat any killer even the OG nurse, ( but if every single survivor is solo, i think its in a balanced state.

    Second: i been red ranks before, now im not going there i hate it, im mostly in brown and green ranks

    Third: about 1800 hrs

    Fourth: didnt get the question

    LASTLY: killer main. 65% to 35% im more than decent in both roles, i had to play survivor and get good at it, in order to understand what others feel when they get tunneled or camped, thats why i dont do it as a killer,

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306
    1. Survivor sided in general, but not all that much
    2. Rank 12, but I only play 1 to 3 hours a day, and I'm gaining ranks quickly.
    3. 50hrs, but I spend a lot of time researching the game.
    4. Pyramid Head, but I've been playing Bubba a lot for bloodpoints.
    5. Killer, because I don't have the time to spend 45 minutes waiting for a match and then three waiting on a hook.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    First: I believe the game is Survivor sided, though not by the massive margin some people make it out to be. It still is, and it shows at extremely high levels of play, but for everyone else it seems to balance itself out a bit.

    Second: Currently my devotion is like 136 or something. I don't pay TOO much attention to it. My Killer is around Rank 8 because I've been putting off Killer lately, and my Survivor is Rank 3 or 4.

    Third: 300 hours almost on the dot according to Steam. So that's, what, 100 hours of gameplay and 200 hours of waiting in a lobby?

    Fourth: My Nea is mostly kitted out for whatever build I want to do. My Killers, not so much, though some are better than others.

    Lastly: If you go by playtime, stats, etc... I'm technically a Survivor main that paradoxically is more concerned with the health of the Killer meta. So a Killer-minded Survivor main.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    1. I believe the game leans more toward survivor sided at the higher levels of play. Mostly due to very strong perks and SWF.
    2. I haven't played since the Twins were released but when I do play I hover in red/purple ranks as both killer and survivor.
    3. A few hundred hours. I tend to take very long breaks but I've been playing since early 2017.
    4. I main Jake and yes I've got all the perks I want on him.
    5. I'm more a survivor main. Killer is too stressful for me to play consistently.
  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483
    edited February 2021

    1. Moreso survivor sided, i'd say like 60:40.
    2. Typically make it to Rank 1 both sides every season.
    3. Around 2.7k hours across both PS4 and Steam.
    4. I main Yui as Survivor and have been running BT, Kindred, Windows and Alert for the past couple of weeks. I've been playing a lot of Blight as killer and usually always bring BBQ and run no gen defence (besides Corrupt on setup killers like Hag, Trapper or Demo). I play all killers but some I play less are Myers, Hag, Hillbilly, Oni, Deathslinger and Pyramid Head.
    5. I'd say I play both roles equally, although it may become 60:40 for one side or the other at times.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    1. mostly balanced, with a small tendency of bein survivor sided. 4 man SWF "death" squads make it a lot more survivor sided though.
    2. rank 1 on both sides
    3. i've been playing since late 2016 and have ~4200 hours ingame right now.
    4. almost all of my killers are fully maxed out, for survivors i only leveled one, who has all currently unlocked perks.
    5. killermain.
  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,778
    edited February 2021
    1. Neither. I think it's reasonably balanced.
    2. Red rank for both sides. Typically rank 1 unless I haven't played much since the last rank reset.
    3. ~1100 hours.
    4. Yes and no. I have one survivor that's P3 with all of the perks (excluding DLCs I don't own), since they're just skins anyway and I wanted one character that I could experiment with if I ever felt like it. I rarely use them, though. Instead I preferentially use whoever has a daily or rift challenge. Once those are done, I use whoever has the weakest inventory that isn't already P3, since I like to use up all the good loadout items before prestiging people. I don't have any killers with all of the perks since they're not skins and I don't like any one killer enough more than the rest to really main them. I just stick with the same system of playing the killers with dailies or rift challenges first, and then switching to killers who are the closest to being ready to prestige.
    5. Neither. I'd say I play about 60-70% survivor, but that's because I tend to play with friends. When I'm playing alone I play mostly killer.