How many &@%# ups can BHVR make in a row ?

3 ######### updates in a row and another chapter with a totally new set of the bugs incoming...
They created Blight with no new map, broken POV which will be fixed in a new chapter after 6 months LOL
They managed to give us another medicore chapter with the Twins and a lot of new glitches they had to apologise to us for. No new map either, i get that they are working on older maps which is cool i guess but no new ones is getting really boring as of lately and making chapters feel lackluster and incomplete. Then they #%#@ up with color blind people and apologised once more, AND then the released another broken chapter with cheap UI which apparently was worked on for months xd. Didn't listen to community and tried to give NotQueen a reward for a best community manager of 2020 or something like that. They have another chapter in what? 4 weeks and we will get some of the changes with a hotfix as of next week i suppose but then? another ground breaking bug making the game to shut itself down? cmon bro...
They totally broke something with the hitboxes/servers but who cares? what matters is that with every update and lack of and kind of communication with us is making feel player base really angry with the devs and for a good reason. How could you be proud of developer team of what? 300+ people not being able to operate this pile of hot garbage this game is as of lately.
Yep, it’s honestly impressive the level of incompetence you can go to when every latch you release bad bugs, that the last 3 updates have been noticeably worse then any others. And continuing to try and force terrible UI and awful animations down our throats isn’t doing them any favors.
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I wouldn't say that the Blight update was so bad... It brought a pretty good killer that playing as and against him is fun.
A lot of ppl like Felix too. We've got new animations/models about gens, chests that are good.
Also we got 2 first reworked realms (Yamaoka and Elm street) that are not bad at all and haven't any issues like we have on the recent update. Yeah, we didn't get a new map, sadly. But it was obvious that we didn't get it cause they have a lot of work to do and they're dealing with it until the end of 2020...
And what the most important is... Decent Beyond update didn't break the game at all like the last 2 updates!
Even 4.2.0 midchapter wasn't bad. We got new reworked McMillian realm that looks tbh awesome and got PH "nerf/buff" that actually is good.
Since the last Hallow Blight event in 2020, the developers are starting to make "weird" decisions from community point of view and releasing new patches with a lot of bugs (including critical ones).
Let's hope that we will see a good (or at least ok) upcoming chapter (probably license chapter, based on their plan for releasing chapters per year) and we could see a new map with too.
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As many as they want. Not like the hopelessly addicted playerbase will ever actually stop playing so BHVR will never actually have to improve.
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I feel this way too. Pre-Billy-nerf was the best point in time in the game for me. I was a happy Billy main and now I never play him after he got nerfed into the ground. I really can’t think of anything that has gotten better since the Billy nerf (maybe Bubba buff?) but can think of a lot of things that have gotten worse!
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I'm tired of it, honestly. Unless there are significant changes to the quality of these patches I'm not going to be spending any more money on this game. I don't criticize the devs very often but ever since this latest patch I've just become fed up.
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I really don't understand why you think EA would do this game good. All of EAs games have been #########, and they rarely support them for a year.
Remember Anthem? Supposed to be supported for years and didn't even last a couple months? They'd do the same exact thing with dbd. Make a quick buck then forget about it