Huntress Needs a Rework

I like Huntress. Obviously. I’m not really great at her. More of a Trapper but still. However her axe throwing is way out of whack. As survivor how come I can see her axe fly right pass me, not hit me at all, and still hit me?
That's more polishing her then a rework.
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I guess I used the wrong word. Just saying it’s hard to dodge an axe when you think you dodged it, see the axe fly by you, and still get hit.
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It's Latency
That's all
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Well fix it man!
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You can't just fix latency though,there will always be latency in online games
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Then how am I suppose to juke and dodge the axes if that’s an issue?
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I think,the desync issues the servers have right now make even more of those axe throws look questionable.
But latency definetely affects both sides.I've definetely already seen hatchet throws that should have hit but didn't.
It's annoying but that's just online gaming for you
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That's her hitbox. It's literally a basketball.
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Well I guess I will have to be extra careful with her axes
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20 to 40ms ping should not result in the massive jumps that we're seeing. Hatchet & spear gun hits once you've gone round a corner shouldn't be so common with good connections
It is poor, messy game design that has not been corrected for the popularity and cross platform aspect of the game
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That is true and i wish it wouldn't be as bad as it can get sometimes but that's just the way DbD is.
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Huntress is fine.
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Huntress is fine. Deathslinger is the projectile killer who needs a rework
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Gotta practice the 5 Ds
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Huntress is fine, but the hits from her hatchets have been broken for close to 2 years? Much the same with Hag's Phantasm Hits not scoring properly. They are still broken, many times not registering or registering in-game but not for her Dailies.
There's a few other bugs that have been in the game for various Killers for the past couple years, and probably not going to be fixed until they fix the latency issues with the servers. It was actually better when it was Peer to Peer to be quite honest. You'd get the occasional lag switcher, but overall connection strength was MUCH more stable.
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wow what a good argument.
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The only thing wrong is the hitbox/lag, one of which you can't do anything about. Now, they are worse, but they have been like that for a while.
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As a huntress main myself respecting and baiting pallet drops are free hits or downs and by far the two most op combos I use are of course iri belt but the 2mins no dead hard sprint burst lithe or balanced landing combo and reason I say that ones op so many survivors rely on those perks to extend a loop without them easy kill
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iTs JuSt LaTeNcY!!11one
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True it depends on how you see them play