Where do I report hackers?

Fishydevili22 Member Posts: 48
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I already reported the hacker in-game, and on steam. They stuck me at a locker with an infinite head-on, after about 15 - 20 seconds I left the game after I looked and they didn't even have head-on in the after the game lobby, this is their twitch so you can see their hacks for your self.


  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Report them in game (which you did) then submit a ticket here: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

    Where you can add any evidence, preferably recordings.

    Also you should remove their Twitch from the post, naming and shaming is against forum rules

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,545

    Delete that link from your post, there is a no naming and shaming rule on the forums!

    you have to create an additional player report, which is only valid as long as you have made an in game report. You can start it from the end game screen (the questionmark button above the player information. Or create one here:


  • Fishydevili22
    Fishydevili22 Member Posts: 48

    I removed the link but they should be named and shamed they ruined the game for other players, why can't we at least show the evidence of their twitch stream, hell they are streaming themselves doing it, why are they protected.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,545

    I didn’t make the rules, just informed you.

    ln this case I would probably be on your side, but there are other cases were it just isn’t right. E.g. someone made a mistake just once or Someone even only having the same gamertag on steam as someone who hacked. They could get harassed for something by complete strangers that just saw it here on the forums..

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,440

    As others already told you, to report a player always keep in mind in-game reports are mandatory (and as you said you already reported in game), any additional evidence, video evidence in this case, must be sent to support here: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us by submitting a ticket and select "Additional Player Report Information".

    If you have any more doubts about how and what to report, I suggest you to read this: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules

    Regarding the naming and shaming rules, here, just like many other discussion platforms, we do not allow it, since it can lead to witch hunting and on top of that people could fabricate fake evidence just to throw shades at someone.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    though I understand what you are saying, there are possibilities that you need to worry about... think of this: something bugs out you had headon, but wanted to switch to DS. now something happens and the game bugs you with the headon and when you see their load out it was recorded with ds instead of headon. this isn't them cheating, but not realizing there was a discrepancy..... BUT this is something that rarely happens. I will say you never know so publicly "SHAMING" them for something they did not intend. this is why you use the ticket system and give those links to the devs in the ticket. :)