Negative people


The worst thing about dbd isn't anything with game it's OK it has its bugs. I don't mind dealing with the odd bug or two till they fix it but all this negativity is what ruins the game.

just remember its not all about perks I know people that can take a r20 killer with no perks or Addons and totally enialate a swf of r1's. Or take out a survivour with no perks and loop a killer the entire game. Its not rank or perks or Addons that determines how good you are it's the hours and experience that counts and there is always gonna be someone better than you out there so don't get salty just bite your lip and try again.

But I don't beleive you can call yourself an expert till you've played both sides.

Just thot I'd put this out there just stop arguing and get on with it the game and community would be better