Not a fan of Shrine of secrets

SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I'm not a huge fan of the concept usually, although I have taken liberty of it sometimes with Lithe and Corrupt Int. But, todays lineup kinda defeats the objective of learning new killers and makes killers perks kinda pointless if you can freely mix and match.

This week see's an incredible inclusion of;

Divisive strike ;)


Dragon Grip

3 seriously strong perks all available without having to obtain and rank said killer. I could quite easilly attach Thanat and Dragon G an insue absolute missery on low to mid rank survivors this evening. Does anyone else agree that the shrine is a bit unsporting?



  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    The Shrine is outdated, but I don't think it's unsporting. It's the only way people can get perks without buying said chapter. This is BHVR's way of dealing with the Pay 2 Win. If you had to pay to get Laurie and DS, one of the best Survivor perks, the Halloween chapter would likely be seen as Pay 2 Win. How some people now view the Nightmare on Elm Street chapter as Pay 2 Win because of Freddy. And sometimes, I don't wanna have to level up Nurse to get Thana. I mean, I already did, but still.

    Jokes on those people, I bought Freddy when he was the worst killer in the game!

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    For survivor maybe, but for killer learning new killers is still useful because all killer work differently.

    For survivor its just a skin but every killer is unique and different. Shrine of Secrets has saved me from needing to buy certain survivors -- I got all of Tap's and Ace's perks on the Shrine so I didn't need to buy them. For killers though if you want a killer you gotta buy them.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    They say its random. The Shrine isn't a reliable way of accruing perks and even after unlocking them you still have to find them in the bloodweb. Of all of the issues with this game this is one of the least broken.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Thana and dg aren't even that strong though. Ds is incredibly strong, but soon it won't be. I think it's a good shrine this week though.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
    edited February 2021

    Gen tapping was ridiculously common at the time of release. This was a good counter to it. Point is, Blight and Nurse take some skill as we're led to believe, so its a bit of a disservice to those that purchased, learned and ranked them to get the top perks.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    People deserve to get perks without paying for them.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    The Shrine is honestly a very good and useful feature to have.

    Who cares how people got their perks? Like, I don't have Bubba. I have no desire to get him or play as him. However, BBQ is... well BBQ. I have it only because the Shrine exists. Do you think that the Bubba mains are offended because I didn't spend money and BP to get it? I seriously doubt it. On the flip side, Legion is one of my mains and I honestly don't care one bit if people got Discordance from the Shrine or from getting and leveling Legion. Either way it effects me not at all.

    In all honesty, the Shrine needs to get a bit of a buff so it has 6 or 8 perks in it at a time.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    edited February 2021

    Shine of Secrets is kind of a relic of the game's early days, very outdated. It really needs a revamping.

    Honestly, to hell with the rotation, just make everything available.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    i have all survs, and almost all killers (i dont have twins)

    buying them (via shards or money) didnt make me play them xd all of them i have on lvl 50 but for example i dont touch: nurse(daily only), hag, myers, clown, legion, freddy(post rework), GF, slinger, spirit (outside of daily), PH, plague i just dont like their powers (from one side or other, because for example i feel dirty playing spirit, its just too easy i have P3 50 spirit with all perks, freddy is just too boring, literally no learning curve post rework)

    survs are literally OG "legendary skins" but with perks ... (thats sad), im dwight main and have some maxed couple other characters (meg, claudette, nea, Feng, Kate, Jane, Yui, bill) but most of them i dont play even tho i maxed them i just have too much bloodpoints and i dont like overlvling characters (feels like waste)

    Pay 2 Win in dbd XDDDD if only winning mattered xd bruh on survivor side you dont need BS perks to be in red ranks my OG build was SB, SC, Urban, we're gonna farm and hit R1 in my 1st 100h (back in 2017), now thats my build: small games, bond, plunderers, inner str, and i cant get out of red ranks (i dont want to be there), on killer: enduring, whispers, BBQ and 4th rotating perk(depends on killer) with same story as on surv (you might tell bbq is from paid DLC, but you dont have to run it, use other detection perk there is solid amount of them)

    you dont need "P2W perks"(nice joke im still laughing) you just need to get better so you wont have to rely on perks to carry your ass (because thats what strong perks do)

    about "joke on those ppl you bought Freddy when he was worst killer" i was maining him when he was worst killer and dropped him after his rework (because now hes braindead in use)

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    You realize my post was saying it wasn't Pay 2 Win, right? Maybe I'm not the one that has to get better, you just need to learn how to read. I don't give a ######### about perks. I was simply saying BHVR put the Shrine of Secrets in so people didn't have to pay to get perks. Never once did I say I agreed with peoples sentiments that the game was Pay 2 Win- It isn't. You can win with anything.

    Jesus, I hate this forum sometimes. "nIcE jOkE iM sTiLl LaUgHiNg"

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    "Β This is BHVR's way of dealing with the Pay 2 Win. If you had to pay to get Laurie and DS, one of the best Survivor perks, the Halloween chapter would likely be seen as Pay 2 Win"

    i mean that suggests there is P2W. Shrine isnt about P2W its just for ppl that doesnt want to spend more money and spending =/= P2W

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,570

    I see the Shrine as a fair way for players to get the perks that they want without having to purchase DLC's and level up the character that they may not want to play.

    Whilst there are updates that I'd like to see made to the Shrine (more perks available etc) I still think it's a pretty good way to be able to get the perks from all chapters (licensed or not) without having to purchase and level up characters. πŸ€’

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156
    edited February 2021

    Thana is only good on like 2 killers.

    Dragons Grip is so situational.

    Decisive Strike is immortal, and anyone with a brain plays around it always anyways.

    I personally believe ALL perks should be available at any time. However, 4 perks should go on sale every week and still cost Iri Shards.

    As in 4-6k for any perk, then every week 4 go to 2k as is now. This way youre not locking perks behind paywalls but still getting to create incentive to purchase those particular characters.

    Seems fair and business smart to me.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    You could get a character to Level 50 / Prestige 3 without ever playing a single match.

    It's purely a blood point investment.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I think more perks should definetly be available since 4 is hardly any as is. Id love for all to be available but I understand why not. Maybe have 4 survivor and 4 killer perks that rotate out.

    Also, the bloodpoint reward for duplicates should be bumped up a ton. I did it early on and now realize 150k bp for 2000 shards just isnt even close to worth it.