Counter play

I don't play hag very often but everytime I do i get swf and at least one has object and well we all know hag ain't good at chasing so what's the best play.


  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    You don't chase as Hag.

    Set up your web then coax survivors into it. Try your best to not play outside of your web or if you do only do so to chase survivors into your web.

    This is the difference good and bad Hag players.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I know how to use hag that's what I did but the object and one of her friends kept triggering every trap I put down.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Well if they are coordinated, they know how to win. So it's a hard challenge.

    Normally Hag is good for defence. You can build a net and survivors will ######### die there.

    SWF will destroy your whole net while you carrying survivor to the hook, so it's a waste of time. So just place several random traps somewhere just in case. It will probably work out later. And then just place traps while chasing in loops. If they bold enough to destroy your trap right after placing, you can bait them. Pretend placing trap and let go. Survivor will run into your face for free hit. If they not fail to the bait, they will probably abandon loop.

    Good thing you can ignore pallets. So instead of breaking pallet, place a trap. It will make them go for trap or go for another loop.

    When you see survivor running into a trap, start spamming teleport button like a maniac. It's always a free hit that only can be avoided with dead hard if they react in time.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    if they're spending time triggering traps, then that is half of the survivor team not spending any time on generators. Also, if they're continuously triggering traps, then your future *surrounding* traps should have made it so they would be triggered and thus causing them to go down.

    Crazy is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If the other two were suspected of being randoms who just want to work on gens, you should have placed your traps by the gens.

    If the SWF group decides to still trigger those traps, then that is free gen pressure while still only having half the team to finish the remainder. Toxic stops being fun when it stops being effective and makes you look a fool.