Why the hook counter for killer is pointless

Is it more important as killer to know who you've hooked or how many hooks you have? obviously who you've hooked so why does the hook counter exist in its current state? To encourage you to play killer how they want you to play. Every time I'm in a game as killer the hook counter just feels condescending like I'm not playing the right way when I'm having fun and its hard to ignore with how it blinks every hook. Adding a hook counter for each survivor would be a lot more useful and not make me feel this way. I know that you may think it will encourage tunneling but If someone wants to tunnel their going to do it regardless of a hook counter.
killers can't see the hook counter per each survivor for the same reason survivors can't see gen auras at all times.
It wasn't a problem before, why is it a problem now?
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seeing a hook counter doesn't help you find and kill the survivor like a gen aura would help you find and complete a gen. its a problem now because they put in a hook counter that is completely pointless when it could have a purpose.
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That's their problem lol, shouldn't have picked the same skin.
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Unless 4.5.1 changed something or it's bugged, the hook counter was counting hook states instead of actual hooks for me. I haven't played on 4.5.1 yet, but every Killer game I had during 4.5.0 would have it showing 12 hooks even when I knew for certain I didn't get that many. When a Survivor would kill themselves on hook, I would see the counter go up even though I wasn't doing anything. This also happened when they were the last one left and the game was automatically killing them. I even had two Survivors DC right before their second hook and the counter still went up. That's useless to me because I know what hook state a Survivor is on 99% of the time and a disconnected Survivor is already out of the game. Why is the game telling me something that I already know? I don't even know if this is counting towards my Emblems because of them being bugged right now. Is every game with four sacrifices now an automatic Iridescent Devout because the game thinks I'm getting more than nine hooks? If not, then what the hell is the purpose of this counter?! It's doing nothing but tell me what I already know!
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Still don't see a point for it. If the killer is going to tunnel, the core issue of which is not changing targets, being able to see everyone not hooked doesn't matter.
Have to agree that a counter would benefit both sides when survivors do this.
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It's pretty stupid. Seems like it's there to help you try to get to max hooks but not knowing how many times someone's been hooked could end up with you not getting all 12 because the last survivor to die, died on first hook.
It's basically saying "hey this is the current score and if the numbers don't add up, you've ######### up".
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Yeah hook counter doesn't seem that helpful, its not hard to remember how many hooks you have.
The biggest issue I have with it though is it looks really out of place, not only is it badly positioned lik emost o fthe HUD for this type of game but it just doesn't belong aesthetically. It looks like a hud piece from a scifi shooter not DBD.