Rank reset, seriously



  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Well I don't think it's very fun when a survivor goes down in less then twenty seconds and I don't know how rank reset use to work but I'm getting purple and yellow ranks since reset and I'm getting put against red ranks between 3 and 1 so if that's what's consider fun then no thank you, because purple and yellow ranks against a rank 1 or 3 is laughable and always end with me trying for a hatch or exit gate

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    You know what mate? You have the right attitude - as in you have a sense of humour. Because of that you are gonna be just fine! You need it for DBD trust me! Sometimes you just need to laugh and you're the sort of person more people should be like 👍

    MCRYANM Member Posts: 12

    I was rank 12 which would mean I go back to rank 13 during rank reset and i was there the day befire rank reset i go and check it after rank reset and i went from rank 12 to rank 17 which isnt supposed to happen.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Because of that bug I went from Rank 3 to Rank 8 and I'm also stuck there, the players I get matched up with are total noobs.. like rank 13's - 10's and they literally just stand around waiting for the killer to show up and hope they don't get caught.

    They don't bother doing gens because too afraid and they lose chases in under 10 seconds. The MM is so broken right now it's ridiculous.

    Players like me end up having to carry an entire team, on average I do 3 full gens a match and when it's time for me to get chased, I go for about 50 seconds on average and nothing gets done... the other survivors take their time healing and don't bother jumping on gen's while injured.

    I escape 1 out of every 20 games now and the games only last long enough for me to barely saftey pip... this game is cancerous as hell now.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    The pip system is pretty messed up right now tbh. Makes ranking up a pain because you'll find yourself depipping a lot more than you should.

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122

    I think people forget it's a game. They have no sense of humor and act like it's life or death. I was in a game with someone who looked up my time played and said "you suck and should give up i have 3k hours played and i'm a red rank and look at you...." They then died instantly. 😀

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Man I couldn't have said that better, I can't even explain what this game was I just had against a doctor and the sad thing about it, these be high ranking killers against low ranking survivors, they'll have two survivors dead one player downed and instead of hooking that one person and giving the last survivor a small chance to find the hatch or open an exit gate, they'll leave the survivor on the ground and will hunt you down for their 4k lol, which on average maxes the killer about 20,000 bp while survivors struggle for points since rank reset, I just had a match with a 10, 14, and a rank 6 vs a rank 5. I had 18,000, rank 10 had 13,000, rank 14 had 12,000, and rank 6 had 11, the killer didn't do anything special he didn't keep us at 5 gens, we actually made it down to 2 gens but he still averaged 30,000 bp, killers that hold you at 5 gens and hook everybody 3 hooks usually make that much

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    It would be true if the system wouldn't be broken right now. But, well, rn we have 'you filled the scale to +1 but you will get -1', 'you escaped but the unbroken emblem will be 0' and so on.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Eh, thats kinda 50/50 tho. Have you seen rank 8 survivors these days? They urban evade all the way from the opposite side of the map to your hook while 1 other is urban evading around a rock to not be spotted.

    If you've never been sandbagged by an urban evading Nea taking 70 seconds to crouch from one side of the map to the other side, you cannot claim people have been carried by their team. It takes longer for me to rank up after the depip bugs from rank 7 to rank 6 than it does going from rank 5 to rank 1(to be fair, Unbroken is still broken, 90% of the matches its black even though it should be Gold or Silver at least, pipping with only 3 working emblems is hard as double pips are impossible, not even mentioning how desync ######### your perspective as 1 killer needs to be right behind you to hit you while the other can hit you from the other side of the map). The main reason being teammates simply never unhooking me before I hit second stage, even if I looped the killer for 3 gens.

    So I gotta disagree there. Its not necessarily true.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's simple. I can reach red ranks. Will I bother playing enough to do so? Probably not. If I don't care to put in the effort/play time to do so I won't be red ranks. That doesn't mean I'm unable to do so. Just that I'm not invested enough to bother.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I was reading a few earlier comments from page 1 and some people like to act like they're gods at the game. Don't acknowledge the peanut gallery and negative comments. Currently, rank and emblems are broken. How did I go from Rank 5 with one pip, to rank 6 with three pips the very next match? How did I lose 3 pips without even disconnecting? Lol

    Anyway, if you're playing solo, sometimes teammates with lower skill than you can cause you to be negatively affected in your matches overall. Good luck, buddy, and may the odds be in your favor in your matches 👍👍👍.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That's 80% of Red Ranks too tho. At least before this update.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021

    Well if you actually read the posts instead of treating everyone in this thread like the enemy, you'll understand that I said the matchmaking is designed to put you with players of your skill level. If you went from Rank 3 to Rank 8, it's because you're at that skill level.

    I'm a rank 1, and on rank reset it will put me between 1-3 depending on how many times I DC'd, lost and won games that month. So if you go from red ranks all the way to purple ranks, that's your problem, not the game.

    Rank reset is fair. Yes you'll be playing with lower rank players, but the killers are also lower ranks, balancing out the game, which is what I said. The rank reset is designed to put the right players with the right teammates/opposition.

    At the end of the day, if you've been deranked to a lower level, that's your skill level. You can't really make an argument against it, all you can do is GIT GUD.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    it really wasnt tho, thats a heavy overexxaguration. At best, 10% of red rank games were like that, and even in that case, it was because of a premade lugging around a green rank.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That's fair.

    However, I'd still say that it was near 50% of Redranked games. It's too easy to pip normally.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Eh, not really, it requires knowledge on when you actually gain a black pip or a pip, its quite rare for people who never double pip to reach red ranks, even if they are carried. I had friends who were quite decent survivors but rarely achieved red ranks because depipping for survivor is just as easy as getting normal pips(especially before the mori nerf). They needed to learn how to double pip to be able to stay in red ranks.

    If you know how to gain double pips, you know you never urban evade unless you're actually meming(to be fair, I have had some games where all I did was urban evade, even when in chase, its actually quite fun using exhaustion perks like Lithe or DH with it too).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I don't share the same opinion. All you need to do is play a lot (or play with SWF). I am a terrible Survivor and I never leave Red Ranks simply because it was so easy to bladk pip.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Its easy to black pip as long as you dont get focussed by the killer*. You still lose pips if the killer constantly slugs you or tunnels you out of the match due to you not recieving any points while on hook, carried or slugged.

    As a killer tho, losing a pip requires you to be incredibly bad compared to the survivors.

    So yes, skill and rank dont match up ever since they made it easier in 2017, but the claim of 50% of RED RANK survivors to urban evade all across the map is simply false. Now, if we're talking red rank games, that's a different matter. Because red rank games can have purple and green rank survivors.