If both Killers/Survivors could only use Personal/Base Perks, What would be Meta?

So to clearify each Killer/Survivor can only use their own perks and the free perks everyone gets. Decided to change up the discussion since it's always the same.
For Survivor : I feel most would stick to the Free Survivors mostly Meg,David,Bill and Claud
For Killers : I think the pool would shrink really fast since some perks are better on other Killers , so the most Mobile/ Insta Down would be picked or those who have add-ons to help them. Billy , Nurse , Huntress, Twins
Meg and Laurie for Surv
Bubba, Billy, Nurse and Spirit for killer
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Man that's hard lol.
For Survivor, probably Laurie (DS and OoO), Bill (Unbreakable and Left Behind), and David (DH and WGLF).
For Killer, Shape maybe? His perks seem to synchronize well with his power. Definitely Spirit as well, all of her perks are decent and she's a powerful killer on her own. And finally, the Cannibal, because, well, BBQ, duh! Oh and also his other perks are alright, aaand instadown ability obviously.
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Meg for loopers, Bill for teamplayers and Jake for stealthers. Meg has Adrenaline and Sprint Burst, Bill has Unbreakable and Borrowed Time and Jake has Iron Will. Other Survivors while having some strong perks have other perks that are very bad, David has DH but he also has No Mither, Laurie has DS but she also has OoO (which you really need to have the skill to run, more than half the people I face with OoO are not up to the task and end dead very very fast) etc.
For Killers it depends for they still have their power and you have to factor how appealing it can be for certain people, I would play Myers and Jigsaw even if their perks were absolute trash.
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Hag and Bill.
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For survivor its easy laurie all the way DS is just too overpower to not play her when DS is nerf Meg will be the best survivor.
For killer its nurse all of her perk are great add thana or noed in the mix and you have a devasting killer with a overpower power
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For survivor it would be David, Bill then Meg.
For killer I'd say Nurse (No need for perks), Hag then Spirit.
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Blight for that massive Undying Blood Favour value
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I'd still play Quentin because him .> any perk.
As for killer, just for the perks I'd play hag.
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Killers: Hillbilly, Nurse, Cannibal, Clown, Spirit, Plague
Survivors: Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Laurie, Bill, David (If you can remove No Mither), Tapp
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I would still play Myers because I like him.
But since survivors are just skins I would play Laurie.
Funny how it turned out to be Halloween chapter in my case lol.