Blood Warden is completely misconcepted

BW was concepted, so the Killer still has a chance to get Survivors even if the exit gates are powered.

But it just works for a fraction of the time. If I am able to down and hook a survivor, while the exit gates are open, I have 1 minute at most, until the gates get unblocked again. First, normally it would take Survivors more than a Minute to unhook the survivor and run back to the exit gate. Second, normally I have to counter a destrike, which also runs for a minute at most, so I can't pick up the survivor again before the gates are unblocked again. Sure I can do that while the gates are still blocked, but then it just needs a simple loop for the survivor to run to the gates. In the meantime the minute has run out and the Survs can escape anyway. I'd prefer to have BW as a hex totem, that the survivors actually have to clean. But to make it easier, the survs can see the totem while standing in an exit gate.


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    It’s not a terrible perk. It’s inferior to NOED on many killers though. Running both is a waste and having 2 perk slots all game practically guarantees you will be seeing the endgame a lot.

    Bubba, would much rather have BW than NOED since he one shots anyways for example.

    The main problem with it is finding the time to open the door yourself if the survivors don’t feel pressured enough to open it themselves.

    Other than that it definitely can help you pick up a few extra kills here and there, and can be part of a well rounded build.

    You can attempt to run down the endgame clock through slugging and lock everyone in but smart survivors will never fall for it.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,019

    That's not a good idea. IMO, this would make the perk broken since you could just guard the totem until the EGC kills the survivors.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Exactly my thoughts. This would be a terrible idea lol.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    A better idea would be to let it work after the gates are powered, not opened.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Blood warden is garbage every since the EGC was implemented (conveniently with Remember Me nerfs as well). Survivors just 99 the gates now, and excluding clutch situations a 99'd gate is functionally the same as having a door open.

    There is no point in running the perk because it relies on survivors being ridiculously altruistic - especially when it best combos with NOED. I know that when I play survivor, I just dip as soon as I see my distortion stacks start ticking while standing in an exit area.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    An idea I seen someone else make is that: BW is queued for activation once the Exit Gates are opened.

    If you hooked someone before the Exit Gates are opened, then once the survivors do open the Exit Gates — BW activates. This sounds pretty strong, but you're sacrificing a perk slot the entire game just to have massive pressure towards the end.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I run this perk often. Sure it doesn't always work but wheh it does..... It's just orgasmic!!! (is that even a word?)

    Don't change my favourite perk please!

    Ideally you need to get every one on death hook, once gates are powered try to down someone and work it how to get the gates open without triggering BW right away. Then just play stupid until egc is at around 40% left. That's when you hook someone and go watch them die.