Killer Mains and their idea of "Balance"

What kind of kill rate do you want so you would finally be statisfied? According to some voices here, people seem to want to 4k legit every single match. I mean do you guys realize the othr side of the same coin wants to have fun too?

A kill rate of 100% is NOT balance! Balance would be 50/50 which means killers getting a average of 2k in most matches.



  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Kill rates don't mean anything to me for these reasons, however they do show that some killers can overperform IF you use logic to see why. Take freddy for example he isn't hard to play and his power is good HOWEVER he has the highest kill rate by over 4% of the next highest and a above average pick rate in high ranks and that is without a way to secure kills. If you look around the top 5 pig is in there despite not having that strong of a power and the reason for that is because she is really good at securing kills with her traps to the point where a good pig can kill 2 survivors in endgame if they have active rbt's on. doctor is also in the top 5 and the reason is because he can secure 4k's the easiest out of all killers by easily finding the last survivor. Since freddy doesn't have a way to secure kills it means his kill rate is up there because he simply is winning a large amount of his matches.

    Another thing 50/50 doesn't mean they get 2 kills a match it means they are either fully losing a game or winning one each game, there are only 4 survivors each contribute 25% to the kill rate per game. Most games the killer can at least get 1-2 kills on a losing game and when the killer wins it is usually with 3-4 kills, this means that the kill rate won't be at 50% it should be above that since it will get bumped up by the killer getting at least one kill oo two on lost games. if a killer has lowerer or around 50% it means that the killer is losing more than they are winning take nurse for example new players will get 1 kill if any at all.

    Lastly SWF needs to be considered for balance as it makes survivors way more optimal, these kill rates have solo's mixed with it and a good killer can beat a group of solo's since they lack coordination but swf fixes just that. IMO we need separate kill rates for games with and without swf to see how it affects killers and to see what killers can reliably beat a swf in general.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2021

    First of all you don't go by kill rates as kill rate data is heavily flawed for a multitude of factors. IE a killer main hypothetically wouldn't even ask for a certain kill rate in regards to balance.

    While heavily flawed as well, pips/emblems would still do much better justice in showing balance than kill rates. Pips/emblems for one example would differentiate 2 kills from a balanced match or a match where the killer just face camped 2 people all game.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited February 2021

    Every killer should be able get a 2k/2e which should be considered a draw when two groups of equally skilled players are playing. This should be true at the lowest levels of play and the absolute highest level of play where the top .1% play each other.

    I also I think an entire match should be taken into account. If those 2 kills happen during EGC while the survivors slam 5 gens. That isn't much fun. It should be a steadily paced game.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    There are two main problems with killrates: the unequal distribution of kills and unfair matches.

    You need only one down for 1 kill. When you play to get one kill, the survivors need to destroy you to avoid that. On the other hand only one escape is unlikely. Matches were only one survivor escapes through the exit gate are rare. So most games are 1 kill or 4 kills (3 kills when the killer dont want to slug) So it would be more interesting to see how often 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 kills happen and not the average killrate.

    Second problem are unfair matches. Even without moris there are things which can favor one side immensely. But the most important variable is skill. When a veteran plays against a hundred hour player the game is unfair. I could loop some players for the entire match, but others go down in 5 sec against the same player. This matches make the data unreliable.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    It's both sides take the DS nerf it is obviously too strong and provides a safety net to do any interaction yet players will whine that they can't do gens with it anymore when gen speed as it is is already very fast. These players also complain about things that are balanced or not problematic in the 4v1 aspect like deathslinger or bbq.

    For the players that want easier 4k's what comes to my mind are the people that think the last survivor escaping by hatch without doing anything even tho they already won the game is unfair. Honestly the only other example i can think of for killers wanting easier wins is wanting certain killers buffed but that is exactly why they want buffs since they can't beat a good swf and that's not the players fault swf simply can beat most killers by out pressuring them with gens.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    Why is this a conversation, survivors and killers have skill caps, if the killer is good then 4k is balanced because he earned it. If the survivors are good then all 4 will escape. A balance is nothing to do with getting kills, it's skill. Get good at the game and show that your deserve an escape and deserve a 4k. Although, 50/50 is literally balanced.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    ok but take the highest amount of skill on both sides and survivors win, the exception to this out of all the killers is nurse DEPENDING on the map that's not balanced.

    50/50 also wont work since on losing games killers can still get 1-2 kills and winning games are 3-4 which will make the kill rate above 50% as seen with the stats provided by the devs.

  • OopsAllMyers
    OopsAllMyers Member Posts: 14

    While I am in no way innocent of never wishing i could 4k each game, i also understand the 2k for 2 escapes ideal. The dev's are likely attempting this, but its insanely difficult on either side to achieve this balance. An obnoxiously good killer running meta perks and addons will be more likely to 3 or 4k than a killer who is less meta focused.

    What it comes down too isnt so much the idea of 'killers dont know balance' its that the concept of balance in a game where the 2 sides are vastly different and have opposing goals. Every survivor strives for a whole team escape with no deaths, and evey killer wants the dream 5 gen 4k and the 2 physically cant happen together.

    Dead by daylight cant be put into a 50/50 mindset, factors just wont allow such a thing to exist at the current moment, even if alot of people in the community wish it did.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Survivors have the rule of 2 for proper popping, but for killers its different. Survivors can do the rule of 2, be killed and still pip.

    12 hooks won't happen especially at high ranks. I like the 4k, but will give hatch if I'm feeling nice (and the last survivor doesn't wiggle!). I'm happy with either a 2k or a fun match with even 1k. But if I got bullied all match and 1k then im more hungry for 4k the next match.

    Even in movies, at least 1 survivor lives. In Scream, you had Randy, Dewey, Gale, Sidney and her dad all survived while the killer's killed 5. So it was exactly 50%. If you apply that logic to DBD then it'll be 2 survivors proportionately.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    As long as killers or survivors don't lose ranks because there both playing trash.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589
    edited February 2021

    Lmao! Ofcourse i want to win all the time against BAD players, while being a GOOD klller. But at the same time i don't want to be easily destroyed by equaly GOOD survivor teams.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I mean as a survivor as long as you do good your whole team can pip despite getting destroyed, it's why ranks imo are obsolete when talking about skill as to me it just shows you know how to play the game not necessarily that you are good at it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    A Killer that immediately downs all 4 Survivors and gets a 4k with 4 hooks isn't out of their league, and tombstone Myers only makes sense with the objective being kills > hooks.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited February 2021

    I'm sure some people on both sides want that, but the difference is that the red rank and overall kill rates in DBD have never been below 50%, with the possible exception of red rank kill rate close to launch. The most recent stats show a 68% kill rate at red ranks, and much lower at all ranks (56%). Meanwhile the popular narrative on the forum is that killers are strong at low rank and weak at high rank, and that killers therefore need buffs to give them a fair chance at high rank (e.g. longer gen times, "early game collapse").

    I'm not going to go so far as to say the kill rate must be 50% or the game is unbalanced. There is certainly going to be some noise in that number, and it'd also be better to see what's specifically going on in matches; for example, are killers getting a reasonable amount of hooks en route to that 2k average? Still, there are many on the forum that ignore this statistic entirely and persist with a "survivors OP" idea with the justification that hook suicides and sandbagging could be combining to substantially inflate kill rate, even though there are other factors like farming and granting hatch pushing the kill rate back down. That is speculative at best and doesn't pass the eye test.

    Some will point to tournaments to say survivors are OP, while others dispute that survivor performance is even that good in tournaments. Regardless, though, tournaments are not a good reflection of balance in the game. They routinely ban perks, items, add-ons, offerings, maps/realms, certain tactics (e.g. repairing while injured as survivor, camping/slugging as killer), etc. and they often have varied or unique win conditions (e.g. most BPs gained wins). Given all of these rules that impact how games will play out it's not reasonable to draw conclusions on overall game balance, not that anyone has even attempted to calculate kill rate over a sample of many tournaments to see how it actually compares to the overall averages. There's also no way of comparing skill between the participants without a functional MMR system, so that's another factor we can't control for. It's interesting, then, with all of the added variables at play with tournaments and deviations from the base game that people are willing to discount kill rate because of their subjective impression of tournament results.

    At the end of the day it's Behaviour's job to look at all of the available data and to balance the game accordingly. While I don't have access to the same data, I do feel they're steered the game in the right direction over the years. I haven't seen any compelling evidence to the contrary amidst the "devs bad" spam on the forum.

    TL;DR If anyone has evidence to share that they feel is a compelling counterpoint to kill rate as far as balance is concerned, please share it. Otherwise, consider taking OP's point to heart.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Actually it DOES mean they're out of their league. Their skill level is wildly ABOVE that of the survivors. That's bad matchmaking. Remember that "out" means in either direction. If you down all four guys and hook them before anybody can get a save, you're playing against potatoes.

    Tombstone Meyers (and all the Moris, pre-nerf) are there to either feel empowered as the killer for once, or to get a guy out of the match, because the game becomes way easier for the killer when there's only 3 people to deal with. Playing auto-kills is more for funsies than a real indication of the normal gameplay experience and should not be regarded as valuable data when calculating survivor/killer stats.

    Remember: Freddy is getting 'changed' (nerfed) because his kill numbers are 'too high'. But how many of those numbers reflect petulant survivors who don't want to play against Freddy and just give up on the first hook (or just DC)? We don't know and that's crummy because that inflates the perception of strength. Freddy's way more likely to get a 4k if he only has to deal with 3 guys for 99% of the match and all it takes is one person deciding to screw over their team.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I mean,i see a TON of nerf x killer and nerf x killer perk here.

    It's more or less balanced between both sides

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    Freddy has both the highest kill rate and pick rate. It's the combination of both that is the problem.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited February 2021

    Btw to answer the OP's question, 70%. Reasoning being that this particular ratio allows for the game to remain mathematically balanced regardless of how many Survivors happen to be alive at any given moment.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Kill rate is as I mentioned above. I've run into a ton of survivors who just auto-DC the second they see the who they're playing against, which basically throws the game for everyone else. The high pick rate is partly because he was the WORST killer in the game and his rework made him actually good and fun to play. Plus, he's got two distinct power choices with Snares and Palettes, giving him a lot more replay value than most one-trick ponies.

    Certainly, I'm sure the complaints about how OP he is has also driven up killers who want an easier time of it. I think everyone will agree that Nurse is the most powerful killer, but she's extremely hard to play from the get-go. Freddy doesn't have the same "feels bad to play until you're suddenly amazing" hurdle. But that hurdle also goes for all the other skill-shot killers, like Deathslinger, Huntress, or Pyramid Head. The killer is only good if you main them for a really long time.

    Freddy has all the tools a killer needs (chase catch-up snares, mind game palettes, scream tracking, gen patrol teleports, and gen slowdown addons), and both feels good to play and doesn't have an absurdly high skill ceiling you need to master. I'd far prefer them to make all killers closer to Freddy and just reduce the amount of time gens take to do. If everybody is having fun, shorter games would be far preferable to slow ones where everything is a grind for survivors and killers alike.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Meanwhile the popular narrative on the forum is that killers are strong at low rank and weak at high rank, and that killers therefore need buffs to give them a fair chance at high rank (e.g. longer gen times, "early game collapse").

    People talk about actual red rank.

    It's very very easy to get into high ranks.It's more a matter of play time rather than actual skill.Combine that with the new rank reset and people pretty much never leave red ranks once they've reached it.

    The kill rate right know is so high because most survivors you see are really really bad at the game.

    I do feel they're steered the game in the right direction over the years. I haven't seen any compelling evidence to the contrary amidst the "devs bad" spam on the forum.

    I agree,the balance is definetely the best it has ever been so far.However,the devs sure are a mixed bag when it comes down to balance.It's incidents like the Gearhead + Coup de Grace nerfs,Trappers state right now etc. that make people question their balance decisions.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited February 2021

    This isn't happening on a wide scale, though. Even in a world where every Bubba just face camped every survivor they caught, his pick rate is only 4.3%, so his contribution to the overall kill rate is not substantial.

    There needs to be a more compelling reason to entirely discount kill rate, and I have yet to hear one. Provided we treat the number as a bit noisy rather than exact due to factors like farming, granting hatch, bugs, sandbagging, hook suicides, etc., it still should be a reasonable ballpark for balance. It's also quite useful as a measure of practical balance, i.e. how often you actually should expect to survive / how many survivors you actually should expect to kill when you join a public match; that's literally what the number shows, and this is important because it's how players actually experience the game. When I'm talking about "noise" in this number, I'm just implying that the average kill rate in matches in which all players try their hardest until the very end and encounter no bugs along the way is probably not exactly the same as the overall kill rate. The latter number may be more relevant for balancing the game, and I'm sure the devs are keeping their eye on other statistics to get insight into that as well, but the former is what's relevant to every one of use when we queue up. In other words, in late 2020, a red rank survivors actually did die in 68% of their matches. Given that the hatch always opens for the last survivor now, that's a very high number. The 56% at all ranks is much more reasonable, but the red rank numbers are lopsided enough to suggest the game does tend to be killer sided at high rank. There could be a number of factors at play here, so it's not necessarily a case of the game being fundamentally killer-sided; maybe it's just harder to pip as killer, meaning red rank survivors tend to be comparatively weaker players, for example. Still, the reality for red rank players is that 68% kill rate. That's why it's frustrating to hear red rank killers on the forum calling for sweeping killer buffs because they apparently aren't powerful enough to hang with red rank survivors. Like, kill rate could well drop high rank when MMR goes live even without any actual balance changes, but for now it is indisputable that killers are feasting at red rank (or, at least as of late 2020). Red rank killers therefore do not need buffs to be able to hang. Like I said, 68% is not necessarily going to reflect the theoretical balance of the game, but it does reflect how well killers are actually performing. To see that number and then to ignore it and call for buffs just doesn't make sense to me, and yet that's what many on the forum have been doing.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    I'd settle for matchmaking that didn't thrust my Green Rank ass into 4 red rank survivor lobbies every other game.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Unfortunately what you just said only magnifies the issue.

    If a killer is good enough to at least 2k/2e against the highest team when played at an equal level, that same killer will destroy a lower level team, leading that team and others like it to see killer as OP. Now if the best of the best are in the top, let's say, 15%, and you're about even with them, that means anyone in the 85% will feel like the killer role is OP.

    The other side of that coin is unfortunately for a tourney viable setting (if that's what we want to achieve) is it would kind of necessitate balancing in that way - after all, if you put in the work to get good, shouldn't you be wrecking the vast majority of players? And it isn't your fault they refuse to get better...

    But the thing is,ost competitive games kill off a huge amount of their player base going competitive. There isn't a great financial incentive to make the game competitive leaning, even IF they knew by what criteria they would need to modify the game in order to achieve this goal.

    Most fighting games, for instance, do not enjoy the long lifespan that say, a LoL enjoys. That's why you see expansions as quickly as you do for games that add maybe a character or two and ask you to pay at least half the admission price again (although fighters today benefit way more from the fact most gamers are always online and they can endlessly expand the roster like Tekken 7, Street fighter 5, and even Mortal Kombat 11)

    Dbd COULD probably go that way if it wanted to, but as the one exclusive successful game of BHVR, I understand their reluctance to gamble. I just take the game for what it is, I've been long I win or break even on the vast majority of games and that's just fine.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    remember what the devs have talked about is not a per match result, but an average. most killers do not care if they get a 4k EVERY match, but they do care when they get robbed of the 4k by the game mechanics etc. their hard work should be rewarded yes and it IS hard work. gotta remember most survivor mains expect 4 man survival each match, yet many of them don't truly expect that, but get upset when game mechanics rob them of that survival rate. this is not something you should ask only the killer mains but the group as a whole. and please remember those that post here are the vocal minority of the players of this game. So responses here may be indicative of but not be what everyone wants.

    the devs did not say every match should be a 2K and 2 escape. that should be the AVERAGE. the "KILL" rate you talk about is a flawed metric and does not account disconnects, quitting and other things. so it is a bad metric to use, unfortunately they do use it.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    It shouldn't be a matter of kill rate but fun rate.

    i don't care if i don't get more than 2 kills as long as i don't have to sweat for it.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    I keep telling survivors that just going by kill rates is actually going to bite us in the butts cuz the kill rates for all ranks is 56%. You nerf red ranks and that'll drop the average kill rate down far below 50%, which means the devs will start buffing killers to be easier to play but either harder to master or lower their skill ceilings. Imagine more Freddies or spirits...

    Here's an important thing to note. Kill rates shouldn't be fully discarded. However, they should be using more than kill rates to balance the game.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Survivor mains and their idea of "Balance"

    What kind of escape rate do you want so you would finally be satisfied? According to some voices here, people seem to want to escape legit every single match. I mean do you guys realize the other side of the same coin wants to have fun too?

    An escape rate of 100% is NOT balance! Balance would be 50/50 which means survivors getting a average of 2 escapes in most matches.

    See, I can do it too. Some people on both sides want easy games, not just killers mate.

    And just a pointer, never listen to kill rates, they're incredibly skewed.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Forget kill rates. We should go by win rates.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited February 2021

    I agree with you pipping being disproportionately easy on the survivor side could lead to higher kill rates at red rank. Still, though, the narrative on the forum is that gens are too fast and red rank killers generally aren't powerful enough to deal with high rank survivors. Whether the 68% kill rate is caused by boosted potato survivors who have brute forced their way into red rank or whether the fundamental balance of the game is more to blame, it doesn't change the reality that red rank killers are performing extremely well right now. Still, many very good and experienced players are calling for killer buffs.

    What I mentioned about might be what you meant by saying survivors are "really really bad at the game", but there's a nuance I want to address - In theory, if this game were perfectly balanced, you could grab players from any percentile of skill, drop them in a match together, and check back later to find roughly a 2k average. If survivors are bad as in "boosted because it's easier to pip as a bad survivor than a bad killer", that means we're not actually getting matches between players of similar skill and MMR should therefore resolve this. I think this is a reasonable point of view as I said above, although it's still not enough to justify killer buffs before MMR is even live. If survivors are bad because they're not as close to reaching their side's skill ceiling, though, that is not a good justification for killer buffs. Let's say, for example, that everyone plays survivor first before moving onto killer, so killers are actually more experienced players on average. As a result, let's say that the average survivor is 70% of the way to the theoretical skill ceiling for their side and that the average killer is more like 80-90%. That's not very relevant to balance in my opinion. Yes, it might mean that some insane outliers on the survivor side are able to perform disproportionately better than some insane outliers on the killer side, but at the end of the day it doesn't make sense to buff killer based on a theoretical skill ceiling that almost no one is reaching. Things like this would need to be accounted for if DBD were to have a competitive scene, but otherwise it's really not too relevant. Regardless, though, the best way to account for this on Behaviour's side would be to actually lower the survivor skill ceiling or raise the killer skill ceiling, and these sorts of changes shouldn't impact balance much at all for the plebs.

    I thought the Coup de Grace change was fine, although it would have been cool to reduce the lunge range from the PTB version but increase the lunge speed to compensate. I agree that Gearhead got hit too hard. What's wrong with Trapper right now, though? People on both sides have been complaining about RNG with his traps for years, and now they're finally less RNG. Survivors benefit from chopping off the high end of possible escape attempts, while Trapper benefits from making fast escapes much less likely. This should effectively just make escape times more consistent without really changing his balance all that much. In my opinion their balance changes have been mostly decent over the years, but if they announce ten good/neutral and uncontroversial changes and one bad change (or one that's actually fine but that the community thinks might be a nerf to their preferred side) the community just ignores the positive changes, riots about the one bad change, and calls the entire patch terrible. They're definitely not perfect and I certainly haven't liked all of their changes, but that's the sort of thing that has started to grind on me.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited February 2021

    He has a high kill rate because people suicide against the hook against him because they find him boring. I guarantee you if this didn't happen his kill rate would be quite low.

    Happens at all ranks even at Rank 1 in my games - People don't like Freddy's low skill floor and they don't enjoy playing against him with all the slowdown and gen stopper builds he runs.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    That would be balanced though. You're forgetting that the ideal balance is pitting equally skilled people against one another.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    What are you referring to ? My NOED example with two kills after getting no hooks all game via artificial lose-design or do you mean something else?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    You said at the beginning that the better player/players should win. That, that would be balanced. Which I don't disagree with. The goal however is to have equally skilled players on each side. Which would make the 2k/2e balanced.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Aaah okay gotcha, well put.

    On a side note I wouldn't mind getting nothing but 2ks if I felt like the skill level was actually equal.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited February 2021

    Few things:

    If a killer is good enough to at least 2k/2e against the highest team when played at an equal level, that same killer will destroy a lower level team, leading that team and others like it to see killer as OP. Now if the best of the best are in the top, let's say, 15%, and you're about even with them, that means anyone in the 85% will feel like the killer role is OP.

    It's almost like... It's almost like, that's the point.

    If i am playing chess as a 1500 against a 1500, i should win 50% of the time and lose 50% of the time. If me as a 1500 plays against someone rated 2500, i should lose 99.99% of the time. That doesn't mean the game is unbalanced, it means that the person is way better than me. To bring it back to DbD. If a rank 20 killer plays against rank 20 survivors, they should on average kill 200 survivors during the course of 100 games. Same goes for the rank 1 killer against rank 1 survivors. Some games end in a 4k, some end in a 0k, some end in a draw. But on average it should even out to that 2k/2e.

    The other side of that coin is unfortunately for a tourney viable setting (if that's what we want to achieve) is it would kind of necessitate balancing in that way - after all, if you put in the work to get good, shouldn't you be wrecking the vast majority of players? And it isn't your fault they refuse to get better...

    This is untrue, there are ways you can balance a game around high level players while keeping lower skilled players in mind:

    One example of something that is holding back lower skilled players but has 0 impact on high skilled players is skill checks. There are also things that high level players do, like loop around great loops like jungle gyms and killer shacks with perfect efficiency, that low skill survivors aren't doing.

    Something that could help this is to make all of the loops mindgameable (AKA no god loops) but put more of them in a map. This would mean higher skilled survivors are going to have more opportunities to showcase that skill by winning chases through mindgames rather than through brute forcing god pallets, and lower skilled survivors are going to have more pallets to work with. The more pallets won't effect low skilled killers too negatively because those survivors aren't playing very efficiently, and it won't hurt high level players because now mindgames are more effective and able to be dealt with.

    Or totems: Like high skill survivors memorizing totem placements, so Hexes aren't as good against them, but low skill survivors don't know the spawns so they can't cleanse them as fast, making hex perks much stronger against them. You can do things that make it so hexes aren't as powerful against low skilled players, but better against higher skilled players (one idea i have is that all hexs should work like thrill of the hunt and decrease in power as totems are cleansed rather than being one and done, and when a hex is in the game all totems become lit, this would mean that the perks are more effective against higher skilled players who now have to cleanse more totems, but if a low skilled survivor stumbles across a totem they can slightly weaken the perk rather than just being unlucky and finding a dull totem.)

    These are just a few examples.

    Most fighting games, for instance, do not enjoy the long lifespan that say, a LoL enjoys. That's why you see expansions as quickly as you do for games that add maybe a character or two and ask you to pay at least half the admission price again (although fighters today benefit way more from the fact most gamers are always online and they can endlessly expand the roster like Tekken 7, Street fighter 5, and even Mortal Kombat 11)

    How is this any different then what DbD does? All of these games (even LoL) constantly add new characters to the game that spice things up or shift the balance. That's how a game works in general, if you don't add new content eventually people leave regardless. But not having a competitive scene, not having something to strive toward isn't going to help either. 2 things can be true at the same time.

    Also, SF5 is going on into year 5, so is DbD. Again, i don't understand the argument here about longevity.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I don’t expect to 4k every game, but it should at least be a possibility based on my performance. There are some maps/ gen and tile setups that pretty much let me know I am going to lose unless the survivors are bad. That should never happen.

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    Like many others have already pointed out, I'd like to see the killrate with the following games being discounted:

    • suicide on first hook because I don't like the killer / the map / their cosmetics / I was the first to go down, giving the killer an easy win
    • killer gets like two hooks the whole game, hooks somebody in the end thx to NOED - at low ranks he gets a one kill because everyone is so afraid of NOED they just leave - at high ranks he gets a 4k because survivors throw their brain away while desperatly trying to save that one person
    • games in which at least two potato survivors are so boosted by SWF and the broken rank system that they end up in red ranks nonetheless and doom the whole team
    • people throwing because they want to finish some absurd tome challenge
  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    There's some incredibly biased survivor mains that think all killers need to be nerfed to the ground, just Saiyan.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    All of these are especially important - Especially with the Tome - You can generally see a shift in how people play each time a battlepass is involved. People will literally play specifically to finish the challenge and then suicide to be time efficient and get into the next game as survivor as soon as they can.

    To me the noed thing seems like an isolated issue at worse off ranks but I'm sure BHVR wouldn't count biege rank games to their balance stats right? Right..?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No-one with any experience cares about kill rates, because they know just how badly it gets inflated.

    DbD is still unbalanced and still unfair, and not because killers are OP. It's because survivors don't even have to properly engage with them. Sure, in solo que you won't see this top much, but go play killer at red ranks in the evening and you'll quickly learn just how fast gens can get done, and how much you absolutely despise second chance perks.