Leatherface Masks

Greetings all...

I have been trying to unlock the Dwight, Meg, Claudette and Jake face masks for Leatherface. I read on the DBD wiki and on the forums that you need to sacrifice 25 of each survivor as Leatherface to unlock the masks. Over the past few weeks, I have been keeping track of my Leatherface sacrifices and I have sacrificed well over 25 of both Meg and Claudette so far but the masks are not unlocking. Does anyone know if these masks are still obtainable or has the sacrifice requirements changed ?


  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    here is the thread i participated in...they are saying it is fixed but i still don't have them so I'm trying them over again to see if i need to create a new report...i'm on playstation and my original sacrifices weer on ps4 so I'm continuing there

    search "LEATHERFACE MASKS NOT WORKING" in bug reporting

    by The_Dong

    it's 25 sacrifices each - it's on the wiki

    Post edited by coley_219 on
  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    I thought it was 50 sacrifices per mask? Granted I'm basing this on something I think I read years ago.